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Reviews for "Runa - Black Hole"

IMO The epic feel of this song at first is almost like a trailer for a movie where a giant spaceship is about to be sucked into a black hole.

That goes away after the initial triplet-style dubstep-elements come in. After those initial dubstep parts, it goes back to being the trailer. Then the second, non-triplet style dubstep elements kick in and it feels like an escape level in a video game.

I think the triplet-dubstep elements are the one part that gets in the way of the vibe it seems to me you are going for the most.

Otherwise, I think your intent is quite well expressed. This includes the thumbnail artwork and the title you chose.

I hope this helps. :)

More info about how I review music here: https://codefreq.newgrounds.com/news/post/1089806

Runanova responds:

I really appreciate your feedback. Knowing what people feel like when listening to your tracks always makes me happy! I'm glad most things are actually coherent and I'm already planning on making a fully orchestral version of it!