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Reviews for "Gunslinger"

Im very very impressed!

nice job...altho the graphics werent super, the animation made it awesome...i just totally LOVED the little clip when you finished the first level...that was one of the greatest animations ive seen in a while...dunno why...but i thought that looked fabulous! anyways...great job, you should make some kinda time crisis..same levels, characters, etc. would be cool :) anyways...awesome job! i really enjoyed it...

Moonshine, anybody?

This is Belligerent_Lush and I'm drunk!

Go grab a bottle of moonshine, sit down, and enjoy this game! Wicked good job, capn_g! I loved the concept. I loved the-BELCH-gameplay. I loved the sound. You made a killer. I consider myself creative, but your idea to use a modern song like "Click-Click Boom" as the soundtrack to a western video game...Genious! At least...I wouldn't think of it. Anyway, I would have given the sound a ten, but the same riff gets a little monotonous (although I know you probably can't help it with limitations and all so that's cool.) Ummm....well...screw my opinion, it's a kick ass game. Really. I can't get past the 2nd level but maybe it's because I SUCK! Or because I'm drunk....whatever. Two thumbs up. Smashing job; congrats...all that jazz.

Way to hard

You made this game way to hard...i even used the last guys tips but level 3 is impossible...Its to fuckin hard to shoot the fuckers but w.e. good job (Tone done the difficulty!)

that was cool

good job, i like those type of shooters, click click boom got a little repetitive though... is that opening song that keeps playing during the title Monster Magnet? i recognize it.

capn-g responds:

Yes it is. It's from the intro to "Live for the Moment" by Monster Magnet (Matt Hardy's theme for wrasslin' fans!)

This game is not as difficult as you people think

for the first two levels when you go for cover you will still see one target right make sure you go for him first since you can see when he is out or not. The rest is based on sticking to one target and waiting for the sound of gunfire then come out shooting the target once you see he ducked for cover go for cover too, reload, wait for the next gunshot and repeat. Oh yeah you don't have to wait until you are fully exposed to start firing either. Hope this helps I was able to survive with more than 50% at lvl 2 and more than 25% at lvl 3

capn-g responds:

Bravo! Someone ACTUALLY took the time to learn the strategy! Gold star for you, Dogfire!