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Reviews for "Stop yaoi!"

Sweetums, listen up!

Dude, I am obviously a yaoi fan, and you know what, that is SO offensive to gays and yaoi fans, it ain't even funny one bit. You were so dumb enough to post it in NewGrounds, because this ISN'T the place to post it. Now I wanna tell you another thing: the reason why yaoi fans appreciate yaoi is because boys like you like 2 girls making out. So we women should have a right to look at that stuff too, or are you a sexist person?
And this animation is NOT cool or even worth a Mature rating because I think its too childish to be in the Mature section. I might not be an admin or mod, but I'm just telling you, all right?

Oh yeah, you're Christian...

Listen up. Nobody chooses to be gay. I wouldn't say you're born with it, but I've been told that you have this gland in your head (I'll call it the 'femmy gland'). The femmy gland can be either large or small. If it's small, you're more masculine. If it's big, then you're more feminine. (This isn't confirmed, nor have I bothered to check if this information is correct).
Now, I assume you are a man/boy. Most men enjoy seeing attractive women making out with each other. By the looks of your animation, I'd say you hold nothing against that. It's the same for women, believe it or not. We're just more civilized (the majority). If Eve was a normal woman, in your movie, I guess she would have liked to have jumped in and joined. Or at least watched. (And why Adam be gay? How can he have been attracted to the same sex if there was no other man? Unless Eve was really Steve! *le gasp*)
Get with the times. Gays and lesbians are not uncommon. Instead of insulting them, teasing and humiliating them that may eventually lead them to suicide, take it and shut you're dirty little mouth. Now, I'm going to go watch something worthwhile. Like YAOI.


that was pretty pathetic people like who they want to you wouldnt understand obviously stop being such a homophobic and get over yourself


Did you consider this to even be the slightest bit funny?? You are one of those prude bastards that sits back thinking of ways to down and judge people just for being the slightest bit different or liking something a bit different. It is people like you that makes those who are bi and / or gay scared to show their true feelings for someone who just happens to be the same gender... and I'm not all that of an expert on religion and such, but in a way Adam was gay. God wanted Adam for himself from what I can remember. How's that for your "NO YAOI" crap.

Oh and learn how to spell; it can make a big difference when you are trying to make a mute point to something no one cared to see in the first place for the simple fact that instead of being a rude jerk you are also illiterate.

This was so stupid....

This is the most stupid video I have ever watched on newgrounds, Yaoi is just animated gay men, so it isn't hurting anything, besides gay people do not choose to be gay, they just are, it is not their fault. Next time you try and make a video, dont make it offensive.