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Reviews for "Target Man"

not bad

this is pretty good, i'm sure your flash skill will improve......yea...i want to see another one!

I like

This was all in all pretty good. In time you'll get better, so good luck!

not bad

its not bad...but u can do btr eith the text and try fixin up the graphics a bit....its good ..

Ok . . . explanation

I'm sorry, kid, I had to blam this one. Let me explain why:

Flash Elements: Parts of it look like you did it all in one layer, which doesn't EVER look good. The audio of the narration was really quiet while the audio of the screaming and such was REALLY LOUD! I know its kind of hard to control that with the audio controls in MX, but you're going to have to fix that sooner or later. The graphics were lacking . . . at best . . . Sometimes you used the circles/rectangles tools and sometimes you hand drew the stuff. I realized, while doing my second flash, that you can't have a combination of computer generated and hand drawn things. You should pick one style or the other is going to stick out like a sore thumb.

Film elements:
I don't care about these charecters when they are children! I want to know about what they did when they grew up! I want some real story! What happened to Target Man after the other kid stuck him with the dart!?! Did he bleed? Did his mom come out and slap the other kid? WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?! In the beginning, it never really explained how he got these powers. Was there some space radiation? Did that meteor thing have weird extraterrestrial chemical compounds in it that affected the Earth's pull of gravity on him? Or did he have these powers from birth? (What's a baby doing on a space ship anyway?)

In general, I think that you could rework this and resubmit when you get a lot more practice with this flash stuff.

Hank-F responds:

That's one thing I forgot to mention in my movie. The meteor had "extraterrestrial chemical compounds" that did it. Some of the other stuff is supposed to remain unanswered, though and will be answer in the cartoons following. I'll take your advice on the drawing thing and I'll stick with one style. I think I'll do freestyle. Works better for me.


tis woz OK

tis woz ok but the sound wz a bit loud nd the narration woz super quiet, i had 2 keep turin my hifi up nd down. overall not too bad, try 2 use text and actionscript to make the subtitles luk as if there being typed out, it saves time and keyframes.