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Reviews for "Rig - Casualty"

thought i'd reviewed this already

But apparently I never did. just wanted to say this is prob my favorite song on Newgrounds to date. Rig you are genius, thanks for putting out this gem.


A very amazing track. Ive had it on loop for about 25 minutes now and still not tired of it. Its great for sitting in the backround of... anything, even just your own home as you do other things.

I have a 7.1 surround system, with a Creative X-Fi soundcard. Sounds very nice on it :)

Not anything on it to improve or change.

Very epic

Here's what I see:
A soldier flies across a body of water in a helicopter, his mind on those he left back home. His ranking officer tells him and the rest in the chopper that it's time to move out. The helicopter hovers a few feet above and away from the beach as the soldiers jump out. The sky is overcast, and rain seems inevitable. He trudges through the cold, murky water to the sandy beach, where he and his comrades are ambushed. A bullet pierces his left shoulder, and he falls to the ground. Thunder rumbles nearby, drowning out the closer sounds of battle. The clouds burst, and the soldier lays on his back, watching the rain fall from the sky. He remembers again the loved ones back home: his daughter, his wife, his parents, his friends. And he can never go back. Never.

Of course, that is just what I perceive. Beautiful piece.

Great Visual

I love this piece, its like a quest through a battlefield, It's very moving.

My God that was moving.

It's like a soldier is approaching the battle at first, kind of preparing, but then the plane he's on unloads and they begin to move out. Then the realization of survival occurs when the drums come in. Finally it's just like Kaboom! Mine's blowin' the fuck up all around the individual.

It's cool like a story. Could be in a movie. Would you mind if I used it in an RMXP game?