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Reviews for "BS Theater : WWBBD?"

I like it

Well it kind of disapointed me. Since you said "phew" in the begining of your comment I expected a great flash animation. It wasn't that good. Don't get me wrong though. It's good. The animation's smooth and it's quite full of stuff and easter eggs were a nice addition even though I couldn't find any. The problem I have with this is actually not the animation. It's the lag in the song every time it changes scenes. I thought it was going to be a minor detail but no. It was really hard not to notice. I personally take sound very seriously when I make flash animation so I criticise quite a bit the sound. Ignore me ;)
I like it and it was well done. It shows that there was effort put into it.

Apeman505 responds:

Yah, the reason it skips is because I divided the movie into scenes and had a movie clip with the music streamed inside of it in each one. I had to tell the music to start at exactly the right spot every time the scene changed. Not too difficult to do, since I just measured the lengths of each scene. This method should have worked, but it didn't and I had to keep adjusting it. It's still not perfect, and I tried copying all the frames into the same scene, but that didn't work. TONS of information got screwed up when I tried it, so if anyone has any ideas on how to fix it I'm all ears.

Well, not literally....

Pure Genius

It's nice to see the old fashioned "Paper cut-out" style of flash coming back. I like the heavily animated "epics", but there is something so funny about this style.

Although the Rancor WAS cool, the "coolest" part was you taking the three "Beat the geeks" guys and putting them in your flash. God I miss that show. I should have replaced that inept Star Wars geek...that girl (And later, the guy) knew nothing.

This figure skating guy saved us all from space?

That's good to know.

Nice video, good work... I think that's good work. Very insane styled, everything flashes by quickly without much meaning.

This is definately worth a watch. 5/5


this was FUNNY!!!!!!! nice job


That was a shock. Extra points for that. ^_^

Hilarious audio and good choice of lead singer. Bob Sagat...heh. Yah, you should do a series on how crappy and unfunny he is and how much everyone hates him.

Apeman505 responds:

HAHAHAHAA!!! THat's a great idea! I'll have him get up and read some hatemail or something. Yeah, the leaf guys are a Japanese band called Happatai (Happy day) and they sing Yatta. Oh, yeah. Get down with the Yatta.