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Reviews for "Inn & Out"

i feel like a kid again trying to figure out how the heck to play mappy on my plug n play

10/10 would die to bees again

Fun game! it legitimately felt like I was playing an real arcade game. However, the two things I noticed are:

1- I'm not a fan of having to move in the direction I was going (not allowing to turn the other direction) and jumping disabled when using stairs, sometimes annoying when trying to escape from the enemy.
2- I found a bug where sometimes when I'm about to get the spray and die, not only does it still count even though I didn't get the spray, but the level's soundtrack repeats again during the death animation and when another round starts, the same soundtrack plays and you start to hearing both during the game.

Overall, I enjoyed.


Notakin responds:


HOTEL MARIO INSPIRED GAME??? Sign me up.......

I want to like it WAAAAAAAAAY MORE, but there's a couple IRKING little wrinkles killing my vibe...

Like how you seemingly can't change directions on stairs, the at times awkward jumping, the 'hiding in door invincibility' not kicking in until you're fully inside a door, etc... Oh! I WISH you could use doors while running... Or is the idea that that would be too easy? I was really confused why I couldn't go in the elevators at first... Having to come to a dead stop first asks you to be careful but I dunno... I'd kinda just like to be able to SNAP inside of them <3

And I know part of the challenge is keeping track of who's in those elevators, but maybe them FLASHING or something to indicate when they were already being used by the enemies would be nice? Sometimes I'd just be mashing UP - desperately trying to get into one; not realizing they were sending a guy my way and POOF - guy appears on top of me and I'm dead. Just needs a TOUCH of a liittle more 'PLAYER FRIENDLINESS' I think... OTHERWISE IT'S MARVELOUS! Tho one more pedantic thing - I wonder the point of the border display information when it's soooo small I can't reasonably read it as a genuine source of information. Kind of ends up just coming off decorative.

Notakin responds:

Those are also great suggestions, Of course i should've added more indicators of when the elevators are usable, I could also tweak the rules a little bit sometime. Thanks for the feedback!

And yes maybe I will bump up the screen resolution, but for now you can just zoom it until I change that, K?

This is great! Charming, fun, the arcade style vibes are really well done, it feels natural, everything comes together pretty well at the end. Awesome job!

Really fun and charming love letter to classic Namco! Great job