Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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I made it with Photoshop CS3, I hope you like this. I do not make drawings for myself I make them for enterntaining people, making them laugh, wonder, smile, or give them something to think about.
I dunno why i drew this, suddenly the idea came, I was in front of a piece of paper with a pencil, and well, you probably knew what happened later, I ate a pie of course, then I started drawing.

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You gave this one a different style and I do with other artwork was as different as this one was, there is a sense of Stylization and Flair about this piece, I like it. Alright this was different for sure, the "EYES" really come out with emotion so nice job there and nice touch on the backround as well, maybe a tad more "SHADE" on the walls though. overall nice job here. But now we do come to the end of this review or close to it and before I get to any helpful options I just want to say it was something different and thats good when it comes to artwork.

So my take here on this submission is that you do have something decent here, and this was notbad at all, kind of reminds me of a car or house that you still need work on them from time to time to get all the kinks out here or there. maybe a tad more "SHADE" on the walls though. and I would also try and improve on the "FONT" it was hard to read maybe something more snazy and up front.


Oh my...

Never saw that crazy part of you, OMg i Love those details on the hair and face... creepy (0_0)

HAVT responds:

haha glad you noticed, I tried to put a lot of details into it :P

aaa you drew me! how nice?

i love it mind if i use it as my newgrounds picture?!

HAVT responds:

not at all. you can use it, but when people ask you who drew that you tell them that it was me =D

Effective Art Work and Symbolism.

The face gives a great attitude towards your character. I think your background is simple yet effective. I think the shadowing is decent and the general art work is wicked. Good job.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Jun 23, 2009
9:39 PM EDT

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Licensing Terms

You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

You must give credit to the artist.
You may not use this work for commercial purposes.