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Reviews for "(old) Quickie #6"

I don't know how to tell you this but... no.

Wtf? Ok, true true, I was not expecting much here, but what was that? It certainly wasn't entertaining. Lately I've been forced to agree with a friend who said that these cheap little Flash movies that just about anyone with a stolen copy of the program (lol) can make, are bringing down the enjoyability factor of the internet...

Blink182 is the least talented band in existence, for starters. They're fucking retarded. Just an FYI so that if you see them, you report them lost so they can be promptly returned to the nearest Retarded Talentless Band Facility. Thanks? Don't mention it. Otherwise, what we have here is frame-by-frame animation that really blows. I'm sorry, but it does, it just blows. There's no point to it, just another weak, poorly-made stick fight scene with an angsty song by angsty retarded talentless "musicians" blaring in the background for some kind of effect. Oh no you didn't!

So says Dr. Manhattan...

PS: STOP IT!!!! >:(


ok when i play the movie it does not go past the pre loader (little help) oh i gave you a one for the pre loader


this wuz totally dissing madness (which is way better then this)and it was boring.