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Reviews for "Katie Holmes Crisis"

um not good

i dont know about this one....
i like the sound of crying in a cartoon or game but she was, well surounded by the worst looking garbage imaganabal (sp?) all in all if she started uncoverd and you got to cover her back up i would have found it more amuseing

It was alright

Not the greatest game in the world. Not even neccassarily worth picking up all the rubble for a faked pic. But I'm giving it a 10 because of all the stupid jackasses who are going to blam it cuz they want to cry about september 11th. They need to get over this sensativity crap. Did they cry when the entire country of afganistan was destroyed out of mindless revenge , NO! So this was great. It wonderfully exploited September 11th, and said F*** you to all the whining bastards on NG!


This is the most messed up thing I have ever seen, you sir are a genious, and that means alot because I usually never compliment anyone.

i don't like it

that's horribal, making fun of the world trade center. i can understand the naked katie holmes but come on. the world trade center. wrong wrong wrong.


dude, are u like asking to be blammed? i dunno if ppl are gonna like your hole "World Trade centre porn"...