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iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial

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iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-06 12:03:18

*Warms up fingers*

Alright, since I've been getting lots of requests from NG users asking for a way to do this, I've decided to write a tutorial. This is a guide I'm writing for iPod nanos and iPod nanos only.

First of all, I am not responsible for anything gone astray on your iPod. If it fucks up, it's your fault. This tutorial has been done on 4 GB and 2 GB nanos, all which work pretty well. If anything is to go wrong, format the iPod using windows. Not the updater, but windows. Make sure it's FAT32 and check the "Quick Format" box.

Before we go on, I suggest you read through the following sites and browse their forums:


Do at least 20 minutes of reading to get acquainted with what you're about to do. When I first tried doing it, it sounded like I was going to completely destroy my iPod. But after following these basic instructions I was finally able to play videos and games on my 2 GB nano. Also, read through the tutorial before attempting to do it in your nano.

First things first, download this modified Linux installer for the nano:

Download this utility:

Download the Apple iPod updater from the Apple website. You should already have it though, since it was installed alongside iTunes. You'll find it in C:/Program Files/iPod/iPod Updater 200X-XX-XX. The X is a number regarding the date of the installer. If it is anything before November 2005, I strongly suggest you update it with a newer version.

Unzip the files. Keep the iPod Linux installer folders on your desktop, and unzip the utility and cut the .exe to C:/documents and settings/Your name and paste it there. rename the .exe "aes". Trust me, just do it.

Connect your iPod. Do not disconnect it unless I tell you so in another step.

Press ctrl+alt+del to bring up the task manager. Go to processes, and end the process called "ipodservice.exe". If iTunes is running, I suggest you end it as well.

Open the Apple Updater (posted above), and restore your iPod to factory settings. That means that all data will be erased, so backup your important files. Your iPod will be restored to the way it was when you first took it out of it's box.

Once it's been restored, wait for it to boot up, and select your language. Now press and hold the MENU and center buttons for exactly 5-10 seconds, and your iPod should restart. As soon as you see the Apple logo, hold down center and play/pause. Your iPod should now go into disk mode, in black and white pallets. Do not be alarmed, it will return to color soon. If any Apple software opens up, close it and kill it using Task Manager.

Open the iPod Linux installer. Remove the "Check for online updates" checkmark, and leave the original Apple firmware as the default boot. When it asks you to backup, you may do so. Although I haven't found a way to actually use the backed-up file. Install iPod Linux.

After doing so, close the installer. DO NOT DISCONNECT YOUR iPod. Instead, go down to the "notification area" of your taskbar. Right-click the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon, and select "Remove Hardware". You'll see your iPod nano on the list. Highlight it and click stop. Your iPod should reboot, so as soon as you see it doing so go back into disk mode (center+play/pause).

Open a command prompt window.

Now, you'll have to "find" your iPod. Type in:

aes 1 /info

Some information will be displayed, most likely your hard-drive. What you're trying to do is replace the "1" with the number of your iPod. It will most likely by "2", so type in:

aes 2 /info

The totaly capacity of your iPod should be displayed as either 2 or 4 GB (the only 2 sizes the nano comes in). If "2" is your iPod number, then remember it. Now type in:

aes 2 /show

The following should be displayed:

aes X /info
EBIOS characteristics (C/H/S): 497/255/63
Total capacity: XGB

The "X" is a number that should be displayed, depending on your iPod's number and capacity.

As you can see my ipod is disk number 2, the 2GB ipod should show a similar message but displaying 1GB in capacity, the following commands are based on the fact that my ipod is disk number two please replace this number with the number of your ipod. Type this:

aes 2 /delete:2
aes 2 /pri:1866:fat32
If you have a 4 GB nano, then use /pri:3851:fat32 instead of /pri:1866:fat32

aes 2 /activate:1

Now repeat the "safely remove hardware" part and boot into disk mode. Yes, disk mode will be there even though you just formatted your nano.

Now go into My Computer. Your iPod drive should appear, but Windows will be unable to open it. It will ask you to reformat it, so click "Yes" and make sure the reformat is under FAT32 and that the "Quick format" box is ticked. Reformat it, restart the iPod and go into Disk Mode once more.

Now run the Apple Updater. It should recognize it with no major problems. Restore the iPod, wait for it to restart, and choose a language. After that's done, restart it again and go into disk mode. Re-install Linux exactly as you have done above, use the "safely remove hardware" method and go into disk mode once more.

Now open the "COPY THESE FILES INTO YOUR IPOD AFTER INSTALLING" folder. You should see 2 files: podzilla and start. Copy those and paste them into the root of your iPod folder. Restart your iPod, and as soon as you see the Apple logo, hold down the rewind button until you see blue text with a black background. Podzilla should boot, but the backlight has been turned off. Go to settings and enable the backlight to whichever time you want. Go to "Appearance" and select a good theme. I recommend Gameboy or Amiga 1.x

I'll write the tutorial for videos and games shortly, since I've ran out of characters. You can thank me all you want after this.

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-06 13:16:59

Now, for videos. Download MoPiD, and run the .exe. Simply type in which iPod you're using, select the file, select a framerate (just type in 15*) and select where to save it. Once you're done, move the converted file to your iPod root. You can create a folder for it if you want, too.

To play them, boot into podzilla and go to File Browser > hp. You'll find the file in there or in the folder you created.

Now, for games.

First off, they all run on the iDoom engine. Go to the iDoom website and download the source code and binary. Unzip them once you're done, and copy the folders iDoom and iDoom_src to your root in the iPod drive. Go to File Browser > hp > iDoom and open the iDoom file. Wallah! You're playing iDoom!

To run other games, simply copy the downloaded files (.wad) and rename them "doom2.wad". Paste them in the iDoom folder, and run iDoom normally. Don't worry if the screen goes black, just press the center button and select new game.

List of games found here:

That's it!

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-06 19:47:03

Wow, how're your hands?

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-07 08:58:29

whats the point in this? I like it how it is :)

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-07 11:07:04

At 1/7/06 08:58 AM, Katocan wrote: whats the point in this? I like it how it is :)

It's oh-so-cooler.

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-07 17:32:17

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-07 18:57:21

The utility link broke. Download it here:

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-07 18:59:37

At 1/7/06 05:32 PM, arab_freak wrote: The tutorial got stickied.


I bet you're feeling pretty proud of yourself right now.

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-08 19:39:45

At 1/7/06 06:59 PM, -Platinum- wrote: I bet you're feeling pretty proud of yourself right now.

Well, duh. I've recieved lots of "Thank you" PMs. :D

"I just love it when people show gratitude. It's what makes writing tutorials such as this one even more rewarding."

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-09 12:09:38

Thanks to a ceratin user over at WikiLinux, All the files you will need in this tutorial (including some practice videos for you to encode) can be downloaded here:

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-09 14:51:47

Whats with the exclusion of the other iPods?

BBS Signature

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-09 16:58:25

At 1/9/06 02:51 PM, RyanY wrote: Whats with the exclusion of the other iPods?

Each iPod is different, that's why.

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-09 17:46:28

a stupid question, but i'm horrible with this kinda stuff--

what kind of videos can you play once you install linux, and how can you put videos on the ipod?

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-09 19:30:45

At 1/9/06 04:58 PM, arab_freak wrote:
At 1/9/06 02:51 PM, RyanY wrote: Whats with the exclusion of the other iPods?
Each iPod is different, that's why.

Thank you for the help this stuff is genius. My friend already put some on his and im getting a nano soon. Thanks for the help.

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-10 07:25:53

At 1/9/06 05:46 PM, reality_check7 wrote: what kind of videos can you play once you install linux, and how can you put videos on the ipod?

Uncompressed .avi

I've already told you how and where to put the videos in the instructions, jeez.

At 1/9/06 07:30 PM, LOLIMKEWL wrote: Thank you for the help this stuff is genius. My friend already put some on his and im getting a nano soon. Thanks for the help.

The first person to actually use this tutorial on NG. :D

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-10 12:33:17

i got a weird thing once that had all the settings of my ipod nano and it was strange hasnt happened since does that ahve anything to do with it?

BBS Signature

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-10 19:23:46

At 1/10/06 12:33 PM, TJA wrote: i got a weird thing once that had all the settings of my ipod nano and it was strange hasnt happened since does that ahve anything to do with it?

Make more sense.

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-10 19:29:48

New link for all the files, on a much faster host. It's about 63 MB in total.

Johnnywest installer
Tutorial posted by arab_freak (edited to make sense for the files)
Mopid by Joeyjwc and a tutorial from his site
iDoom, Goldeneye, Half-Life, Heritic
2 family guy clips to practice encoding
Lazy Sunday clip from SNL to practice encoding
HP Format tool Installer

And it's all put it a neat little .Zip file!

If you've got a real slow connection, here's the instructions-only files (15 Megs):

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-10 20:31:48

Good tutorial. I got family guy because of it

BBS Signature

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-11 12:33:10

At 1/10/06 08:31 PM, invaderzig1 wrote: Good tutorial. I got family guy because of it

My, you're ever-so welcome. :)

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-12 19:40:51

I saw this tutorial... and cried from it.

I have a 20GB iPod Photo.

I wish I had a video.

At least I photo hacked it and changed all the graphics.
(I changed the 'Do not disconnect' sign with the NG tank lol)

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-13 15:10:47

Thing is, you CAN put videos on your photo. Don't hesitate to try.

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-28 10:32:02

At 1/13/06 03:10 PM, arab_freak wrote: Thing is, you CAN put videos on your photo. Don't hesitate to try.

Can you really? i have an ipod photo but i cant find instructions that i can understand or that work for me to put video's it. i don't mean to sound rude, but do you think you could maybe write a tutorial on how to put video on an ipod photo? that would be awesome!

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-28 12:35:53

At 1/28/06 10:32 AM, DSjM wrote: Can you really? i have an ipod photo but i cant find instructions that i can understand or that work for me to put video's it. i don't mean to sound rude, but do you think you could maybe write a tutorial on how to put video on an ipod photo? that would be awesome!

You can, in the iPod Linux forums. A tutorial isn't necessary, since all you have to do is download the installer and install it.

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-28 12:38:42

Gragh! I am very frustrated, it seems that after I copy the two files into my root folder (podzilla and start) and restart my Ipod, the only files that show up are podzilla, and start is nowhere to be found. I also get that error saying

"/hp/start: No such file
Command: podzilla"

It sucks becuase I DID copy and paste both podzilla and start files

BBS Signature

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-28 15:35:16

That's weird. Try asking in the iPl forums.

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-28 19:21:02

Open a command prompt window.

Now, you'll have to "find" your iPod. Type in:

aes 1 /info

'aes' invalid command

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-29 00:54:02

At 1/28/06 07:21 PM, viral-infection wrote: 'aes' invalid command

Have you renamed it to aes.exe or just aes?

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-30 07:00:38

what do you need aes or aes.exe?

Response to iPod Linux on iPod Nano tutorial 2006-01-30 08:23:14

At 1/30/06 07:00 AM, Poopis wrote: what do you need aes or aes.exe?

What? I'm assuming you're asking what to rename it. See, most people have their "folder options" in Windows to 'rename filetype'. That means if you rename aefdisk32.exe to aes, it won't become an .exe, just an unknown filetype to windows. Make sure it's renamed to aes.exe