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Reviews for "Dima - Shepherd"

This is neat. Fantastic atmosphere.

Warxwell responds:

Thanks for playing!

took me a lotta retries, but I got all 6 endings.

Controls take a bit of getting used too, but are fine once you get the hang of it

--Spoiler warnings beyond this point--

A problem I ran into though, when I was still figuring everything out for the first time, was that I got to the Wolf Cave before anywhere else, I figured this was the first boss area, but in reality, its the finale. I actually did manage to beat it in every flavor possible (more because I kept losing sheep or dying trying to keep them safe.)

In hindsight after completing the game however, I feel like the above statement was intended to be that way, rather then an error in pacing.

I found the gun before I found the axe. I don't know if that was intentional, but when I was blasting down the trees, I found the axe. Then I realized that you can walk past the cabin to get to the axe without needing to waste the precious ammo to blast the trees. I could of just been blind as a bat, but the layout for the cabin area gave me no impression there was an area behind it that you could explore which contained crucial items. Perhaps a walkway or trail would of made it more clear, but again, could of just been my lack of trying.

The hidden boss fight was rather savage though, mostly cause its hitbox from the side is a lot skinnier then it appears, I felt like I died more because a hit that I believed should of registered, didn't. However I got around this by finding out that hitting it from the front was the best way to go and once I figured out how it moved and attacked, it became way more manageable. I will say though, the fact the game puts you back right where you left off was the only thing keeping me going at some parts of the game due to how frustrating that fight was in comparison to the wolves.

In the end, when I fully completed the game though, I believed, or at least felt I could understand your vision on how the map and game play were designed and paced the way they were. (My guess was to encourage trial and error and force the player to explore and discover more ways to get the remaining endings)

One thing I have to offer full praise for is the audio, the eerie and dread inducing atmosphere and the fight track really added to the fears and dangers you were/could be facing.

Overall, while the game was unfair and confusing at times. Looking back after I conquered the challenges you put before me. I loved it, every bit.

Warxwell responds:

Thanks for your comment!

From the controls comment I think it's because of the JKL combo, maybe ZXC and arrow keys are the ones most people expect? I can add those no problem.

You're right on the cabin part, the sheep icon blocks it so it's not really visible. I'll add a longer trail so it's clearer for future players.

## Spoilers (? ##
The reason why the secret boss is hard to hit from the side but not from the front was most likely because you were aiming at the "head", you have to hit the legs first so it falls, it's a quite tall monster so the player wouldn't be able to hit the "head" without stunning it (This is my guess since I don't know exactly where you were trying to hit it, I may be wrong). Maybe I could've made it clearer that's where you're supposed to attack without making it too obvious. Hopefully, that didn't discourage the use of the gun or bear trap, which I think are easier/faster to hit the boss with.

Glad you managed to defeat it at the end, it's a super boss so putting you back near it was the natural choice.

## Spoilers Ends ##

I'm happy that you completed the game and figured it out (yup, you're right). That's the sort of feeling I want to leave the players with my games.

Thanks for playing!

Control choices are awkward, but love the feel... don't touch L!

Warxwell responds:

Yeah, those are the ones I normally use
What controls are you more used to? ZXC and arrow keys?
Thanks for playing!

cool game

Warxwell responds:


In some places the path is unclear, like there are some invisible obstacles or something. Not a bad game though, pretty neat

Warxwell responds:

Thanks! I did that part on purpose, think of it like dark area. Did add some clues but I see where you're coming from.