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Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2)

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Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 14:11:07

Yeah, I know, it's about time.

Well, here they finally are! We're very sorry for the huge delay, and by huge I mean massive. This year's competition has been a mess, admittedly, and we're very sorry. It's our first proper competition that we organised, and we never knew it'd get such an awesome response and be so popular, so we were unsure of things and made a few mistakes. As I said before, next year's should be better. There's a chance we can have up to 6 judges for the 2010 NGADM, so it's going to be epic!

Anyway... We've had fun reviewing your submissions, on the whole they were very good. If you've noticed, we've had a number of close calls in the results, but luckily no ties.

Also, don't count on the old deadlines. The new ones were posted in the results post in this thread, and you can follow those. May I also remind everyone NOT to post anything until the results post has been posted, which comes after this SBB's reviews. I'm going to post my reviews, Darklight17's and SBB's (using this account and my alts DarkShadow166 and RavenGuard), and the pairings for Round 3 will be posted tomorrow. If we made any mistakes anywhere, just point out, I have a feeling I messed up somewhere but I don't know where...

Again, sorry for the massive delay, we've had you guys waiting for a month, but it's here at last. Good job to those who made it, and tough luck to those who didn't! Enjoy the results!

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 14:15:00



SUMMARY : Has some issues.

REVIEW : All in all, it's an extremely relaxing song, and definitely an above-average Ambient song. Unfortunately, it does have its defects, which reduce the enjoyment that you get when listening to this song. Firstly, I think this has some problems with the song structure. The intro lasted a bit too long, IMO, and you practically introduced the drums halfway through the song, which is a bit of a bummer. Also, speaking of drums, the drums themselves are a bit rough. Some lighter percussion that flows a little more with the song would be better, IMO. Some shakers, soft kicks, maybe a few soft cymbals. Try and go for a mystical feel with the drums, and try keeping them smooth and light. Also, some parts in the song seemed as if they were starting to pick up, but unfortunately died down again, namely the part at 2:11, where drums are introduced, but then at 2:18-ish the drums disappear, leaving the listener wondering why they went. That part, TBH, was a bit anti-climatic. Also, the drums could use a bit more variety, and this lacks sound effects too. Anyway, on the bright side, the melody you used here is beautifully done, and the chords the bells played fit perfectly with what you were going for. Instrument choice was pretty good too: the strings, although not exactly realistic, fit well with the song, and that 'pan flute' type pad which comes in at 1:31 or so was right at home along with the other instruments. Bell sounded pretty good too, although maybe giving it a bit more of an echo or some delay might sound better. The intro was good, and the ending, well, it DOES sound a little cheesy, but that's hardly a problem since it's a very fitting ending. My only complaint is that I think it should end on the tonic. I think it'd be better since the title is 'Understanding', and by not ending it on the tonic, you're sort of leaving the song asking a 'question', which is sort of the opposite of 'understanding'. So yeah, I think by ending it on the tonic you'd have a more satisfying ending :). Atmosphere was very good, and in some parts of the song I was impressed by your great background depth. Overall, I think this is a very good submission, but it has some problems such as the long intro, rough and slightly repetitive drums that aren't too fitting, some anti-climatic parts, lack of sound effects, and an ending that is great but unfortunately doesn't seem to end on a fitting note. On the other hand, your background depth/atmosphere, melodies, instrument choice and intro are fantastic, and it shows that you're a talented ambient artist. Keep up the good work! 8/10.

SCORE : 8/10


SUMMARY : Too bad it's so short.

REVIEW : This is a really cool submission, which is extremely fun to listen to. First thing that hits you when the loop starts would be its rhythm. It's so fast-paced, and powerful. It fits perfectly with a vertical shooter, and definitely has that power in it to give you that extra 'push' in a game to keep on going and never give up. I also LOVE the melodies you incorporated in this. I mean wow, those melodies won't be getting out of my head anytime soon. You also had some nice-sounding synths, even though at times some were a little generic, but overall the synths were well done, and so was the background depth. It also looped extremely well, although maybe adding a crash cymbal at the beginning would furthermore make the loop even better, since I think the outro is a bit more powerful than the intro, so adding a crash cymbal would give it a slightly smoother loop. Now for the bad news. Unfortunately, this song sounds very cluttered, and I think the drums are WAY too sidechained. Maybe it's that compressor, since it makes the drums cover up the melodies, and it's easy to notice that whenever a drum hit plays, the song's volume goes down a little before going back up again. In other words, try and incorporate a better mix. Also, this is very short, and although loops are usually around this length, when comparing it to Niloc's submission, his is much longer than yours, which shows that yours needs to be longer. Also, I expected a powerful buildup at around 0:21-0:31, and then at 0:32, you add an extremely powerful climax, before going to the slightly calmer part that you have now at 0:32. On the other hand, the drums sounded nice, even though they cover up so much of the whole loop, and I was particularly impressed how well the piano fit with the rest of the song. Variety is also top-notch. So, overall, this submission is excellent, with amazingly catchy melodies, good background depth, nice-sounding synths, powerful fast paced rhythm, a good loop, cool drums, interesting piano solo and great variety, but it has some big problems which really ruin the song, such as the bad mix, very short length and lack of a powerful buildup at 0:21 and a huge climax at 0:32, which is why I had to reduce 2 points. Keep up the great work though!

SCORE : 8/10


Niloc14 - 8 / 10
Manhart - 8 / 10

Continues on next post...

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 14:17:34

At 3/1/10 02:15 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
Continues on next post...


SUMMARY : Nice mood change!

REVIEW : This submission is awesome, and fits with the name perfectly. I'll start by complimenting the AMAZING quality this submission has. The instruments sounded real, and those bagpipes are able to bring tears down the listener's ears. I mean, where did you get such an amazing sample? Melodies were beautifully done, especially the bagpipes. The ambient part at the beginning had an excellent melody, which was extremely calming and instantly lets you imagine a peaceful land. Choir was amazing, I wish I saw more of it, possibly more choirs in the 'War' part: some male choirs, either playing some powerful staccato notes, or playing long notes in the background. Also, perhaps the addition of some soft congas and bongoes at the beginning would portray a more peaceful and relaxing soundscape. Anyway, those are just some small suggestions which may or may not make the song better. What I think could've been better is the transition from 'love' to 'war' at 1:23-ish. I'd suggest playing some long, calm ambient notes, and suddenly one of those notes is a discordant chord (maybe 2 notes play together each a semitone apart or something). This could indicate a lack of agreement between two groups of people living in the peaceful land conveyed at the beginning. Then, cymbals, bass drums and timpanis build up, and suddenly, the song switches from majestic, calm and peaceful to powerful and evil, as you did at 1:55-ish. Also, the percussion was a little simple on the whole and the ending was really weird. I think a more powerful, 'all hope lost' held back final note would be a bit better. Anyway, other than those complaints, I absolutely loved the song. The strings at the end provided powerful tension and suspense, and the brass hits just added to the amazingly powerful and evil suspense at the end. Overall, this is a really cool submission, better than 'Ganondorf's War' IMO, with a creative mood change, excellent melodies, utterly amazing quality/instruments, fantastic choirs and a very good atmosphere. I'd suggest working a bit more on that transition, fixing the ending, adding some congas/bongoes at the beginning and adding more complicated percussion/more choirs, but those are all small nitpicks. 9/10, for an excellent submission.

SCORE : 9/10



REVIEW : Has some problems here and there, but sounds really good overall. I'll start with the riffs. They were very catchy, especially as the song progressed, and I really liked the riff at 1:02, and the part at 1:50 was awesome. Loved the part at 2:38, it was a great addition to the song. 3:15 was cool, but I don't think it really fit with the overall submission, since it sort of came out of nowhere at the end like that. Possibly starting the song with some soft guitar plucking, and then moving on to powerful and loud would be better. It would provide a better intro, since the one you have now is a bit abrupt; the way it starts loudly like that, and it would also make the soft guitar part at the end sound a little less unexpected and out of nowhere. Also, as you may already know if you read SBB's review, this song needs more bass. The treble overpowers everything and makes the song a bit annoying to listen to. Other than that, the mastering was fantastic, and your hard work surely paid off. Now onto the transitions. Most of the transitions here were decent, and the drum transitions were excellently executed, but I don't quite agree with the transitions at 1:50 and 3:14, since I think they both went from loud to soft too suddenly. Still, other than that, good transitions overall. The structure is OK; nothing too special, but pretty good. Variety, on the other hand, was superb, and I was always treated to new riffs every time, and when one started to get a little boring, it instantly switched to another which was great. Unfortunately, when it comes to the drums, I have a few issues. Although the beats were awesome, and as I said above, the drum transitions were very well done, the samples you used aren't powerful enough. Cymbals were good, and there was a wide variety of different types of cymbals to keep the listener interested, but the kick was extremely weak. This could possibly be because of the lack of bass in the song, but whatever the reason, I just want a more powerful kick :P. Also, the snare was pretty weak too, and the tomtom drum was too quiet. Still, on the bright side, the drums in general were just the right volume, and the beats were varied really well. Anyway, in all, keep up the great work. If I had any criticism, it'd be that the calmer part at the end came in out of nowhere, the intro started loudly a bit too suddenly, the drums were a bit weak, some transitions need a bit of work and the song needs more bass. Still, keep it up. Your riffs are really cool, your variety is superb, your beats are awesome, drum transitions were epic and mastering was amazing. 8/10.

SCORE : 8/10


Bosa - 9 / 10
mr-jazzman - 8 / 10

Continues on next post...

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 14:20:19

At 3/1/10 02:17 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
Continues on next post...



REVIEW : This is an excellent piece, and enjoyable till the end. It's one of the few songs I've heard on NG which are so long but don't get boring at all throughout the whole 5:30 minutes that they are playing. I really liked your synths in this. Your mixture of an 8-bit-ish synth choice along with trancey, spacey synths was genius, and the harmonization in this was fantastic. Bass was awesome too. I also liked the different time signatures you had in this piece. It didn't always stay at 4/4 like 95% of all tracks on NG, but ventured to different time signatures at times and kept this piece interesting to listen to. I think this song could benefit with a wider variety of drum samples, I only heard one kick sound, one shaker sound and one snare sound, along with a few sweeps/reverse cymbals. You can vary at times. Add new samples here and there such as reverbed tambourines, different types of cymbals, and more than just one kick and one snare. After all, you have to entertain the listener for 5 and a half minutes, so variety is important. At times the drums were a bit repetitive too, although only slightly, and there were many different beats. In addition to that, the beats themselves were superb on the whole. Unfortunately, I'm hearing some clipping throughout the song, which indicates that it needs a bit of EQing here and there. Maybe you could add some more weight onto melodies, since at times the melodies were a bit uninteresting. As for the transitions, in general they were flawless, but I don't like the transition at 3:50-ish. It skips from loud to soft out of nowhere. From then on, the transition was well executed, and that pitch-bent square fit well with the song, but I think you should try and make the transition move from loud to soft a little more subtly and smoothly. When it comes to the intro, IMO it was really good. It started really slowly, and then progressed extremely well onto a faster and more action-packed rhythm. The gradual transition from calmer and more laid-back to a faster rhythm was done so smoothly that I didn't even notice that it switched rhythm until after my second listening. I'm not too sure about the ending though. This song is supposed to represent life, and life always has an end to it. This song doesn't end on the tonic, and I think that it's better if you make the final note the tonic note, since it would represent that all life comes to an end. As it is now, it sort of leaves you hanging. Anyway, overall, I really like this submission. Harmony was fantastic, the choice of different synths was unique and great, intro and transitions on the whole were excellent, the beats were catchy and the progression from laid-back to upbeat was unbelievably smooth and subtle, which is why I'm giving you a 9/10. It has some defects, but they're only small and don't do much to ruin the song. Keep it up, Bracksta!

SCORE : 9/10


SUMMARY : A bit cheesy/generic, but overall it sounds nice.

REVIEW : As the review summary says, this isn't too original, and sounds pretty cheesy, but it still has potential, and sounds decent overall. Your melody is very nice, and fits with the name. It's laid back and catchy at the same time. The instruments, well, they're nothing really too special. A pad, a bass, a high-pitched synth and a piano, along with some drums. Try adding some choirs, specifically woman choirs, since I think they'll be a perfect match with the dreamy, spacey theme that the pad, bass, synth and piano are evoking. Maybe some high bells too, and some more powerful pads, since the one you have now is pretty weak. I like the structure in this, it's simple yet effective. That vocal sample fit pretty well with the song, although it was very hard to understand, and after hearing it pretty early in the song, I expected a few more vocals to play in the song. As for the transitions, they're flawless. Each one of them is smooth, leaving the song flowing really smoothly... Except one. It could just be me, but personally I don't agree with the transition at 2:33 to 2:34-ish. It skips from really high pitched to low pitched almost out of nowhere. Possibly a quick piano glissando downwards would move from high pitched to lower pitched smoothly. I liked the snare roll at the beginning, even though it was extremely generic, and almost all of the transitions were perfectly executed, and new instruments were introduced very well. I also liked the gradual buildups you added around the song too. When it comes to the variety, unfortunately I wasn't impressed. There were little alternate piano melodies, which made the piano's chorus quite monotonous and repetitive. The intro, on the other hand, was decent. I liked that it only started with a pad, and slowly progressed into more action-packed with a well executed buildup. Still, the outro wasn't too good. It sounds like an ending to a loop (and even then if you remove the silence at the end, it won't be a smooth loop). Either you find a better way to end it, or you could consider fading it out, since it could represent how hopes and dreams fade away. Just a suggestion ^^. The drums had a very nice beat, although I think they should be a bit softer, since they sort of clash with the calm, soft and spacey synths and the piano. Also, they were a tad bit too loud, IMO. Also, for a 3 minute, they need more variety. Still, the drum samples were excellent, and I definitely can't complain about that. Overall, this is a good song which I enjoyed listening to. Mastering was good, melody was excellent, structure was awesome, transitions, except one, were amazingly smooth, buildups were great, intro was superb and drum samples sounded nice. Just work a little more on variety, more instruments, that transition at 2:34, making the vocal sample easier to understand and thinking up a better outro. 8/10 for a decent song. Keep it up!

SCORE : 8/10


Bracksta - 9 / 10
GronmonSE - 8 / 10

Continues on next post...

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 14:22:59

At 3/1/10 02:20 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
Continues on next post...


SUMMARY : So fun to listen to!

REVIEW : Wow, this is just so fun to listen to. There were some parts in the song which actually had me smiling. This song is very well done, and it's exactly what I'd expect from a talented producer such as you. The first thing that hits me is how well this fits with the name. It starts slowly, as if people are tired of working and want a break, and then it speeds up as the party starts. Slowly, more synths come in, the tempo speeds up, a buildup is playing, until the song reaches its climax. Then, their boss finds out they've done a mess of the place at 1:48, and slowly the song winds down as they get back to work :P. This means that the structure of the song is very well done. Let me mention the three defects that this song has before praising you again, lol :P. The first defect is that I think the intro sped up too quickly and the outro slowed down too quickly. Right now, the speeding up/slowing down only lasts for a bit less than 10 seconds. Possibly an extra 10 seconds or so would be a bit better. Experiment a bit and see when you can find the best amount of time for the tempo changes. The second defect would be that at times this song may get a bit generic. The melody at first (0:29) was pretty generic, even though from then on the melodies were upbeat and non-generic, and the sounds very generic, although there aren't many other sounds to choose from in a techno song like this, so I can't really reduce any points for that. finally, the song is unbelievably loud. Pick the 'SimpleWave' NG visualisation and move the slider towards the middle of the track, and then you'll see how loud it is xD. Now for the praise :P. The melodies, as I said above, are very upbeat, namely the one towards the end, and had me smiling all the way through. It was really catchy. I liked the portamento you put on some of the synths, it furthermore added to that 'slacking off' and 'careless' feel that the song has. The key change at 1:34 was a very nice addition to the song. As for the intro, it's really good. I liked the sweep you added at the beginning, and the accelerando was also great to start the song up. The ending is also really good. It slows down until it plays the final note, and is a very good way to end the song. The drums are also really good. My only complaint for the drums (which could just be my opinion) is that the kick is too weak. Other than that, the drum samples were powerful and the beats were great. They were also pretty well varied too. Transitions were good, and although that snare roll is very generic, it provided smooth transitions. In all, this song is excellent, and deserves the 10/10 that I gave it. Just work on those three defects: the tempo changes being a bit too quick, the melody at first being quite generic (and the sounds being a bit generic, but there's not much you can do about that) and the song being way too loud. Also, maybe make that kick a bit more powerful, but that's such a small nitpick that I can't even consider it as a defect. Keep up the awesome work!

SCORE : 10/10


SUMMARY : It's the minor issues which need work.

REVIEW : This is very well done, and I'm sure you worked hard on it. I don't listen to Metallica since I'm not much of a Heavy Metal fan, but their song has to be amazing if it had to beat this! I can't really credit you for the melodies, since this is after all a cover, but I think you did a good job with the solo. I liked the part at 4:09-ish most, but there were loads of catchy and well-played riffs throughout the song. Unfortunately, in my opinion, there were quite a few parts which repeated for a tad bit too long, namely after the two minute marker or so. This does slightly ruin the song's replay value, and the fact that the drums weren't too varied either didn't help much. Also, on the subject of drums, I don't think they're really that good. The samples were OK, particularly the cymbals, but unfortunately the snare just overpowers everything, and throughout the song it really gets annoying. Cymbals were very quiet, especially since this is heavy metal, which does emphasize on powerful cymbals. Also, I'm not even sure if you have a kick in there... if you do have a kick, then it badly needs a louder volume, and if you don't, then add one =/. As I said, they also need more variety, and at times the beats sounded weird with the melodies, like at around 1:16. Still, on the bright side, the guitar was very heavy and well-played, making this quite enjoyable to listen to. The intro was also fantastic, although the outro was a bit abrupt, but that's how it usually is in Heavy Metal so I won't reduce any points for that. Still, a lot of the transitions were quite rough, and the song seemed to skip from one melody to another almost randomly. The song structure also isn't amazing. There wasn't a noticeable chorus, since it just skipped from one melody to another without any sense of structure, but I suppose this is a cover and if that's how it is in the original, it's not your fault. Variety of the riffs was decent, but as I said, at times it repeated itself for too long, while at other times a new melody came and went just like that, so maybe by varying a little more you'd be making this a little more interesting to listen to. Still, in general, it's a good track, with an awesome intro/outro, good solo, great guitar playing and some catchy riffs in all, but the fact that it's repetitive and the drums aren't too good really ruin this song IMO. 8/10, good job! Sorry for the short review, Heavy Metal isn't particularly my strong point :(.

SCORE : 8/10


dj-Jo - 10 / 10
DemonSlayer12 - 8 / 10

And now for Darklight17's results...

I am Step's alt.

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 14:24:31

At 3/1/10 02:22 PM, DarkShadow166 wrote:
And now for Darklight17's results...



Hm...Slightly too synthetic for what you wanted i think. Thos strings need more realism to them and the bells started to get annoying after a while. There was a disappointing lack of variation, which is something i look for in all songs. The drums were great, but they lasted for way too short a time. Intro was briliant calm and set off the mood well, but the outro was oddly disappointing. Overall, not a bad piece of work, but could definetely use some more work in terms of depth and bass, and some more variation wouldnt hurt either.

SCORE : 8/10


Brilliant work! I love the way that it immiedetely starts off with a fast rythm and a brilliant atmosphere. Great work on the synth melodies. They just blended together perfectly and never stopped the flow of the music. I also loved the way taht you put a decent level of depth to the whole piece. The drums were however the dominant masterpiece in this. Simply brilliant, fast-paced and providing a fantastic sense of rythm and adrenaline to the whole thing. The only particular thing was that it didnt loop quite as well and also, it could've used some more bass to give the whole thing more of a realistic feel. Great job overall.

SCORE : 9.5/10


Niloc14 - 8/ 10
Manhart - 9.5/ 10


Not bad, in fact its quite good.Brilliant bagpipes, with fantastic work on depth and harmonizing. A truly magnificent job on the Love part. the war part did spoil it somewhat however, as it just sort of started, built up and ended without ever reaching a climax. Some discordancy was also slightly present in this section, but not too much to spoil the overall depth, which was still surprisingly good. What i would suggest would be a sort of clashing between love and war, with both struggling to come out on top. Overall however, nice work and good job on most terms.

SCORE : 9/10


Brilliant, simply brilliant. As yet, after hearing it through three times, i cant find too much that's actually wrong with it. It has a superb melody for a Heavy Metal song, with great effects and guitar work. Mastering could use a bit more work, but other then that simply great. The filter you put on the guitar was great too and the bridge was amazing. The loudness however put me off a bit, i mean it sounds good on my com speakers but other then that not so much as my headphones tended to cut off its quality, maybe you could fix that a bit. The calm outro was simply brilliant and cut off the whole song simply fantastically. If all Heavy Metals song on Ng were this good, id find myself with a lot more of them on my favs list. Nice work.

SCORE : 9.5/10


Bosa - 9/ 10
mr-jazzman - 9.5/ 10


Fantastic. The main brilliance of this piece is taht it never stops. It has a fantastic continous flow with fast paced melodies and brilliant drums. A fantastic work overall. Melodies were amazingly varied and provided the piece with enough imagination to never make it dull. Intro was brilliant as was the outro. Overall, the only thing i can find wrong is the fact that it lacked a sufficient amount of Bass to it, and as such reduced the overall level of Depth and blend. However, despite this fact, the piece remains one of my favs for this round.

SCORE : 9.5/10


Now this is simply great. I adore any trance with well placed vocals in it, i simply love it. Instrument blend in the intro was enough to leave me with mouth gaping open in amazement. The climax was simply great, with a superb kick giving the trance that extra edge and discoish feel. I wasnt exactly expecting the vocals when they came in but they were simply superb. Great work. Bass was simply brilliant, transitions as smooth as ice and overall work simply fantastic. Briliant work.

SCORE : 10/10


Bracksta - 9.5/ 10
GronmonSE - 10/ 10


Hm...Not bad. A difficult genre to work with, but i suppose you did a pretty decent job. In terms of instruments, guitar work was overally great, although some parts where discordant. The vocal part had especially good guitar work with an interesting bass line providing an extra sense of depth to the whole thing. The vocals were pretty well recorded, although they lacked variation. Intro and outro were basically the same, although i must say that they provided a nice climax and anticlimax respectively. Overall, not much to complain except the fact that it was way too short, maybe a couple more verses and a bridge? Also, the chorus could use some drums.

SCORE : 7.5/10


Amazing. This is as close to utter relaxation as someone can get. The intro was particularly good, with a brilliant chord progression. THe lack of a climax was somewhat disappointing however, with the drums just suddenly erupting into the music. Speaking of the drums, they werent exactly matching and could've been less loud in my opinion. The melodic rythm was also slightly off with the instruments playing the notes just slightly after each other. However, after the initial drum part the relaxition reigned supreme and the rest of the song was brilliant. A fantastic outro close off everything fantastically. Nice work!

SCORE : 8/10


aockrid - 7.5/ 10
KrazeyOne - 8/ 10


This is simply legendary, something to be noted in the Guinness book of records. Its simply amazing! Pristine beyond perfection. Intro was instantly prefect, with a cool accelarando and brilliant mix of instruments and drums. Depth was great too in this part. The bass was brilliant and well placed with just the right amount of volume. The effects you used to climax are great too, and the main melody simply continued the awesomeness. Harmonizing left my mouth wide open and the smooth transitions helped in keeping it open. Overall, there's nothing i can say except simply superb!!!!

SCORE : 10/10


Not a bad effort, good work in terms of instrument choice and melodies, although with a total lack of variety, were quite well placed. Drums sounded like popcorn however, and that annoyting sound of the snare took ur score down quite a bit. Bass was way too faint, barely audible in fact, but from waht i could hear was basically harmonized. Unfortunately, the song was a bit too long, and i got bored at around the middle, as some melodies just dragged on forever. I wish i could say that this deserves a better score, but seven is waht you get.

SCORE : 7/10


dj-Jo - 10/ 10
Demonslayer12 - 7/ 10

I am Step's alt.

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 14:29:51


Krazeyone - Shoreside [5.5]

One of the most interesting moments here was the introduction of the drums. At first, I was confused, before I realized the piano notes were triplets all along. Other than that, the piece doesn't provide many notable moments. As for the mix, it feels lacking. The sounds feel very very stale and basic - much like the default sounds from a certain piece of software - and the dry drums interrupt the intended ambient feel.

dj-Jo- 2 Minute Lunch Break [8]

The accelerando and ritardando in the beginning and end are very effective, as they (as I see it) indicate that the main part, the "2 minute lunch break", is a more upbeat than usual part of the day. There were some interesting developments during the song- the melody is altered a lot - some of the chromatic parts sound even panicking, in a way. You also managed to pull of a quick but effective keychange by the end. The mix could be improved a lot; it is pushed to the point where there is an audible distortion. The sounds used follow a tried and tired concept, nothing new there.

aocrkid - Everything and nothing [7.5]

The guitar intro is very humble, with a definite "homemade" sound to it, so the clear, choral voice was a pleasant surprise. The lyrics (consisting of a symmetrical verse and a bridge) didn't communicate much to me. The piece is very modest and I can't help but feel it should have a large rhythm section, the chord progression is interesting and could very well be explored more... but the minimalism in this piece does create a distinct mood.

Manhart - Power Blast [8.5]

A quite diverse piece with a thick, chaotic mix that opens up wonderfully at the 0:21 mark, while still keeping that upbeat 'battle theme' feeling. The synths are nice and fat (though perhaps a bit cliché), the piano is a bit stale though. During the busier parts, the drums feel a bit thin, as if they've been compressed just one bit too much. They do well on their own though. There is a bit much emphasis on the treble in the tune, so it is exhausting at high volumes, even after only 75 seconds. Overall it's short but solid.

Bosa - From Love to War [9.5]
A tune with a very cinematic, perhaps deja vu-inducing intro, which at least for me could fit for for rural landscape views or something of the like. The song goes transitions quite nicely from the calm "love" theme to a war theme by keeping the celtic instruments, but switching to more of a military march kind of rhythm before it seems like all hell is about to break lose. Disappointingly, the piece never breaks out, but ends right before the listener expects a climax. Thus the song fels a bit unfinished. The sound of the track is great, with nice and clear instruments that have their own defined place in the mix.

Niloc14 - Understanding [7]

The intro is very appealing and promising (for me it immediately sends me into a damp, chill room of glass being played). The piece uses nice, rich synths that further emphasise that cold mood. It does sound a bit awkward in places, with chord changes that don't sound too well. The drums are a bit loud for that calm mood. Each part seems to hang around for just a bit too long, so soon it feels much like fiddling around with an old idea. It doesn't really surprise the listener much.

Bracksta - Life is the Drug [7]

The sharp, basic synths are really what give the song its own feel. There is no distinct melody, and thus the piece isn't really catchy or memorable in any way. The harmonies and the general sound are what really shine in this track. Throughout the song there are a lot of examples of original rhythms and clever musical solutions. The mix is dipped in a cup of reverb, which gives a very nice, kindof dark overall mood. It could definitively be improved sound quality-wise though.

GronmonSE - Hopes and Dreams [6.5]

The song, complete with a cliché title, starts off with a chord progression I know I've heard in so many songs. After that, the instruments that join in generally follow those chords. Sine the drums are quite heavy and thick, while the instruments are all spacy, the song seems to have a bit of an identity crisis (which could be solved by breaking the song up a bit with calmer parts scattered through the song, then focusing solely on the harder elements during the busier parts).

Mr-Jazzman - Broaden Your Sound - [10]

Clearly different from most of the other entries, the main focus of this track is a heavily processed but cleanly played guitar. The riffs are nice and clear even through the bed of 'flange'. It is in my opinion the most diverse, musical entry in this batch of entries. The mix is, as the name indicates, very very wide. There are some problems with it though; there is an excessive amount of treble in the track though, and the bass isn't as clear and pronounced as it could be. The very last part of the song is beautiful but seems to be out of touch with the rest of the song.

Demon-Slayer12 - Blackened Cover [9]

A dark, energetic and pumping metal song with nice, fat sounding distorted guitars that sit surprisingly well in the mix. There is a lot of variation throughout the song, but except for a few places the sound is very much the same (this is probably due to the thick sound of the rhythm guitar)- it therefore still feels repetitive. The lead guitar doesn't enter before the fourth minute, and in my opinion, much of the first half of the could be scrapped without losing too much of the essence.

Now for the results...

I am Step's alt.

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 14:32:01

At 3/1/10 02:29 PM, DarkShadow166 wrote:
Now for the results...

Niloc14 vs Manhart - Winner: Manhart
8 + 7 + 8 = 23/30 vs 8.5 + 9.5 + 8 = 26/30
7.67/10 vs 8.67/10

Bosa vs mr-jazzman - Winner: Bosa
9 + 9 + 9.5 = 27.5/30 vs 8 + 9.5 + 10 = 26.5/30
9.17/10 vs 8.84/10

dj-Jo vs demonslayer12 - Winner: dj-Jo
10 + 10 + 8 = 28/30 vs 9 + 8 + 7 = 23/30
9.37/10 vs 7.67/10

InvisibleObserver vs krssvr - Winner: InvisibleObserver (By

N/A vs N/A

Rawrthaas vs Gritchy - Winner: Gritchy (By Default)
N/A vs N/A

Gravey vs DarkenedArmor - Winner: Gravey (By Default)

Bracksta vs GronmonSE - Winner: Bracksta
9 + 9.5 + 7 = 25.5/30 vs 10 + 6.5 + 8 = 24.5/30
8.5/10 vs 8.17/10

aocrkid vs KrazeyOne - Winner: aocrkid (By Default)
N/A vs N/A

Winners of Round 2:


Round 3 Deadline: 14th March
Judging Period Deadline: 16th March
Round 4 Deadline: 30th March
Judging Period Deadline: 1st April
Round 5 Deadline: 28thth April
Judging Period Deadline 30th April - Teh Judgement Day


Alright guys, that's it! Post away!

I am Step's alt.

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 14:39:58

At 3/1/10 02:32 PM, DarkShadow166 wrote:: Winners of Round 2:


Turns out I made a mistake. Bracksta made it in there too...

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 15:43:52

At 3/1/10 02:39 PM, Raven-Guard wrote: At 3/1/10 02:32 PM, DarkShadow166 wrote:: Winners of Round 2:
Turns out I made a mistake. Bracksta made it in there too...

Could one of the people in charge please repost the brackets? That way we could see who we are up against without doubt. Would be quite helpful indeed. Thanks.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 16:03:42

At 3/1/10 03:43 PM, Gravey wrote: Could one of the people in charge please repost the brackets? That way we could see who we are up against without doubt. Would be quite helpful indeed. Thanks.

You can see who you are up against tomorrow. I wanted to post the pairings today, but Darklight insisted on posting them himself tomorrow :S.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 16:07:42

You can see who you are up against tomorrow. I wanted to post the pairings today, but Darklight insisted on posting them himself tomorrow :S.

Works for me. Thanks.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-01 18:11:48

Also, I liked that metal song bby the way lol
Good job to everyone!

And for the next submission, can I make a DnB song?
It's still gonna be a techno-y thing thou lol

I suck at grammer ^ can't you tell?


Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 00:30:11

Well, you've waited a long time for them, but here they finally are. Pairings for Round 2:

Bosa vs Gritchy
dj-Jo vs InvisibleObserver
Manhart vs Gravey
Bracksta vs Aocrkid

Congrats to all those who made it. To the rest, you were unlucky, all the submissions I heard were something amazing. Nice work.

Also, id like to apologize for taking such a long time on judging but i was incredibly busy due to Exams and a lot of other stuff.

Anywayz, Enjoy round 3! ;)


Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 09:52:19

At 3/2/10 12:30 AM, Darklight17 wrote: Also, id like to apologize for taking such a long time on judging but i was incredibly busy due to Exams and a lot of other stuff...

...*Cough* "Football Superstars" *Cough*

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 11:35:14

You can see who you are up against tomorrow. I wanted to post the pairings today, but Darklight insisted on posting them himself tomorrow :S.

Sorry for yet another question, but we are posting round three's songs to this thread correct?

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 11:41:22

At 3/2/10 11:35 AM, Gravey wrote:
You can see who you are up against tomorrow. I wanted to post the pairings today, but Darklight insisted on posting them himself tomorrow :S.
Sorry for yet another question, but we are posting round three's songs to this thread correct?

Yep :).

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 18:30:21

Bosa vs mr-jazzman - Winner: Bosa
9 + 9 + 9.5 = 27.5/30 vs 8 + 9.5 + 10 = 26.5/30
9.17/10 vs 8.84/10

First, whoever computed the scores for this one really might wanna check their math; we tied, if you add them together right. Second, what exactly does the second group of numbers mean? If it's some sort of average, I'd like to know exactly what its basis is. And thirdly, why the FUCK didn't anyone send me a link to this thread? I really would have liked to know a day earlier! >=(

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 19:15:07

At 3/2/10 06:30 PM, mr-jazzman wrote:
Bosa vs mr-jazzman - Winner: Bosa
9 + 9 + 9.5 = 27.5/30 vs 8 + 9.5 + 10 = 26.5/30
9.17/10 vs 8.84/10
First, whoever computed the scores for this one really might wanna check their math; we tied, if you add them together right. Second, what exactly does the second group of numbers mean? If it's some sort of average, I'd like to know exactly what its basis is. And thirdly, why the FUCK didn't anyone send me a link to this thread? I really would have liked to know a day earlier! >=(

I believe this should be settled through a hand to hand weapons dual.

Therefore my money is on mr-jazzman. He uses an axe in his music quite often meaning he is already trained and able for this sort of competition!

Axe = Guitar, just in case the kiddies out there don't know the lingo. :-P

Also, does anyone find it ironic that this comp was so delayed due to one of the judges having to "study" for midterms/finals. Hopefully there wasn't an algebra exam on the schedule. X-D

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 19:19:01

At 3/2/10 06:30 PM, mr-jazzman wrote:
Bosa vs mr-jazzman - Winner: Bosa
9 + 9 + 9.5 = 27.5/30 vs 8 + 9.5 + 10 = 26.5/30
9.17/10 vs 8.84/10

Congrats to the winners, but yeah someone messed up on the scoring here, you need some sort of tie breaker

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 19:45:35

dj-Jo vs demonslayer12 - Winner: dj-Jo
10 + 10 + 8 = 28/30 vs 9 + 8 + 7 = 23/30
9.37/10 vs 7.67/10

Just thought I'd point out you wanna check the math on this one, too; demonslayer12 actually got a 24, as opposed to a 23. (9+8 is 17, NOT 16 lol) Also, I wouldn't be complaining so much if this was my case; it's still clear that dj-Jo won in the round above. But, between Bosa and I, who are essentially neck-and-neck? Seriously? I mean, if he still somehow comes out on top, I suppose I can understand...

Wait, I'm still not sure if I do. There was some stuff that went on during this past round that really did tick me off, I'm not gonna lie; even though I do like Bosa (he's among the best composers on NG), should he have had to resubmit, with the guidelines y'all put out on the first thread? And Round 1 was an even bigger mess than this one; I'm pretty sure that a good portion of the people that you claimed didn't submit anything actually did, they just didn't know they had to REsubmit it once there were 32 people to compete (I was able to find my Round 1 competition at least, and I know, in the 14 pages that thread encompasses, that other people had to have submitted a song in there somewhere, too). And I'm still not entirely sure ShinyArmor getting the short end of the stick still makes any sense to me; I just didn't say anything then, because I wasn't sure of my own judgment at the time, and hence make myself look like a hothead when it was unnecessary.

But really, if y'all want this year's (which is technically next year's NGADM, right? lol) NGADM to go down smoothly, you should take these things into consideration. I know I'm making myself look like a dick right now, but I really can't help myself any longer, I've stayed quiet on this for too long (2 months).

Here's some things I propose in order to make next year go down a hell of a lot better (where I do plan on competing again, because it IS fun making music with a purpose!):
1.) Do a judge interview process. Make sure your judges are dependable, secure in their abilities, and have enough know-how when it comes to music to be able to give a genuine review. This goes just beyond understanding what sounds good; you need to have a cache of musical terms (preferably some background in music theory) that you can pull out in order to describe the piece better, and also to be more specific (I remember, during a choir competition, a judge told me that I was "too musical"; what the hell does that mean? You see, musical terminology prevents a vague answer.) Also, your judges need to be more involved with the competition. Supersteph, you did an excellent job of this; the others, not so much. Oh yeah - and make sure your judges have an open mind. This seemed to be an issue for Group 1 more, but not our group.
2.) Make sure your judges come from a variety of backgrounds, both in music production and in age. That's the biggest thing I had a problem with at the beginning of this competition: The judges were all younger than me. However, I got over this, and decided to do it anyway, because y'all justified yourselves plainly and businesslike - which I liked a lot. However, I think if you guys were willing to get judges that produced not only Classical, but also Heavy Metal, Jazz, DnB, Dubstep, etc., and had ages in the judges ranging from 14 to mid-20s, you'd get more people willing to compete.
3.) Don't have too many judges. Right now, 6 sounds like quite a bit. Plus, what if there's a disagreement? And then you have to consider dependability; the more judges you have, the easier it is for them not to be dependable, just based on the fact that you have more people.
4.) Give VERY specific guidelines for what you want in the beginning, and stick to them. This prevents confusion, and also prevents people from getting angry. To be honest, I feel cheated that Bosa got to resubmit his song, whereas I didn't; it's like, in rock paper scissors, two people call out "rock," but then one person says "no, paper!" and the other person doesn't get to change to "scissors" if they want. Once again, I didn't say anything, because I wanted to see how the operation would go down. Apparently, it didn't work in my favor at all, just as I suspected. (Don't get me wrong, I love Bosa's stuff and I consider him a good friend now, because of this competition. I just don't know if y'all made it fair for either of us.)
5.) Don't change how the freaking competition operates in the middle of the competition! That really really got on my nerves. Y'all should have said "okay, 32 will submit, and if you don't, tough." That way, confusion would have been avoided. What you guys did in Round 1 was, in my opinion, unacceptable; if 14 people submitted (which, like I already stated, I'm pretty sure more did than 14), then 14 people should have been judged how you guys outlined it. And you guys said, after Round 1 was full, that people who had been signed up in the competition for a month had to REsubmit? How would they remember? And then, for Round 2, we should not have been allowed to submit our old song again! That defeated the purpose of NGADM! What if someone submitted their old song, saw that their competition submitted a new song, and then wanted to submit a new song in rebuttal? This defeats the fair playing table.
6.) Don't post multiple threads for one competition, unless you make it explicit that you are posting to a new thread. I didn't even FIND this thread until I wanted to know the results, and had to look at Supersteph's recent BBS activity (which, I'm also pissed that y'all didn't PM me, like you said you would!!!! Angry face!!!! >=( ).
7.) Deadlines need to be specific-er. Yes, we have a day, but not a time. Like, Round 2 deadlines were February 9th. Well, was that February 9th, at 12:00 AM, or at 11:59 PM? Stuff like that really would have made it a lot less nerve-racking.
8.) Consider making some really cool prizes for the contest. If all a person wins is reviews, well, okay, awesome. But if someone wins, say, a $100 gift card to Guitar Center, or something along those lines, there's an incentive to keep going. This may be far off, which is understandable, but it's something of food for thought.
9.) Please communicate more. I think I already stated this, but PMs really do rock. The few that were submitted me kept me up-to-date, for the most part. Everything else, I had to figure out on my own.
And finally, 10.) Make sure you add your numbers right! People just got screwed over by bad math. While y'all's reviews were pretty genuine for the most part, the way y'all conveniently, unabashedly, and obliviously tallied these votes was ridiculous! I woulda checked those numbers 50 times before they were submitted, just to make sure I wouldn't get any posts/comments like this one lol! It would also be nice to see how y'all determined the winner of a round as well, because, even though I see the 3 added numbers, I have no clue what the */10 means (is it some sort of weighted average?). This should be explicit in the rules, for sure.

Well, now I'm out of air to speak with. That's what's been on my mind for weeks now, I know it may seem an attack on y'all, and I'm not claiming that it isn't. It's critical, because I want to be involved in a legit competition. And, like I've said before, falling to Bosa is like getting in an arm wrestle with Arnold Schwarzenegger and losing. I'm not ashamed, because I have a feeling that he could win this. With that said, peace, deuces, or whatever floats your boat as a good closure!


Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 19:54:51

At 3/2/10 07:19 PM, Kirbyfemur wrote:
Congrats to the winners, but yeah someone messed up on the scoring here, you need some sort of tie breaker

Lol I really don't see how this can be settled. If it can, great, otherwise, congratulation Bosa! You pulled off one hell of a song.

And speaking of ties:

P.S. 11.) Be able to break ties. So shit like this doesn't ever happen lol. Popularity? Votes? DLs? Anything, so that the tie can be broken.
And, also,
P.P.S. 12.) If something can be changed in your method that would really make the competition better in the middle of the competition, running contrary to my previous point, then MOST definitely do that, so long as it keeps the structure of the competition in general intact.

Just more stuff for y'all to think about.

Anyway, peace! I've got a sick Nu Metal/Dubstep song to work on, it's turning out to be my best song ever. Bosa, you better watch out, man!


Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 20:00:15

At 3/2/10 07:45 PM, mr-jazzman wrote:
Lotsa stuff

Couple things....

First off they have been doing some judge screening already. There was an entire post dedicated to "how do we make the next NGADM better?" I would just like to argue the idea of 6 being a lot of judges. The more judges there are the less likely there will be a tie, which is the issue now presenting itself. As long as the judges do their jobs in the comp the more the merrier.

Also, the main reason they had to change the way the comp operated was because this was the first one. They couldn't predict that half the people in group two wouldn't even submit their round one song. And there were other things, such as judges dropping out that really put pressure on Steph to get this thing rolling even after it had already started.

As for the multiple threads for one comp, you gotta realize there were 64 people in this. Two full groups and very lengthy explanations posted for OUR benefit when the final scores had been tallied. Thus keeping it in one thread would have not only been very cumbersome, but just flat out confusing after a while. The multiple thread format is the right idea for a comp this size. Don't take it personally you didn't get the pm for this round, I guaranteed you it wasn't on purpose, nor was it based on the multiple thread situation. One person in one round fell through the cracks and it happened to be you. Shit happens sometimes and ya just gotta get over it bud.

As for the contest prizes you mentioned, its a great idea. I take it you will be supplying the money in order to fund those prizes next year?

As for communication, Steph has a ton on his plate with this project. And he is getting help, but the fact they send out pms to everyone when each round is finished is all you can ask for. I know they missed you this round, but it wasn't intentional. Sometimes ya just miss something.

Overall I see the points of your arguments, but you can't be asking too much this time around. Basically Steph has been organizing it on his own, and has had help with judging from SBB and Darklight.

Next time this comp comes around it will be far more structured and I'm sure Steph will build upon the learning curve that this first comp gave him. And I would have to say on an overall level that this is already a huge success considering the fact that the comp is so big, and so few people were involved in setting it up.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 20:01:31

At 3/2/10 07:45 PM, mr-jazzman wrote: It would also be nice to see how y'all determined the winner of a round as well, because, even though I see the 3 added numbers, I have no clue what the */10 means (is it some sort of weighted average?). This should be explicit in the rules, for sure.

*Slaps self in face because I only took 3D Calculus and am currently taking Linear Algebra, but can't seem to figure out that it was just supposed to be a regular average* Okay, wow. My bad. Not that the average makes a difference, because it's the same totaly divided by 3 no matter how you look at it, but totally, my bad. This is seriously the last post I'm making for a little while. Wow. My bad.


Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 20:15:31

At 3/2/10 08:00 PM, Gravey wrote: Lotsa more stuff

Good points, man. Yeah, the $100 gift card idea was just an IDEA, nothing set in stone lol. Just brainstorming. And also, it's points like this that can only help NGADM become better next time around.

And, I will say one more thing (dammit! I lied.): I do want to thank Supersteph for all of the hard work. One guy organizing this thing is most definitely not easy...Especially with the lack of cooperation on the judge's end. I know I am pissed, but I just want you to know, Supersteph, I'm not attacking you specifically, because you really have done your best at this. It's just the whole organization of the thing, in my opinion. Perhaps my pissiness may seem unnecessary, but if it's not brought up, then how will it progress? The things listed are suggestions, things you can look back at for NGADM '10 - which I will be participating in, for sure, because I know it will be better on the second go. I normally try to keep my mouth shut about stuff; hell, in my own life, I'm the most quiet guy you'll meet. I don't flash myself around, I try not to be a pompous jackass. And, in this, I will respect anyone else's opinion, because that's only the right thing to do. I only want to help in the end, that's it, not whine and complain about "how bad I've got it," because that's not right. I'm just excited to see how this tie will be broken, if it will be broken at all lol.

Hope this helps more than it bothers,


P.S. GL to everyone else in the competition! It's getting fiercer!

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-02 23:14:08

Gravey is right about this comp. There is too much hardwork to put into it for just one guy (Steph) and I'm quite amazed that it's even progressed this far. Honestly, this is one of the most complicated competitions I've ever seen in the audio portal with it being split up into different groups and rounds; there's a lot of weight on the judges' shoulders.

Of course there will be opportunities to express your opinions and ideas for next year's competition sometime soon I'm sure, that is if we want to take a diplomatic turn in this competition of champions.

A tie, hm? Perhaps we should "untie" this knot by having a thumbs up or thumbs down rule. In other words, let one judge decide which is the best track and leave it at that. A democratic answer to this problem seems difficult and we'll probably have to do more work ourselves. I don't know... it's out of my hands and it's whatever the populace thinks is best I guess. AHOOGA!

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-03 11:29:21

*Slaps hands together and rubs them* Time to get to work >:3.

Firstly, two things:

1.) You're very right, mr-jazzman. It was me who was careless enough to fail at maths, completely my fault. It was pretty late at night in my country, I still had to pack my bag with the right books and I had school tomorrow (have to wake up at 5:30) so I was very reluctant to get the results thread ready
ASAP, not only because I'd be tired as hell when I wake up today, but because you all have been waiting for a month, patiently and without any flaming, hatemail or insults directed to me or any judge, so I was really anxious to just get it over with so you can finally see the results. In the case of ties, I think us judges should discuss which person should make it through and indicate which one makes it. So, when SBB signs in, we'll get his vote of who should make it, I'll ask Darklight and I'll place my vote, and the song with the majority of votes passes. So, if it's OK with Bosa and mr-jazzman, can you wait a little for your results while everyone else continues? Your deadline will be elongated accordingly :).

2.) Remember, if there are any suggestions, please post them in this thread.

Now, to start answering...

To begin with, thanks Bosa and Gravey for standing up for me and thanking me and to mr-jazzman for coming up with so many suggestions and thanking me too ^^. Always nice to have such awesome contestants.

Now, to answer to mr-jazzman.

1.) About the judge-interview process, I'm pretty sure we have some great judges. Kaizerwolf's reviews are nitpicky and he has good knowledge in producing, LogicalDefiance said himself that he thinks he'll make a good judge: "My specialties in criticism are with mixing/mastering and with electronic composition. I have judged various competitions already like the 24 hour contest thecoreman just had, and the Haiti Relief Album. My background in music production trails back about 4 years, but each year has been exponentially more improvement and at this point I own my own audio company and am teaching production in FL Studio through a trial program this summer with a teacher friend of mine.", SBB has already proven his excellent judging, and heck, Pure-Metal-UTA plays more instruments than any other person I've known :P, and the reviews that he works hard on are superb (such as this one), so I can assure you that the judges we have are great :).

2.) I suppose the judges we chose have a variety of different backgrounds and ages. But yes, sorry for the fact that 2 14-year olds are organising one of the largest competitions on NG :P. Hey, if you think my reviews need work or are just horrible, don't hesitate to point out, though. There's always room for improvement, and I don't want people to dislike any of my reviews because they may be obvious that they're made by a 14-year old or are just plain crap :).

3.) I'll have to disagree with the fact that you think too many cooks spoil the broth. As Gravey said, more judges means less ties, and although there is that factor of dependability, I think the more the merrier. Besides, it's not the end of the world if one judge doesn't do any reviews. It's actually better to have more judges, because if for example a judge fails to do any reviews and we only have 3 judges, you'll only have 2 reviews for your song, whereas with more judges, if one fails to review, the problem isn't such a big deal. There won't be any disagreement either, since every judge has his own opinion and score for a song (no judge needs to disagree with his opinion, IMO), which is why more judges balance out the scores more and reduce any biased scores.

4.) You're right that it may be unfair, but if you wanted to point out that you feel the need to post another song since your opponent is doing so, you could've just pointed that out and we'd be glad to give you another chance :). Also, we would've stuck to the deadlines, but because of some difficulties, we had no choice other than changing the deadlines a little. Maybe we weren't clear enough with the new deadlines?

5.) Don't change how the freaking competition operates in the middle of the competition!

Sorry :(.

That really really got on my nerves. Y'all should have said "okay, 32 will submit, and if you don't, tough." That way, confusion would have been avoided. What you guys did in Round 1 was, in my opinion, unacceptable; if 14 people submitted (which, like I already stated, I'm pretty sure more did than 14), then 14 people should have been judged how you guys outlined it.
But that would ruin the competition. Round 2 should have 16 contestants left, so if we judged the 14 and chose 7, then that's less than half that's needed for Round 2 :S. I think the only thing we COULD'VE done was let 16 people go through automatically, since they submitted a song. I admit it was a complete mess, and we made mistakes, but because of those mistakes we had no other choice.
And you guys said, after Round 1 was full, that people who had been signed up in the competition for a month had to REsubmit? How would they remember?

We sent PM's :S.

And then, for Round 2, we should not have been allowed to submit our old song again! That defeated the purpose of NGADM!What if someone submitted their old song, saw that their competition submitted a new song, and then wanted to submit a new song in rebuttal? This defeats the fair playing table.

Well, that's a bit what you did. You first resubmitted 'Image >Unmastered<, but then, after that, you submitted your mastered version. According to the rules, we should have simply judged the unmastered version because you uploaded your new mastered edition from the beginning, instead of using http://www.newgrounds.com/account/audio/
and editing it, but we decided to be lenient because of the fact that there was so much confusion. Sorry if we did anything wrong though, you're right about many things and we're hoping to learn from our mistakes next time round.

6.) Hmm... to fix this, we might have to PM every contestant the link to the results thread when a round is finished. It's quite a bit of hassle, but as you said, it could be unfair for the people who don't visit the forums often. But still, having one thread is a bit too much, so it's better to split it into different threads IMO.

7.) In the original thread, I posted that every deadline will have a specific time of 1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM GMT, although I didn't indicate this in the original post, but later in the thread, so I won't blame you for thinking that. Still, if you noticed, every time I say that a round ended, I always say so at 1:00 EST.

8.) Wish I had the money :(.

9.) As I said above, we're planning on doing that.

10.) My fault. As I said above, I didn't recheck because it was late at night. But thankfully, you guys pointed that out, so now we can try and break the tie. But sorry for being such an idiot :(.

By the way, sorry for not sending PM's out to everyone. I was tired and wasn't thinking straight, and only sent PM's out to the winners :(. Again, I'm very sorry :'(.

Also, to answer to you again:
"Not that the average makes a difference"

Sure it doesn't, but I think it's a little helpful to point that out. Having a score out of 30 is cool, but not when everyone's used to the usual NG /10 score, so I think the average helps a little, considering everyone gets reviews from people on NG which are out of 10. Sure you guys can work the average out for yourself, but it helps to be convenient ;).

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions, for the support, and sorry for being such a bad host :(. Anyway, I've sent a PM to SBB, asking him for his vote on who should win from mr-jazzman and Bosa, I'll ask Darklight on MSN and I already know who I voted for. I'll get the results as soon as every judge tells me who he votes for, and I'll send PM's :P. To the rest, keep up your good work, and good luck!

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

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Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-03 12:59:37

Hey, I just wanted to say something else, before it's too late, some things that I thought could help in future tie-breaking situations (obviously, this one has been figured out).
Here's a few fail-safe suggestions:
1.) In the event of a tie, you could look at how peoples' scores matched up per judge. I was going to suggest this, but it was biased, because this would obviously give me the win (2 out of 3 judges scored me higher than Bosa, even though we had the same score; this, however, isn't fair in our case, because we haven't laid down the grounds for tie-breaking yet lol).
2.) We could have a general vote from all people who submitted. I was thinking that this could come AFTER the event that people had the EXACT same scores from all judges, which would diminish some of the subjectivity, leaving it less contested to the final thing, which is:
3.) What Bosa suggested. Perhaps the judge should be a last resort? That way, if there is absolutely no other way to break the tie, it can still be broken on some level.

Of course, these are just suggestions. We've already got our tie-breaker figured out. I just wanted to give a few more suggestions that I thought could enhance the quality of the tie-breaking game. (This is the kairotic moment anyway; if I did it after the final judge's vote, it would seem like I was complaining lol. That's not my intention, of course =) )

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-03 20:10:56

At 3/3/10 11:29 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: 2.) Remember, if there are any suggestions, please post them in this thread.

Oh dammit! Fail. I didn't have time to read your whole post, sorry Supersteph for crowding! =( (Just copy-and-paste everything over if you feel like it lol)

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 2 Results (g2) 2010-03-03 20:30:47

I just wanted to comment on a few things that you pointed out, Supersteph, about the suggestions that I illegally posted on this thread lol:

1.) This is good to know! =)
2.) Your reviews are excellent. In fact, even though you scored me the lowest out of the other judges, yours was definitely the most helpful and the least vague. So, thank you! And, it has nothing to do with your age; I mentioned it because I think OTHER people would trust you more (you've more than proved it to me).
3.) This is something I'll bring up on the other thread, later.
4.) Ah, it's no biggy. The contest is just for funs, anyway! I'll be in it next time around, if I don't advance...And it'll be better.
5.) Yeah, true, you did send PMs (except to me for this thread here, but that's it, and it's not a big deal). I'm not sure what you're trying to get at in the second part; I might discuss this in the other thread.
6.) Yeah, it's okay I suppose, just make sure you post it to the original; the only way I found this thread was through your own BBS activity, Supersteph, not through the old thread.
7.) Good enough for me, you got this under control.
8.) Just a suggestion, a brainstorming idea, nothing more. ;)
9.) Good to know! =)
10.) You're not an idiot, just under pressure. Everyone makes mistakes, bro, don't be so hard on yourself. And the average is definitely useful; I misinterpreted it as a "deciding factor," when it has the same result whether you add it up or not (told ya we all make mistakes =P). It's a nice thing to know, most definitely, I was just saying it didn't factor into the results of the contest at all.

Alright, that's it that I have to say for the 10 parts; everything else will DEFINITELY be posted into the new thread. (Yeah, I'm fairly certain I wrote on half this page. PWNAGE!!! >=D ) And Supersteph, you're only doin your best man. It's definitely good to know that you can hold your composure under the pressure, and keep kickin' ass! You're by far the smartest host for a new contest that I've ever witnessed; it's the only reason this whole competition is still going lol. Once again, good job man!


Nothing More rulez d00d!

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