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Reviews for "jenni"


I'd love to meet you someday...so I can slice your head open and at make even a feeble attempt at figuring out what is running thought that diseased little brain of your's. You 'claim' that all goths are anorexic and suicidle, if that where truely the case then you wouldn't see goths walking down the street, instead they'd be in the ground either in a shallow grave or a wooden box. Just because you can't help but stuff several tonnes of junk food down your cake hole everyday thus meaning you can'f fit into the cloths that you so clearly want to but, hardly gives you the right to make claims about goths being anorexic, so do us all a favour and either stop being a closed minded fuck weasle or do as you 'goth girl' does, and blow your brains out....just don't fail


dude, you cant ask a mirror on how to be goth, and why does everyone think gothic people only want to kill themselves.
this video shows the being gothic is merely becoming a fashion statement, which makes it harder for the rest of us to be a little bit like ourselves.

hmmmmm.... you damn prep

Why is it that every damn prep thinks they're smart and know what's going on in everyones head huh! I hope you know most the goths I know and over weight so that wouldn't make us starve ourselfs. oh and yeah The goths are some of the smartest people you will ever meet don't make a movie about a group of people tell you've walked in there shoes we have a much greater perspective on life then you will ever have!

That sucks

Thats sucked on an entirely huge level! Goth people don't kill themselves because they are gothic nor being gothic makes you kill yourself! Your a fucking moron!
I'm an asshole and I aprove this message.


Okay, so you make a cartoon about the gothic culture, of which you obviously have no idea. I'm sorry for forgetting that every Goth doesn't eat or sleep! How silly of me! And oh yes, we of course all kill ourselves because we're "not Gothic enough". Wouldn't that just defeat the whole object? Come ON! What the hell's the point trying killing yourself when you'll be dead anyway? "Hey, you remember that Jenni?". "Yeah... she was SO Goth.. man, I wish I was as goth as her and kill myself just to prove how goth I am".... Jackass.

And what the hell was with that smily talking mirror? You couldn't understand the damn thing. Why add the breasts aswell? Jesus...

And because I have to add this; here's your constructive critisism: DON'T MAKE ANY MORE FLASH CARTOONS!