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Reviews for "Priest Trilogy : Part 1"

good one

dont pay attention to what they say this little kids are hard to please i love your drawings they are very well done . i just bought a wacom palette
ant to be onest i find it very hard to draw with it . but i see you have mastered the wacom .
thanks for sharing your talent with us .
PS. i think your animation is better than my hellboy flick.
PS>2 gracias por no hacer otro de esos stick man movies que tanto odio.

Stryda responds:

First I'd like to say "I" am in awe of your work... I'm very pleased that someone of your stature likes my art. I have been using my wacom for a while now so I am very used to drawing straight to the computer. I dont think I captured the atmosphere as much as your Hellboy. Your movie as a whole is alot more polished Im honoured you think mine is better.(But its not true. ~~;)
No hablo español, sino que odio películas stickman también. Intentaré hacer animación más agradable. Más gente hará quizá la animación mejor ahora y no tan muchas películas stickman.

Hot damn-

Awesome, Stryder. You should already know how I feel about it after the pm I sent ya at TZ 8)
I hope for the best to you, FUClock, and OmegaDragon on continuing this stellar production.

Stryda responds:

Wow, ur the FIRST TZ member to reply. I welcome you... *gets out chair and some cookies*

Im really glad you enjoyed the animation. Your private message on TZ blew me away. That you were inspired enough to write such a lengthy responce.

I am doing a directors cut and am going to fix the problems you mentioned and some others. As well as add the scenes I didnt have time to finish due to the animations deadline for university.

Thanks again for your kind words man. Oh and if your interested in getting into Flash animation or would like to do some work for my series I can always use some good animators like yourself...

Thanks again!

excellent graph and good story but

1) Animation is slow motion which makes it unnatural.
2) There has to be voice acting. Sound is ok but lack of voice acting makes this masterpiece lower rated

anyway very good job. Keep it going on ;)

WOW, barely ne1 gets this good of a review...

i usually dont write good reviews but... this is a kick ass movie, the movements coulda been a lil smoother and it would be nice to hear the voices besides that, awsome movie!


Wow that was down right awesome! I cant wait to see Priest 2, but 1 suggesion try getting some voices! or more SFX! Otherwise All my 5 R belong to this!

-Nuff Said.....
-Animepwns a.k.a Da Devestat0r