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It's Still Fucking Tuesday

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After COPIOUS amounts of gin, my goddamn fingers needed some guitfiddle.

This is 5 hrs of drinking, 20 minutes with my gear to show off AND i know that I'm off key and shit...but I don't fuckign care. Also, mixing??? haha. Not here.

It's still fucking Tuesday where I live.

This is a pretty good Tuesday. But they can still eat dick.

Fuck you Tuesday.

***EDIT*** PUT IT IN THE WRONG FUCKING GENRE. But it is still easy listening, if you aren't a fucking asshole. haha.

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i want a cookie =D

and hey, let's no forget that monday sucks ass too

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Yeah, but Tuesday is the shittiest.


fuck you tuesday. you take all i have, and turn it into something else. the day that always returns. we won't win this war, but we'll sure as hell die trying. haha, thanks for kicking tuesday in the balls, once again \m/

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Drunk guitar rules.

Blue Balls.

I agree, you doing "Friday" by Rebecca Black would be hilarious. "It's Tuesday, Tuesday, got blow brains, it's Tuesdaaay".
Tuesday fucking sucks, thanks for kicking it in the balls, sir.

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Thank you, metal brother.

Not Enough Time for Drinking


Easy Listening for me. It's off, and it's a Tuesday.

Shit. With all your complaining about Tuesdays, ever wonder if you could do a spoof cover of Rebecca Black's "Friday"?

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Yah, this was in "easy listening", some cock PM'd me pointing that out.
Wha'd he want...a cookie?

Technically it can be easy listening because the fat bastard was sittin in a chair in his mommy's basement with headphones on. Nothing hard about that, unless the fat cunt labors over his own breathing. haha.

Thanks man.

Credits & Info

4.65 / 5.00

May 18, 2011
12:58 AM EDT
Heavy Metal
File Info
729 KB
47 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.