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Bipedal cavalry automaton


"They call them bipedal cavalry automatons, but I call them robo ostrichs."

- Caroline Locksmith

(c) kmau

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I like it but something is off... ready I am going to pretend I know something about art now: This isn't as interesting as it should be because there is a lack of action. I receive no sense of motion when I look at this yet there are indications that there should be motion. The drawing is a little to straight. Momentum should affect the rider more, especially because the riders face is the focal point of the drawing. I would also love to see more flying dirt or footprints and a shadow maybe something in the foreground to make him seem more like his bca/ro is not floating on a light mist 10 arbitrary units from the ground.

kmau responds:

I agree, the rider should be more bent over and clench his legs against the chasis.

I registered, just so i could comment on this.

This is amazing! like literally, if i could draw, i'd honestly be trying to copy your style or get some adaptation of it, because im kind of speechless, i've been looking at your work on newgrounds and deviant for a while, and its all awesome!

i just wish i could give you more recognition than you have. It essentially has its own style and seems so well organized, you literally created an entire world didn't you?

I want to get this skilled someday, This is awesome!

kmau responds:

Hah I feel honored.

Credits & Info

4.56 / 5.00

Feb 8, 2012
9:39 PM EST

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