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MY super kewl story

2,909 Views | 29 Replies

MY super kewl story 2006-04-16 23:23:30

Yes, I've decided to join the ranks of the choose your adverture story writers, here goes.

One day in May, there was a boy named Greg. Greg was a little weird in the head, but a nice kid none the less. He got up and got ready for school. as he walked down the stairs he saw his parents swallowing many anti-depressents, washing them down with vodka, whilst screaming: "WHY DO I HAVE SUCH FREAK FOR A CHILD?!" Greg got on the public bus to make his way to school. When he got on the bus, a man sat next to him. His breath was the most wrecthed thing Greg ever smelled, but he knew his manners, so he kindly asked the man: "Mint?" The man replied: "No thanks." Then Greg noticed an open window on the bus, and right next to it, an open manhole.

What do you do:

A: Force feed him the mint
B: Hit him in the face
C: Throw him into the manhole, then seal it

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-16 23:25:13

Not everyone can be a writer.

There is nothing you can name that is more delicious and awesome than Subway.

I run on Mountain Dew.

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Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-16 23:25:49

This is a spoof of off the other one, well, this one better be good (even though it starting out badly, i mean come one! a polite kid)

anyways: C

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-16 23:27:01

At 4/16/06 11:23 PM, usafddh wrote: What do you do:

A: Force feed him the mint
B: Hit him in the face
C: Throw him into the manhole, then seal it

K, wierd story.
Force feeding people mints sounds interesting...

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-16 23:27:54

At 4/16/06 11:25 PM, FeeL_Os_oFf wrote: Not everyone can be a writer.

I thought the same exact thing upon finishing this god forsaken piece of writing. Don't expect to write for a living.

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-16 23:32:18

B, because hitting people is so satisfying.

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-16 23:35:05

MY super kewl story

more like my super gay story

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-16 23:36:39


Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-16 23:36:45



Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-16 23:37:31

C for the win, im oof guyz, i need to watch porn for tonight, bye.

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-16 23:48:51

Man, that story reeks. You need to exclude the parents completely. Oh and the smell old man has to be selling a magic bean. then you have a crap story instead of a cesspool story.

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 00:15:26

Okay, last post until 3:00 P.M.

Greg was incredibly upset that that man would not eat the mint so he grabbed the man's jaw, and screamed: "YOU'RE GONNA EAT THE DAMN MENTOS, BICTH!" and started physically forcing him to chew the mentos. The man got so freaked out, he accidently fell onto a man who happened to have an erection at the time. They started having buttsex. When Greg turned around, he saw a beutiful Asian girl in the seat across form him, starring in awe.

What do you do:

A: Rape her in public
B: Start wanking furiously in front of her
C: Try talking to her
D: Throw her into the manhole

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 00:17:53

At 4/17/06 12:15 AM, usafddh wrote: What do you do:

A: Rape her in public
B: Start wanking furiously in front of her
C: Try talking to her
D: Throw her into the manhole

Most n00bs are going to say "rape her", wanna bet?

I choose D.

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 15:42:17

Come on peeps, vote!

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 15:46:19

At 4/17/06 03:42 PM, usafddh wrote: Come on peeps, vote!

This story isn't funny and is quite poorly written, "ooh, he used an everyday object and put it in violent context, but wait, there's more! HE also gave you 4 incredibly 'twisted' and 'silly' and 'perverted' options! What a twist! It's an instant recepi for comedic gold!"


The average BBS user couldn't detect sarcasm if it was shoved up his ass.

Roses Are Red Violets are Blue

I'm Schizophrenic and so am I

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 15:50:03

this story is such a random dumbass story its actually kinda funny


Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 16:05:55

I pick A.

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 16:08:55

C. im not a sicko

comment pls | follow pls | aka FishType1

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Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 16:11:43

strawberry clock would say B. lol

comment pls | follow pls | aka FishType1

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Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 16:14:32

hurry up and post the next part of the story

comment pls | follow pls | aka FishType1

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Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 16:19:32

i'd do D which is Challenge them to... MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 16:29:07

At 4/17/06 04:19 PM, Half_Scottish_idiot wrote: i'd do D which is Challenge them to... MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!

so you would throw her in to the manhole

comment pls | follow pls | aka FishType1

BBS Signature

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 16:55:39

Ok, here goes

Greg got up and picked up the Asian girl. She was screaming. Greg then threw her out the window on into the manhole. Greg heard the sound of many bones shattering. At this point everyone fled the bus, so Greg drove the bus to school himself, runnig over many pedestrians. When he got to school, all the other kids started beating him up. About three minutes later, a teacher came by, and said: "You shouldn't treat Greg like that, you should be horribly tourturing him!" The teacher stabbed Greg in the arm with a pair of scissors. Then he jabbed a pen through Greg's leg. Then smashed his testicles with two bricks. Greg winced in pain.

Do you:
A: Let them countinue
B: Pull a "Columbine"
C: Get jizz in your mouth

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-17 16:57:59

At 4/17/06 04:55 PM, usafddh wrote:
Do you:
A: Let them countinue
B: Pull a "Columbine"
C: Get jizz in your mouth

Ok now your just shitting around.


Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-18 19:11:30

Cum on peepz, vote sum mor!

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-04-30 19:16:24


Response to MY super kewl story 2006-05-11 17:46:29

I vote C.

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-06-29 22:50:17

This story sucks. I'm sorry. It sucks. Why? Well, here are a few reasons.
1) You are all but illiterate.
2) You are just copying off other threads.
3) This story makes no sense.
4) What the Fuck?
5) See above.
6) Get a life.

Response to MY super kewl story 2006-06-29 23:27:02

C For The Fucking Win

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Response to MY super kewl story 2006-06-29 23:49:49

Im gonna go with

MY super kewl story

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