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Top Voting Power List

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Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 16:13:38


At 2/6/05 06:01 PM, I_Hate_Sanjay wrote: Hm, you day spend less time on getting rank ups and I shall better my chances. And then you saw b/p fast and I shall prevail. Make up your mind....n00b. :o

Ummm... Either you realised what I meant and decided to call me a noob for phrasing it a bit... poorly... or somehow it sailed by you. #;-}>

I didn't say "the less time you spend getting b/p." That would mean less time in the portal, less b/p, etc. etc.

I said... "the less time you spend getting those THREE RANKUPS." As in, not to spend less time getting b/p to GET rankups... but to TAKE LESS time to rankup. i.e. b/p FASTER, not slower. Foolio! By "less time," I don't mean fewer hours per day... I mean getting to your goals sooner. Two months from now instead of THREE months from now, for example.

So, in short: the two things I said were perfectly consistent.

B/P fast = takes less time to get 3 rankups = GOOD VP LIST PERFORMANCE

WOW! #;-}>

Hehe, I should be somewhere around the 17/18 borderline right now, but am I? Nope. You have it worse there I guess. But yeah, it's going to be harder for me than it was for you due to the larger gap between me and HT52. =/

Depends on how you look at it. My exp shortage mostly hurts me in terms of what level I should be (27 or 28 or something) vs. what level I am (18), and how far away I am from the holy land of the top 50 exp list... it doesn't really hurt me THAT badly when it comes to VP. I am in the top 20, after all. But I'm in the 130s in exprank, which is not low enough, dagnabit!

And yes, of course the going is tougher down at the exp amount you are now versus how tough it was when I had your exp. As you point out, it's because of the widened gap between that exp amount and HT52.

Well fine then. *Hacks Newgrounds Portal* *Changes alias to fixit2* WHAT NOW? ):< *Changes estimate of VP to 9.18* ;)


Heh, well don't worry, I'll be facing harder times most likely, because the gaps are larger for me and blah blah blah. >_>

You be repeating yourself. o_o

HAHAHA, damn me and my confusion. I mixed up the SuperDragon and Scraper-X thing in my mind when shifting between those two. Silly is me. Sorry about that. XD

Ahhh, is that what happened. Well, nevermind my "you must have missed the in-between-both-#202ranks update of the list" explanation, then! #;-}>

At 2/6/05 07:17 PM, EKRegulus wrote: I used to be considered a normal person, then not as insane as Bonus but I still got a few warnings and finally, I'm at his level. When will it stop? :D

When you officially become more insane than Bonus. Good luck with that.

You've got competition from Kiba, though. Watch your back.

fixit? oblivion? vagrant2? your alt "gfox"? I want some NAMES! or should I say? usernames!

I said "worse ones"... but now I have no idea what I meant by worse. So... yeah.

Quit these jokes? Fine.. oh wait.. for a week? OK, you requested for a week, not forever :P

(sigh) Okay, let me rephrase: "any week after a week in which I posted on days other than Saturday... thou shalt not joketh about gfox being a once-a-week poster!"

Meaning this coming week you cannot do that, for I posted twice during the week between Saturdays. Both on Sunday and... um... I think it was Wednesday? No, Thursday. Just a bit in SK's new NG Portal Advance topic and in the review mod lounge, but it counts as well. So... we'll see how THIS coming week goes, but I'm planning on doing some major catch-up in other topics on Sunday, so I suspect it'll be another relatively post-heavy week from teh gfox. From 7777 to 7800... AND BEYOND!

I will probably earn another rank-up before the next update so my next improvement on this list will be even better :D

Yar. You and Bonus, tied neck and neck on teh VP list. Just like in your race for craziness! FUNS?!

At 2/7/05 06:40 PM, Crono- wrote: oh, i didn't notice i got my #17 spot back. Goody!

Indeed ye did. And I got my #19 spot back, too. How sweet it is. Now if only I could get my #18 spot back (that'd be the highest I've ever been on the list... were you ever #16, or is 17 your peak position so far?)

I'm quite happy, BTW, that chaotic1 (remember him? He was tied with you in exp for quite some time).... anyway, he missed (more than) enough exp for me to pass him... now if he hits EGSC anytime soon, I'll be safe from his rankup VP boost. AWWW YEAH.

At 2/7/05 10:33 PM, D0GMA wrote: Reading? No. It's not a conversation I've made note of, merely that it logged as I scrolled past that he was copnstantly bringing it up. X-Naut is the only one of these five new SCs that's going to bump me. I get past pox sometime this week, maybe in time for the next update, definitely in time for the one after that, but X-Naut will make SC within a couple of weeks, pushing me back to 36.

Translation: I don't read that wacko X-Naut's posts if I can help it. #;-}>

A couple of weeks after that, I can get past Nostrant... and chances are that will be just in time for someone's rank-up to nudge me back into 36 again

Yay! More 36ness! ^_^

At 2/8/05 11:06 AM, Fizzle wrote: I need to start voting more again. I'm back into that -2 slump haha.

Hm. Do you mean for exp or for b/p, though? I haven't noticed if you miss any deposits (it'd probably be easier to by accident now for ya... seeing as how you've hit and passed the ol' 10k exp mark).

At 2/8/05 07:35 PM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: hooray! .01 more VP now its 6.21 WOOT! :)

6.21 is great and all, Jamie, but please don't post levelup!ish stuff in here if you aren't going to add anything else to the post. It was simply a celebration over +0.01 VP, which, frankly... is commonplace and thus nothing special. So... yeah. There ya go. YE HAVE BEEN WARNED. #;-}>

At 2/9/05 03:53 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: woo, now im under the 250 mark, this is gettin' gooood for me :) haha.
around 2 or 3 months ago i think i was ranked at around 450... and now approx 235. thats'a sweet.

That's pretty cool, man. I remember when you were around #400 as well. I can't believe you've moved up so far from there, I hadn't even fully noticed it (especially since you don't often come in here and talk about your rank or quote it or anything). Seeing as how you're mostly a review-mad user, it's quite the accomplishment to get enough b/ps to boost you up 200 spots on this list in such a short time. Great job!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 16:20:05

At 2/10/05 02:31 PM, -Myst- wrote:
At 2/10/05 02:29 PM, RageVI wrote: I don't really care what place I have, I just want 10.00+! That extra digit will be so gratifying.
I'm looking for my 10.00 vp too

Good luck to you both on the 10+ VPage. We could've really used some more of you guys for this update, seeing as how we lost one of our 10+ guys. ;_;

At 2/12/05 05:23 AM, D0GMA wrote: Heh ... got ahead of pox by .003 today. 13 more days until I pass Nostrant (by .001 lol). Unless X-Naut suddenly speeds up incredibly, or slows down significantly, I should manage to dodge getting a -1 for VP rank ... at least until the next bump ;) Parking at 35 doesn't seem so bad when you've spent a while parked at 36 lol

That 0.003 will only help you tiebreak ahead of pox on SK's version of teh VP list, unfortunately, seeing as how his id# is lower than yours and thus you remain in #36 on today's update. Good luck with not getting bumped anytime soon, though, once you are officially past pox on this list (1 or 2 days, I'd guess... depends on where you both are in relation to teh 0.0049/0.0050 VP rounding spots), even if I don't think that'd be that bad a fate considering that it'd just return you to the sweet bosom that is #36. #;-}>

At 2/8/05 11:37 PM, _altr_ wrote: And only goals I have is beating Bob to SC and or just beating Bob. Either, and I'll be happy ...

I wonder, though... are you really that obsessed with Bob in particular? ... or is it just that myself, Yoink, Joe, etc. are all already EGSCs or will be EGSC before you (in the case of Yoink) and thus Bob is the only one of us that you have any shot/possibility of winning teh final b/p rank race against.... HMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm. #;-}>

At 2/9/05 01:14 AM, _altr_ wrote:
At 2/9/05 12:35 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: ha alright well good luck trying to beat Bob to SC. Just hitting SC is quite a challenge.
Bob is PASSED in points tommarow. And SC only 3-4 months for me. You and Gfox have fun winning the LITTLE battles ;D ...

:::rolling eyes::: See my above point for one BIG battle that you LOST, biiiatch! #;-}>

At 2/10/05 01:49 AM, _altr_ wrote:
At 2/9/05 11:42 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: lolhi
No use typing at you and Greg.

What the hell are you grouping me together with Yoink for in teh "clueless" category? I didn't say shit, HE did. And it's clear that he probably missed our old conversations about the big/longterm victories versus the "little"/shortterm victories. A conversation which, I might add, I DO remember, and thus there's plenty use typing "at" me. HMPH! #;-}>

BASICLY: have fun at #2 on vp, while it lasts. GOOD JOB.

O_o Jeebus, man. Wake up on the wrong side of teh bed?

/me just keeps voting, won't post in this thread again, untill 30,000 ...

Oooookay. I have no idea WHY that is, but... um... have fun not posting here, or... something. O_o


At 2/12/05 02:43 PM, jonthomson wrote:
101.) 09.32 +0.02 jonthomson +1
102.) 09.32 +0.02 stafffighter +1
The problem's right there - stafffighter's got a lower exp and higher b/p count than me, meaning his base will increase slightly quicker than mine and have a bigger %age boost to boot. Plus he's much nearer ranking up than me. It's possible I could sneak in next time, but if I do it'd likely be a one update job, and I wouldn't bet on it anyway :-)

That was one of the things I was thinking of as I typed that the situation beneath you was "too fluid" to make any predictions about whether or not a #100 slot was a lock for you by next Saturday.

I did indeed notice that in the past few weeks, he's gotten almost nothing but +0.02s whereas you've been getting more +0.01s than +0.02s in general. That doesn't bode well, no... but I also considered the possibility that you BOTH get +0.02 OR +0.01 but then someone comes along and ranks up right past you, so... there are numerous ways you could get screwed out of the #100 slot next week... and only ONE way you can hit it just right.

With all that said, I'm curious to know: would you rather just wait until you can get in more securely anyway, or would you welcome it happening next weekend, even if you slipped back to 101 the next weekend?

Personally, I like to experience as little negative motion on a list as is possible (the main one I seem to experience it on, BTW, is the review list... heh), so I'd definitely take the "wait longer to get on in the first place, but get on it eventually with much more solid footing" option.

At 2/12/05 02:44 PM, I_Hate_Sanjay wrote:
376.) 07.71 +0.02 Sailor-Moon +6
*Continues slowly creeping up the VP ladder.* Damn, Wade ahead of me by 0.01 and Ya_Ya by 0.02, now if only it was possible to catch Ya_Ya. But he'll rank up soon and be out of my league. =/

You know, I've heard that namechanging leads to VP impotence. Perhaps if you didn't change your name every few hours (seriously, man... it was Sailor-Moon a few hours ago when I did the data pull... and by the time I posted the list and you replied, it was already I_Hate_Sanjay??!? Who the hell IS Sanjay, anyway? #;-}>).... perhaps then you would achieve super Ya-Ya-owning successorz!

At 2/12/05 02:47 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
212.) 08.33 +0.14 EKRegulus +29
213.) 08.33 +0.14 BonusStage +29
Exactly the same rank change as Bonus so I stay above him :D
I will need another rank-up to get into the top200.

Another rankup... or just several weeks worth of exp. Take yer pick. At least you have the option. #;-}>

At 2/12/05 02:56 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: I am working on making the list. A couple more rank ups and i might squeeze in. I say 3 months or less and i might be top 500. Depends on how many others are trying to squeeze in.

Nice update BTW.

Thanks. Good luck with your b/page in the near future, though the prospects for a "3 month or less" entry look quite dim after reading jon's assessment of your actual exp/b/p situation. Methinks you estimated a bit... low... somehow. But hey, nothing wrong with optimism (unless the three months go by and you're #550 or so and feel crushed that you didn't make it by your estimate... that is... so just avoid that kind of mindset, eh?).


Anywho, 7777 posts = done for today. As I mentioned to EKR in post 1 of 2, however, I expect to blast up to 7800 tomorrow with some MASSIVE catchup, so... see everyone then. Enjoy the list!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 16:25:46

At 2/12/05 04:20 PM, gfoxcook wrote: With all that said, I'm curious to know: would you rather just wait until you can get in more securely anyway, or would you welcome it happening next weekend, even if you slipped back to 101 the next weekend?

It'd look nice I suppose, but I'm not fussed either way. I know when I hit the next rank-up I'll be in securely.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 16:46:26

At 2/12/05 04:20 PM, gfoxcook wrote: At 2/12/05 04:13 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Ummm... Either you realised what I meant and decided to call me a noob for phrasing it a bit... poorly... or somehow it sailed by you. #;-}>

Hehe, I was referencing to two parts of your post OUT of context in order to make them look contradictory. It's more fun that way. ^_^

I didn't say "the less time you spend getting b/p." That would mean less time in the portal, less b/p, etc. etc.

Blah blah blah. Here we go again with extra explainations do to another miscommunication we had. =/

I said... "the less time you spend getting those THREE RANKUPS." As in, not to spend less time getting b/p to GET rankups... but to TAKE LESS time to rankup. i.e. b/p FASTER, not slower. Foolio! By "less time," I don't mean fewer hours per day... I mean getting to your goals sooner. Two months from now instead of THREE months from now, for example.

Yada yada yada, ect.... Here, how about you don't go into these explainations for nothing. Let's have it so if I ask you a question directly then you can go and explain it. If I had said "What do you mean by that post? It seems contradictory." then it'd be obvious I was serious. But yeah, the n00b part was supposed to show sarcasm. =P

So, in short: the two things I said were perfectly consistent.

Yes...I know. :)

B/P fast = takes less time to get 3 rankups = GOOD VP LIST PERFORMANCE

Who would have guessed? ;)

WOW! #;-}>


Depends on how you look at it. My exp shortage mostly hurts me in terms of what level I should be (27 or 28 or something) vs. what level I am (18), and how far away I am from the holy land of the top 50 exp list... it doesn't really hurt me THAT badly when it comes to VP. I am in the top 20, after all. But I'm in the 130s in exprank, which is not low enough, dagnabit!

Haha, at least you have three digits in your exp rank. While I'm stuck with 4. Maybe in 30 years everyone above will die and I can get to level 30. :)

And yes, of course the going is tougher down at the exp amount you are now versus how tough it was when I had your exp. As you point out, it's because of the widened gap between that exp amount and HT52.

Haha, I love HT52 and how he just loves screwing us all to death. XD



You be repeating yourself. o_o

Yes, it makes my post sexier that way. ;)

Ahhh, is that what happened. Well, nevermind my "you must have missed the in-between-both-#202ranks update of the list" explanation, then! #;-}>

Yay, another misunderstanding resolved! Hehe, sorry for making you post all of those unneeded explainations. :o

You know, I've heard that namechanging leads to VP impotence. Perhaps if you didn't change your name every few hours (seriously, man... it was Sailor-Moon a few hours ago when I did the data pull... and by the time I posted the list and you replied, it was already I_Hate_Sanjay??!? Who the hell IS Sanjay, anyway? #;-}>).... perhaps then you would achieve super Ya-Ya-owning successorz!

OR NOT! ^_^ I already know I have no chance of getting past Ya_Ya, it's a machine after all. XD And I was Sailor-Moon for almost a whole week. I changed it today. OsAmARaMa changed his alias to "I_Hate_Amir" and thus I responded with "I_Hate_Sanjay". Pfft, you should be flattered you were mentioned in one of my aliases before. ;)

PS: I'll give you *insertsomethinggoodhere* if you can name all of my past screen names. XD

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 16:56:37

At 2/12/05 04:13 PM, gfoxcook wrote: When you officially become more insane than Bonus. Good luck with that.

I don't plan to make it happen.

Watch your back.

How about no? :P

(sigh) Okay, let me rephrase: "any week after a week in which I posted on days other than Saturday... thou shalt not joketh about gfox being a once-a-week poster!"

That's such an unfair rule. Now, I need to find a different joke. :(

At 2/12/05 04:20 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Another rankup... or just several weeks worth of exp. Take yer pick. At least you have the option. #;-}>

I will choose both. I have a school's weekly break at the end of the month so I have enough time to b/p like Denvish would :D

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 17:12:18

At 2/12/05 02:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Update date: Saturday, February 12th, 2005
037.) 10.69 +0.01 X-Naut

lol why yet again another week being the cursed #37,just for the great gfox ;) lol

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 17:21:29

At 2/12/05 02:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 152.) 08.72 +0.14 SevenStar +14
153.) 08.71 +0.02 Mightydein -1
168.) 08.59 +0.02 j00bie +4

I want to pass both of these bozos in the near future, even though Sevenstar is soon going to get the 7 and 5 percent boosts... Im still a higher level then him damn it >BD

At 2/12/05 02:39 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 168.) 08.59 +0.02 j00bie +4
206.) 08.37 +0.02 QuikFox

jajaajahahsahdhsdsfha yesh

At 2/12/05 02:39 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 212.) 08.33 +0.14 EKRegulus +29
213.) 08.33 +0.14 BonusStage +29

hahahaha, be true to your family and come see ours.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 17:28:30

At 2/12/05 02:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Update date: Saturday, February 12th, 2005

Thank Mr Greg

There were ZERO rankups in the top 100 VP this week. .

Sorry, I'm trying my best.

050.) 10.29 +0.01 MI4_REAL_2001
051.) 10.28 +0.01 Rabindarath
052.) 10.26 +0.01 Fizzle
053.) 10.20 +0.02 Denvish +1
054.) 10.18 +0.02 MPA +2
055.) 10.18 -0.01 fixit -2

ME>fixit Muahahahahaha!!! Suck that, robot.
Hmmm. Going to be pushing it to even maintain top 50 by the time I get to EGSC. Bummer.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 17:50:58

At 2/12/05 02:41 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 330.) 07.85 +0.14 ShittyKitty +41

Hooray for rankups! Now I'll have to wait another couple of weeks for another major boost...

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 17:58:07

At 2/12/05 04:20 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Thanks.


Good luck with your b/page in the near future,


though the prospects for a "3 month or less" entry look quite dim after reading jon's assessment of your actual exp/b/p situation.

Yes i know. I didnt really figure it out mathematically. It was just a roug hestimation of how long i thought it might take me if i picked it up a notch.

Methinks you estimated a bit... low... somehow. But hey, nothing wrong with optimism

Nope not at all.

(unless the three months go by and you're #550 or so and feel crushed that you didn't make it by your estimate... that is... so just avoid that kind of mindset, eh?).

lol. Well I didnt set a date or anything, so if i dont make it it wont be so bad. I will just re-evaluate. I aint gonna kill off all my time dedicating myself to making the list. ^_^ Just looking into the future as one day being on the list.

I think i am like 5 B/Ps from ranking up. O_o

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 17:58:40

At 2/12/05 02:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Update date: Saturday, February 12th, 2005

001.) 14.59 +0.01 NeMeSiSM66
002.) 13.40 +0.01 ramagi
003.) 13.24 +0.01 bila
004.) 13.16 UNCH. YoinK_VineS

Well that will chagne in a week two at the most. Depending on what BP rate Yoink maintains. I'm safte from _altr_ and Bob for a much longer period of time.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 18:00:06

Gimme another week or two and I'll be on that list ^_^

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 18:08:16

At 2/12/05 06:00 PM, -Slayer- wrote: Gimme another week or two and I'll be on that list ^_^

Well, you better start blam/saving like a madman, because you're still 1.81VP away from #500, dude.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 18:12:28

Maybe I will. ^)^

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 22:10:57

199.) 08.41 +0.15 DRD1982 +27

I broke into the top 200!!! Nice!!!!!

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-12 23:35:33

At 2/12/05 05:58 PM, ramagi wrote:
At 2/12/05 02:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Update date: Saturday, February 12th, 2005

001.) 14.59 +0.01 NeMeSiSM66
002.) 13.40 +0.01 ramagi
003.) 13.24 +0.01 bila
004.) 13.16 UNCH. YoinK_VineS
Well that will chagne in a week two at the most. Depending on what BP rate Yoink maintains. I'm safte from _altr_ and Bob for a much longer period of time.

yea... bob doesn't seem to be going anywhere in BP. It will take me more than a week to get there... _altr_ will probably just get so drunk some day that he'll forget all about BPing.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-13 11:17:20

At 2/12/05 02:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote:

024.) 11.21 +0.02 thisisasignin +2
025.) 11.20 +0.01 nimmer
026.) 11.19 UNCH. Pimp -2

there we are settled in the top 25

Serving Justice to flash since 1999

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-13 11:38:45

At 2/12/05 11:35 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote:
At 2/12/05 05:58 PM, ramagi wrote:
At 2/12/05 02:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Update date: Saturday, February 12th, 2005

yea... bob doesn't seem to be going anywhere in BP. It will take me more than a week to get there... _altr_ will probably just get so drunk some day that he'll forget all about BPing.

i doubt that,he could probably out drink big don vito lol (for all you CKY/viva la bam fans out there)

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-13 12:13:17

At 2/12/05 02:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
500.) 07.38 UNCH. Airborne_hk -4

Bah, damn it. Everytime I keep getting close to being 500, it gets bumped up. :(

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-13 19:51:28

At 2/13/05 12:13 PM, Dave wrote:
At 2/12/05 02:42 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
500.) 07.38 UNCH. Airborne_hk -4
Bah, damn it. Everytime I keep getting close to being 500, it gets bumped up. :(

if you want to be on the list
please meet the following to requirements
1) be patient
2) start collecting b/p faster

Serving Justice to flash since 1999

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-13 19:53:30

At 2/13/05 07:51 PM, nimmer wrote: if you want to be on the list
please meet the following two requirements
1) be patient
2) start collecting b/p faster

oh allmost forgot
there's also
3) deposite every day

Serving Justice to flash since 1999

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-13 21:20:00

yes nimmer, I try and follow those standards, althought I get quite angry, when I see submissions pass that arent really passing material, and I voted a one and it passes with like a 1.60 lol... but than again patience is a virtue... I seem to excel in blamming however... I think I will be in the top 50 before I reach level 11 definately!

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-13 23:15:59

At 2/13/05 09:20 PM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: I think I will be in the top 50 before I reach level 11 definately!

I'm pretty sure you won't. You'd have to get ten times the amount of B/Ps you have currently in order to even come close, and I'm pretty sure with only high 2000s for experience points you just won't have enough voting power. I could be wrong though. Keep shooting for that goal. I think in the meantime I'll just wallow just short of being in the top 500, and then perhaps the next time I get motivated enough I'll do a blam/protect spree for a week and get two rank ups again.

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-13 23:24:34

At 2/13/05 11:15 PM, Evark wrote:
I'm pretty sure you won't.



ugh, my self esteem points just lowered again I only have 232 left... omfg.....

you just deflated my ego boost!

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-13 23:36:43

At 2/12/05 02:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Update date: Saturday, February 12th, 2005
012.) 11.85 +0.01 staphita
013.) 11.85 +0.02 ReconRebel
014.) 11.78 +0.01 innphernoe

Still dug in like a tick at the 13th spot. Hey gfox, did all the people who went up by 0.01 instead of 0.02 miss an experience deposit somewhere along the way? I notice you always go up by 0.02 each time I check the list. A voting power of 12.00 is gonna look sweet in the old profile. Thanks for another great update gfox!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-13 23:42:36

At 2/12/05 04:25 PM, jonthomson wrote: It'd look nice I suppose, but I'm not fussed either way. I know when I hit the next rank-up I'll be in securely.

Gotcha. True enough. Anywho, I'm glad you won't be too mood-swung by either eventuality. So now, all that remains... is awaiting which way it goes. Good luck with it, either way!

At 2/12/05 04:46 PM, fixit2 wrote: Hehe, I was referencing to two parts of your post OUT of context in order to make them look contradictory. It's more fun that way. ^_^


Blah blah blah. Here we go again with extra explainations do to another miscommunication we had. =/

!_! You know, the extra explanations I give wouldn't be quite so bothersome if they didn't prompt you to go "blah blah blah" in response to me so much.

I fully realised that there was a DISTINCT possibility you were just yankin' my chain and had fully understood me, but guess what: other people might not have! Such as newbies to the topic, for instance... and in the interests of everyone being clear on what's what, I thought that explaining it in my reply to you was teh best option, even if YOU yourself didn't actually need that explanation. Eh? #;-}>

Yada yada yada, ect.... Here, how about you don't go into these explainations for nothing. Let's have it so if I ask you a question directly then you can go and explain it. If I had said "What do you mean by that post? It seems contradictory." then it'd be obvious I was serious. But yeah, the n00b part was supposed to show sarcasm. =P

Blah blah blah AND yada yada yada.... How about you don't paint my overly-wordy replies to you as so useless, pointless, and/or silly, eh wot? #;-}>

Yes...I know. :)

At least you didn't say blah blah or yada yada this time. #;-}>

B/P fast = takes less time to get 3 rankups = GOOD VP LIST PERFORMANCE
Who would have guessed? ;)

NOT YOU, METHINKS! You're just pretending to know the truth now so you won't look stupid. HA HA! I'm on to you.

Haha, at least you have three digits in your exp rank. While I'm stuck with 4. Maybe in 30 years everyone above will die and I can get to level 30. :)

Yeah, but I have two digits in my VP rank and one digit in my b/p rank. My exp rank feels quite high in comparison, see?

Ahhh, is that what happened. Well, nevermind my "you must have missed the in-between-both-#202ranks update of the list" explanation, then! #;-}>
Yay, another misunderstanding resolved! Hehe, sorry for making you post all of those unneeded explainations. :o

Well, at least one of them got wrapped up nice and tidy-like, eh wot?

PS: I'll give you *insertsomethinggoodhere* if you can name all of my past screen names. XD

No thanks. I don't have a list for you... or anyone, as of late. Back in the days when I updated the VP list manually, I tended to keep track of all namechanges for people who changed names a lot (such as X-Naut), and thus I have huge lists for such people in a certain column of the VP list... but ever since August of last year, NG Lister has pulled names automatically, and thus I don't (and really CAN'T, easily) do that any more. Thus, all of your namechangery fun since then has only been casually observed by myself.

I think my fave one besides your NORMAL one... was Captain-Jack. :::nods:::

At 2/12/05 04:56 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 2/12/05 04:13 PM, gfoxcook wrote: When you officially become more insane than Bonus. Good luck with that.
I don't plan to make it happen.

Well, good luck with that, man. O_o

That's such an unfair rule. Now, I need to find a different joke. :(


I will choose both. I have a school's weekly break at the end of the month so I have enough time to b/p like Denvish would :D

Have fun with that! I wish I could say the same. This weekend HAS been good to me, relatively speaking, compared to the past month or so... but still nothing like the good ol' days.

At 2/12/05 05:12 PM, X-Naut wrote:
037.) 10.69 +0.01 X-Naut
lol why yet again another week being the cursed #37,just for the great gfox ;) lol

CURSES INDEEEEDD!!!! Ah well, another week of suspense... we shall see what happens. Aren't you EVER going to hit Supreme Commander, damnit?! #;-}>

At 2/12/05 05:21 PM, j00bie wrote:
168.) 08.59 +0.02 j00bie +4
I want to pass both of these bozos in the near future, even though Sevenstar is soon going to get the 7 and 5 percent boosts... Im still a higher level then him damn it >BD

Poor bozos. ;_;

jajaajahahsahdhsdsfha yesh


212.) 08.33 +0.14 EKRegulus +29
213.) 08.33 +0.14 BonusStage +29
hahahaha, be true to your family and come see ours.

What the hell does THAT mean, and what relevance does it have to EKR vs. Bonus? O_o

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-13 23:50:31

At 2/12/05 05:28 PM, Denvish wrote: Thank Mr Greg

I'll remind you to thank him, yes? #;-}>

There were ZERO rankups in the top 100 VP this week. .
Sorry, I'm trying my best.

LOL! It's not all on YOU, damnit. Hell, for awhile there you were ranking up every freakin' update or something. Or so it seemed. But even the great Denvish, aka fixit-reborn, can't get 4500 b/p in one week. :::nods:::

053.) 10.20 +0.02 Denvish +1
ME>fixit Muahahahahaha!!! Suck that, robot.
Hmmm. Going to be pushing it to even maintain top 50 by the time I get to EGSC. Bummer.

Congrats to you for teh ownage of teh robot. Pushing it to even maintain top 50? I dunno about that. You're at 53 BEFORE the EGSC rankup... once you catapult up a bit, you'll certainly have a bigger safety cushion. We shall see.

At 2/12/05 05:50 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
330.) 07.85 +0.14 ShittyKitty +41
Hooray for rankups! Now I'll have to wait another couple of weeks for another major boost...

Indeed. Won't be long till you hit the top 300.

At 2/12/05 05:58 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Thanks!

Sure dealie.

Yes i know. I didnt really figure it out mathematically. It was just a roug hestimation of how long i thought it might take me if i picked it up a notch.

Gotcha. Well, no harm then. At least you didn't try to calculate it out perfectly and then fail miserably. #;-}>

lol. Well I didnt set a date or anything, so if i dont make it it wont be so bad. I will just re-evaluate. I aint gonna kill off all my time dedicating myself to making the list. ^_^ Just looking into the future as one day being on the list.

Good attitude, then.

At 2/12/05 05:58 PM, ramagi wrote: Well that will chagne in a week two at the most. Depending on what BP rate Yoink maintains. I'm safte from _altr_ and Bob for a much longer period of time.

Good luck fending off teh approaching higher-expers from passin' you for as long as possible.

At 2/12/05 10:10 PM, DRD1982 wrote: 199.) 08.41 +0.15 DRD1982 +27

I broke into the top 200!!! Nice!!!!!

Congratulations! A nice achievement indeed.

At 2/13/05 09:04 AM, BonusStage wrote: Gfox, why tortue me so, with your "earlier sign up date comes first" place me in front of EK next time we tie, FOR JUSTICE ):<

and wuff <3

It's not to torture you, it's to make tiebreakers fair and consistent and in keeping with NG's own policies (ties are often broken by signup, if not by exp... and I don't pull exp for this list like SK does, so... it makes better sense). So no, I'm not going to FUDGE you up over EKR next update to fit your warped sense of "justice," foolio. But yes, wuff. #;-}>

At 2/13/05 11:17 AM, nimmer wrote: 024.) 11.21 +0.02 thisisasignin +2
025.) 11.20 +0.01 nimmer
026.) 11.19 UNCH. Pimp -2

there we are settled in the top 25

Yep. Though you were already at #25 amazingly last update... you were able to stay there despite signin passing you. Good job getting past Teh Pimp, now you're good (for now, at least).

At 2/13/05 12:13 PM, Dave wrote: Bah, damn it. Everytime I keep getting close to being 500, it gets bumped up. :(

Sorry, man. SlightlyCrazyDude's kinda going through the same thing lately... all I can tell you is to not give up and to keep on grinding out the VP, either through b/p or exp. Good luck!

At 2/13/05 11:36 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Still dug in like a tick at the 13th spot. Hey gfox, did all the people who went up by 0.01 instead of 0.02 miss an experience deposit somewhere along the way? I notice you always go up by 0.02 each time I check the list. A voting power of 12.00 is gonna look sweet in the old profile. Thanks for another great update gfox!

A) some people who deposit every single day go up 0.03 or 0.04 each week (those people are usually level 9 or level 10... the lower your exp, the more your VP goes up per 10 exp, you see).
B) the people who swap between 0.01 and 0.02 (such as yourself, I might add... you're often only 0.01 on an update, but do you miss any deposits? I don't think you do, so... yeah)... do so because their exp is higher.

You HAVE noticed that NemesisM66 is usually UNCH or MAYBE +0.01 each update, haven't you? The closer you get to the 10.00 baseVP, the slower your baseVP moves upwards. His TOTAL VP moves upwards quite slowly (but still faster than Pimp and HT, of course!).

As for most people who get 0.01 some updates and 0.02 other updates, think of it this way... that amount is a ROUNDED amount. By NG.

It's probably closer to the truth to say that such people get 0.015 VP per week (and thus per update).

But if your VP is 10.00 and then you gain 0.015 VP over a week... you end up with:
10.015 VP... which NG displays as 10.02 VP.. (+0.02)

and then the next week you gain the same 0.015 VP (it's actually a bit lower due to the above effects, but that's close enough from week to week)... you end up with:
10.030 VP... which NG displays as 10.03 VP.. (+0.01)

See? It flips between the +0.01 and the +0.02. even though the person is gaining the EXACT SAME amount of VP per week in this example. Hope that answers your question.

And finally, I don't always get 0.02 per update, BTW. I used to get 0.03s and 0.02s, then mostly 0.02s... nowadays I get 0.02s and 0.01s. Someday (in a few months, perhaps), I'll get my first 0.00 / UNCH. We all do, sooner or later. It's the price of increasing our exp at pace with Humantarget. ;_;

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-13 23:59:01

At 2/12/05 02:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: There were ZERO rankups in the top 100 VP this week. Congrats to ... um... ME, I guess! For regaining my #19 spot on the list. Yes. #;-}>

Congrats on that, it's always nice passing people when you only gain .01 - .02 per update.

017.) 11.58 +0.01 Crono-

ugh, i really miss the days of gaining 0.10+ per update . Damn you EGSC.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-15 08:04:05

At 2/12/05 02:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: In other news, SCD, who has been looking forward to his imminent entry into the top 500 for the past few of weeks (ever since he made the pentalist, probably!) has moved up from #505 to #503 (he's tied with several other 7.38 VP people, and unfortunately he's on the short side of the sign-up date stick).

Damn it, foiled again. Well im upto 7.39 now, so heres hoping for next saturday, im actually trying to B/P aswell now, and i still cant get there, which makes it worse, bah, never mind, i'll get there eventually. Fucking sign up daye, why didnt i sign up when i saw NG, bah ;)

At 2/13/05 11:38 AM, X-Naut wrote:
i doubt that,he could probably out drink big don vito lol (for all you CKY/viva la bam fans out there)

Well in my opinion, Altr can outdrink anyone over a few days, hes a fucking machine.

Response to Top Voting Power List 2005-02-15 14:59:50

At 2/12/05 02:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 049.) 10.31 +0.02 XwaynecoltX

Cool im still on this list with my off-line time heh, j/k its cool to see i moved up a spot though...



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