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100 Girls Project #002


Not every girl I draw will be scantily clad like the first 2. I just wanted to experiment more with shading skin tones and different coloring methods.Getting smooth outlines has always been a challenge for me and I think itâEUTMs time to read some tutorials on how to shade hair.I notice that I get super lazy when it comes to shading arms and hands, so thatâEUTMs another area I need to focus more on.

The poses wonâEUTMt be that dynamic for my beginning pieces, but I plan to get more creative with them as I get more comfortable with my skills. Someone requested Emma Stone for Girl #003, so now IâEUTMm in trouble. IâEUTMm not in the mood to do referenced works yet, until maybe girl #006. While I wonâEUTMt exactly be trying to draw Emma Stone, I might as well use her as my inspiration for the next one.

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They just get better and better. :P Skin looks smooth, towel looks dropped appropriately... just the hair comes off somewhat flat I think, affecting the shape of the head overall... or maybe the size is a bit off. Overall: nice work! Wonder what happened to the remaining 95 portraits planned btw? Was the project abandoned? Posted elsewhere? Would've been cool to see.


"mouse art?"

need to learn human proportions,but good job on the colors..


In my opinion the body is to small for the head I know most will disagree but in my opinion the head is the perfect size for her and I couldn't inagine it any larger but I can see the body being smaller. Her arm looks a bit awkward but if I put a story to it it just seems like the picture was taken at a bad moment where her arm happened to be in the position ( i tested with my own body) hair is amazing I think the curve of her back should be more defined I think it goes down a little to straight. Towel reminds me of nel hey how did you product the mist effect all in all an awesome pic I really need to get back into my art work haha meh i was never that good I'll stick to writting ha .


are extremely off.i agree with marswolfe.the head is much smaller that the body and i also feel the boobs are a tid on the uneven side.i wish the head wasnt angled also.im sure you hav amazing work but this was a tid off.

Her head is weird

Well There is a lot of good in this but a couple things just seemed off. Imediately i noticed her head was far too small and felt of center -- Like she is straining her neck. Also I noticced her right hand seemed kind of odd... Like a weird position... unnatural. I do really like her body though... The smoke was a nice touch and her hair has a really cool texture.

Credits & Info

3.70 / 5.00

Oct 22, 2009
12:55 AM EDT

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