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Reviews for "AB: Spindle"

It was good

It was well done why is he old and bald though gj anywase

A Great Action-Fighter Game!

AB:Spindle is a Very Short game, but I also found it to be Very Original, Entertaining, and Well Thought-Out!

It takes a bit of time adapting to the Style, Atmostphere, and Controls of the game, but the Experience is worth it. Starting with the Basics, you have 3 Action Buttons to accompany the directional keys--Attack, Shoot, and Jump. You can combine Jump with either of the other Action Buttons for more Interesting and SOMETIMES more Helpful Moves!

In each 'Scene', you'll face at Least 4 or 5 Thugs. Make sure you go to Options before starting and Select 'Few' and 'Easy' Thugs, and you may also want to set your Lives at '10' the first time you play!
The Most Effective approach is to Run-Up to each thug and Lay-Into them until they fall-down or Die. This simple move is the Fastest way to kill thugs! If you're being crowded and need some space, Jump-Kick a few of 'em. It won't take-off much of their Health, but it allows you to take-on fewer thugs at a time.
Along the way, you'll encounter 'Badder' Thugs so you'll want to pull-out your gun/guns occassionally so you can hurt them while maintaining some space between you. Now, onto the rest...

There are 4 Different 'Badder' Thugs you'll encounter:
1)Molotov Cocktail Thug - guzzles-down liquor and breathes fire! Shoot them if you can, or Run-Upto them and attack. This works against ALL Thugs if you don't give them a chance to react!

2)Fast Thug - he's just faster than the others, but he's harder to avoid. Not a threat if you use the Basic 'Run-Attack'!

3)Chain Thug - these guys can be a Real Annoyance! Shoot them every chance you get, or he'll throw-out his chain to grab you by the throat! 'Run-Attack' works Very Well against him!

4)Giant Thug - twice the size of the others. You have to fight 2 of them in a Final Battle with the street thugs. Keep your distance and Shoot them every chance you get! If they start closing-in too fast, use the Jump-Kick...Do Not try to Duke-It-Out with them unless you have No Other Choice!

The 2 Obstacles you will have to face are:
1)Molotov Cocktail Dodge - another gang is in the Alleyway where you can't see them, only hear. They'll begin hurlinging Dozens of Flaming Bottles at you. Run to the Right-Side and use the building for cover!
You WILL get torched 2 or 3 Times, but most of them will miss!

2) Final Battle - as I mentioned before, you'll have to fight a Final Battle. Here, you will have to face 10-15 Thugs! AND, you will have to take-on Every Kind of thug you fought to this point...but it's not too difficult if you play Smart!

The last thing I will tell you is that you May run into a couple of parts in which you'll get stuck. If you can't figure-out what to do, E-Mail Me and I'll tell you! Although, I'm sure All of you should be able to figure-out what to do without my help!
And IF you do get stuck, don't sweat it! We All get stuck Sometimes!

i like it

The moves are pretty cool but,its hard to fight. I have a hard time aligning myself with the enemies.I say play it if you have time to waste.

Pretty Good

It was an alright game somewhat difficult at parts but it had a dark grim feel to it that was to my liking

If only

If only this game was more dynamic it would be great.
But sound becomes annoying in several minutes and fights are too similar.