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Top5 Topic...

2,475 Views | 41 Replies

Top5 Topic... 2003-09-14 15:40:42

Is it some Top of biggest topics? if it isnt do one!

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-14 15:43:06

There is no top of biggest topics. But i also think that could be a good idea.

BBS Signature

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-14 15:49:30


Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-14 16:51:55

At 9/14/03 04:47 PM, Newgrundling wrote:
The Club-a-Club Club - 27,767 views, 6,968 replies

wow, what is that? Someone whould investigate this strange and yet very appealing topic name yes. Definately.

Also, you didn't include the topic starters with a link to their profile :p

BBS Signature

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-14 16:52:06

Anime Girls (20,826 views, 18,249 replies)

RPJ's giant topic

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:11:23

ok but this can be big to!!!

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:12:28

At 9/14/03 03:40 PM, erpherman wrote: Is it some Top of biggest topics? if it isnt do one!

Dude. You're purely flooding the forum with topics.

Cut it out.

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:13:57

flooding when?

Top5 Topic...

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:14:23

At 9/15/03 01:13 AM, erpherman wrote: flooding when?

Forget it. I'm an idiot.

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:18:05

plz send more message here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Top5 Topic...

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:21:42

Nah. Let the thread die off.

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:22:10

ok i will contribute to ur cause with this post

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:22:25

At 9/14/03 04:47 PM, Newgrundling wrote:
Dragon Quarters Club - 19,436 views, 4,765 replies
NG's 3rd biggest topic - 5,344 views, 4,566 replies

This one is bigger :|

¿Latinos? - 25,411 views, 5,590 replies

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:23:35

yes it was bigger !
Comeon Post pics!

Top5 Topic...

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:25:16

Here are ng's 3 biggest topics,

1.Ng's biggest topic
2.Anime girls
3.The blam club

BBS Signature

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:43:23

ok thanks

Comone i want biggest topic here
.-post funny pics or sommething-.

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:47:22

uh ok ill post my favorite own3d pic......i made it

Top5 Topic...

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:50:33

i like this one!


Top5 Topic...

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:53:57

At 9/15/03 01:50 AM, erpherman wrote: i like this one!


How about this one: Shut the fuck up and stop posting crap!

*(sorry)* Na...

Top5 Topic...

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:55:30

okok i just want many funny pics and message!!

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:57:51

i go too school now and i want many replys when im bacK!! CYA

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 01:59:56

At 9/15/03 01:55 AM, erpherman wrote: okok i just want many funny pics and message!!


For funny pics, go to:
The Cool image gallery, is closed but has tons of nice pics :)

If you want to post, you need to read the rules... because you are making spam in some topics... like here...

Get fun... but always follow the rules...

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 03:11:59

well it seems this topic was an utter failure

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 03:15:36

At 9/14/03 04:47 PM, Newgrundling wrote: Here are the 9 biggest I know of:

NG's biggest topic - 28,384 views, 24,897 replies
The BLAMming Club:Enemies of CRAP - 40,103 views, 15,063 replies
Obsessive Compulsive Posters - 46,121 views, 11,563 replies

Uh, you left out Anime Girls: It is in second place with over 18000 posts.

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 09:43:17


Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 09:50:17

but isnt the biggest topic Spam??

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 10:12:06

At 9/14/03 04:47 PM, Newgrundling wrote: NG's 2nd biggest topic - 6,878 views, 6,659 replies
Anime Club - 32,172 views, 6,154 replies

level up! thread has 6,520 posts and that ocp thread has over 6000 (or 8000 can't remember) posts

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 10:55:11

i want that many replys here too , but nobody else wonts , comon start reply here!

Top5 Topic...

Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 11:01:08

At 9/14/03 04:47 PM, Newgrundling wrote:
At 9/14/03 03:49 PM, erpherman wrote: SOMEONE KNOWS THE BIGGEST TOPIC??!??!?!
Here are the 9 biggest I know of:

Aw man you missed this one


Response to Top5 Topic... 2003-09-15 11:09:14

okok we need more big topic with SPAM ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥