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Reviews for "I'm Falling"


That was your first movie? Well it's a hell of a lot better then mine. This was a well done piece of flash. Maybe a little soft background music would put across the idea of depression. Heh, i guess we can all be depressed together - woohoo \O/


I checked this out after watching "Love Kills"... I was a bit rough on the drawing skills in that one, but I was just trying to be honest :)

The animation in this one is much much better, it's a veritable plethora of flash text effects set against simple, clean, stylish graphics.

Like everyone has said, it just needs some background music to solidify the mood... I can't think of anything suitably choatic and depressing, but if I do I'll let you know :) Nine Inch Nails seems like a good place to start... trent's dark emotional intensity is on par with your own.


HellScorpion responds:

First of all, I appreciate your honesty, rough comments are what pushes me to never make the same mistakes again. I would've put music into this, but I didn't know how to when I made this. NOW I DO! So, next time, I'll put together the smooth animations of "I'm Falling" and the sound skills I learned while making "Love Kills"... and KABOOM, Who knows what will appear...


This is interesting, this, your first submission, had better graphics than one of you last submissions, "Welcome to New York." Had there been music, this would of been a lot better. Nice backgrounds, just lacks music.



Im falling into confusion!!! This animation was boring! made no sence!! SO GAY!!! I hopo you didnt spend more then 5 minits on this thing!! Dude you have good style! Just putt it to good use not to gay use!!!


For a first flash video.