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Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath

2,622 Views | 32 Replies

Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 13:43:41

Hey guys! Man, it was great meeting everyone and I have to say that trip was fun as hell. Thanks a bunch to ixintro for setting the whole thing up. It's always good to see an online community come together and form new friendships. It's unfortunate Tom couldn't come, but we had fun none the less, didn't we? We even made that short film!

So this thread is for discussing the trip and furthering any discussions we may have started there (like when Corky52 had a religious breakthrough after almost falling into that pit, haha!). To kick this off, I'd like to list some highlights of the trip that I thought were awesome:

Remember when everyone dropped out at the last possible second after myself and my friend Luke took off valuable work days to go? Man, that was great. Oh, and what about that time we had to go camping somewhere because we already had all of our stuff ready and it would have been a complete waste otherwise? Yeah, that was cool. Hahaha, and then we decided to go to upstate New York and ended up in Woodstock with a bunch of dirty hippies? Good times. The best part was when we were setting up camp and Luke broke his finger with the sledgehammer while driving a stake. I'm glad we were all there to share that experience. But really, nothing beats the time on the way back when Luke's tire blew out on 287 and we almost died...except maybe Tom mentioning the meetup in the first sentence of his news post after everyone had already dropped out, making us all look like huge biscuits.


Look, we were pretty pissed off at first, and yes Luke did break his finger and we did almost spin out on the highway (and as I type this, Luke is still in New Jersey getting his car fixed). However, we figure this is a good learning experience for those of us who have not planned a meetup before.

After getting to the campsite near Woodstock, we calmed down a little bit and legitimately enjoyed ourselves the rest of the time we were there. It made us realize how awesome it would have been if we had actually gone to Centralia and everyone had been there. So next time there needs to be a rock hard cock solid plan.

Here are some things that we should consider before trying this again:

-Where are we going to stay?
-What are we going to do?
-Are there any places to eat/buy food?
-What are the cooking arangments?
-Who is driving and who needs a ride?
-What is our time frame?
-What do people need to bring?

If all of these things were planned ahead, the whole meetup would seem a lot more stable and people would be a lot less likely to drop out at the last second.

Credit is due to both ixintro for coming up with this idea and to BetaOrionis for helping to solidify this thing as best we could, but let's face it, you can't build a house out of super glue and pubes. It's regrettable, but not a huge deal.

So what do you all think? Should we try another Centralia trip or just pick a good camp site somewhere in the middle of everyone? I don't think Luke or I will be taking any more time off too soon, so we have plenty of time to consider things. Let's just use this as an opportunity to form a good idea.



Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 13:48:09

At 6/29/09 01:45 PM, Twilight wrote: Wait so did people go or no?

Twlight, if you weren't so hilarious, I would hate you so badly.

No, no one went. It was a complete but bust.


Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 13:50:27

Hah. Now we know how much we are pussies.

What a shame, Mister Jensen.

I never asked for this, Mister Denton.

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 13:52:22

Sounds fun

BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 13:52:40

At 6/29/09 01:48 PM, Halvgoeden wrote:
At 6/29/09 01:45 PM, Twilight wrote: Wait so did people go or no?
Twlight, if you weren't so hilarious, I would hate you so badly.

No, no one went. It was a complete but bust.

That is sad.I read throughout the thread and thought it would really happen.People need to start taking more initiative.

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 13:54:23

At 6/29/09 01:52 PM, MercatorMap wrote: In all seriousness, nobody came?


And yes, SouthAsian, you're right. This was really a product of poor planning and lack of advertising.


Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 13:55:56

I will go next year, at least I'll be able to drive myself.

01000100011000010110111001100011011 01001011011100110011101010000011010 01011011100110010101100001011100000 11100000110110001100101010001110111 010101111001

BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 13:56:45

Yeah, that meetup did not go as planned at all. <_<, Sorry that things got so screwed up. As for Tom, he asked about if he should come, but the situation has been such a clusterfuck that I told him to go at his own discretion. I was all set to go, but my parents pulled to plug on my chances. There were A LOT of things that went wrong and it sucks that we didn't get to tell you guys to stop before it was too late. Beta said that the meet's probably postponed for 5 weeks or something. Don't take me up on that. But I still won't be allowed to attend as long as I'm living under my parents' roof.

This was all in good intentions, don't think for a second this was some sadistic attempt at manslaughter. <_< You're right, just poor planning and a big domino effect of shittiness. I do thank Beta for trying to salvage this thing.

I'm going to make you a "Survivor of the Real Silent Hill Meetup" badge, since this seemed like a fucking horror of sorts.

Like... Silent Hill...

Could have ended up really bad, with Pyramid Head and all.

BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 13:56:59

At 6/29/09 01:55 PM, salted-tator-tot wrote: I will go next year, at least I'll be able to drive myself.

Sweet. I'll put you on the guest list and make reservations.



Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 14:02:15

A for effort.

Kansas meetup 2010 FTW

Keepin' Calm and Chiving On

*clickable siggy*

BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 14:04:39

At 6/29/09 01:52 PM, MercatorMap wrote: In all seriousness, nobody came?

I came just reading the story....

The redesign happened, now my signature doesn't match anymore.

BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 14:08:14

At 6/29/09 02:05 PM, Twilight wrote:
Your sarcasm was so excellent that I was too dumb to detect it. But that meet up with Luke just sounded like a Series of Unfortunate Events, and ixin should really make you that badge lol.

I already gots my Elmer's Glue and safety scissors out.

BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 14:45:32

Well shit. I guess from this things didn't go as planned. But this gives us a year of planning for next year. Sign me up for next year. Not even God can stop me from coming next time.

Might I suggest mid-July time frame? After the 4th and before any major cons.


BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 14:50:35

At 6/29/09 02:45 PM, Toukeman wrote: Well shit. I guess from this things didn't go as planned. But this gives us a year of planning for next year. Sign me up for next year. Not even God can stop me from coming next time.

Might I suggest mid-July time frame? After the 4th and before any major cons.

Hmm, who wants to try this again next year maybe?... I'll be able to do it next year, since I'll be 18.

Real Silent Hill Meetup 2010 anyone?

BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 14:55:45

At 6/29/09 02:50 PM, ixintro wrote:
Real Silent Hill Meetup 2010 anyone?

Hells to the Yea. And now we know how much more planning is required to put this clusterfuck of a meetup together.

Maybe we can get it right to work this time around.


BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 15:00:14


BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 15:26:05

I think there was just too much uncertainty in your original plan. Its a shady area you are attempting to make a meetup at, in a town that may or may not be cool with you guys poking around and everyones meeting each other up for the first time, in the middle of nowhere etc.

I think this meetup could eventually work out if you had a sense of familiarity with the people who were gonna go. Like maybe having a Pittsburg meet or something in prior months would have set the foundation for a solid group in that part of the country to consider gathering up and doing it.

I didnt go mainly because I was out of town and had two meetups already in June, but even still there was just too much uncertainty.

It was cool that other people did try and step up at the end of it and I think that shows that people are genuine about it, its UBERLAME that the original person who came up with the meet idea wasnt even showing up. How rediculous is that.


BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 16:12:34

I'm sorry, Halvgoeden.


Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 16:44:51

The main problem is the lack of transportation.

Second is the age of the average NGer.

I know alot of them want to go, but no matter how much a 16 year old without a driver's license kicks and screams, there just aint any way he's gonna get a ride to the middle of nowhere.

"Reality is just a refuge for people who can't handle drugs."

Robin Williams

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 17:31:58

May I ask; why did you write "Penis" at the end of your post? completely uncalled for?

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-29 21:02:18

At 6/29/09 05:53 PM, Ultor wrote: That really sucks so pretty much it failed miserably which means the chance of it happening next year are slim to none correct?

I wouldn't wait THAT long.

I think it has a good chance of happening, just that it fell on a date that somehow didn't work for anyone this time.

"Reality is just a refuge for people who can't handle drugs."

Robin Williams

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-30 09:51:50

Luis seems to have hit it on the head. Seems to be the most logical reasoning.

BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-30 10:01:53

Well, it could work out next year, or, plan a meet-up in a different area. Either way, first time is DEFINITELY not the charm. You just can't expect something to work out perfectly the first time, now can you?

Luis said he remembered the Montreal meet being 5 people. The NYC meet-up was around that number, too. Maybe next year you'll get it.


BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-30 10:47:32

What are you talking about man?

I went along with about 15 other people. What were you in the wrong place or something like that? We camped out all night and even made a Silent Hill movie with Tom Fulp and Luis! They're going to submit it here in about a week when it's completely finished.

We then captured what we thought were a bunch of ghosts, but instead it was just some NGrs fapping in their tents to some hentai.

I can't believe you didn't go to the right place...

In all reality I had to work all day with my group of students at Hershey Park. Also, this use to be Corky52 and I would never have a religious break through >:)

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-30 12:06:44

At 6/29/09 03:26 PM, Luis wrote: UBERLAME that the original person who came up with the meet idea wasnt even showing up. How rediculous is that.

Ahem. That was me, and I was forbade from going a week before the meetup was originally supposed to happen MR. LUIS! That pissed me off pretty bad, having been planning for several months, just for my parents to tell me no at the last second.

BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-30 12:11:21

At 6/29/09 03:26 PM, Luis wrote: its UBERLAME that the original person who came up with the meet idea wasnt even showing up. How rediculous is that.

yeah.. look at the beginning "Who's going" list.

Here's a list of people who are going to likely be there:
Ixintro (Duh, really?)
other namea

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-30 12:36:33

At 6/29/09 03:26 PM, Luis wrote: I think this meetup could eventually work out if you had a sense of familiarity with the people who were gonna go. Like maybe having a Pittsburg meet or something in prior months would have set the foundation for a solid group in that part of the country to consider gathering up and doing it.

I like this idea for some reasons.

1-Pittsburg has many thing to go and do
2-Many eateries and hotels for a 2 day meet
3-Easier to get to for the few of us coming from Ohio (AKA me)

I would be up for a mini-meet in Pittsburg if I get time off.


BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-30 12:53:50

At 6/29/09 01:56 PM, ixintro wrote: But I still won't be allowed to attend as long as I'm living under my parents' roof.
Could have ended up really bad, with Pyramid Head and all.

You should have Tom come yell at them.

Your opinion is wrong.

Current favourite thread.

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-06-30 20:24:38

Wow, i have just got too reading this thread... I am currently in Bloomsburg, PA and would have loved to go.

BBS Signature

Response to Real Silent Hill Meetup Aftermath 2009-07-20 18:05:00

Perhaps what you could do next time, is to set up a meeting place before you actually go there.

If that was originally planned, then my apologies for being a tad ignorant.