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Reviews for "16-Bit VS 8-Bit"

Hmm not very good

Not that good

Just not happening.

Over all, The flash was garbage. Mixing pop-culture with classics? I just didn't like it. NIce job with the sound. It was clear, and humorous at times. I laughed maybe twice. I'm sure you put alot of effort into this, so don't let one person keep you down, which I'm sure you won't. I look forward to seeing what else you can do.

DuckyofAlarcon responds:

FINALY!!! LOL Someone who didnt like my movie but wasnt an ass about it. Thats cool. Some people just dont get my wierd humor lol. It was just supose to be a little something with slapstick humor. The pop song I put in there just cause I love DDR so much. Hehe. Peace out.

Interesting idea...

...but poor execution. The random music, random plot twists, and annoying jokes (what is up with that line on getting queer off of clothing) and the fact that the movie is too long made this flash a less than enjoyable experience. I also don't know why Chrono was such a big shot in this cartoon. What, how many games has he been in... one? Anyway... it was all too random for my tastes.


Most of the characters did next to nothing, the attempts at humor failed, and the "battle" wasn't the least bit exciting.

DuckyofAlarcon responds:

Most everyone else didn't find many or any complaints. Oh well can't convince them all. A video like this is hard to view I know cause you had to havep layed alot of video games or you wouldn't get alot of the jokes/references.

Interesting concept, poor implementation.

First off, reading line after line of badly written dialogue gets really old after awhile. Second, it was really just way too long. Nothing about this Flash was particularly interesting--I often found myself looking around or becoming distracted. And despite being an avid fan of old school games, I just didn't find this intersting. I will admit that a few parts were clever, but it was greatly dwarfed by the rest of the movie, which felt rather pointless to watch. The visuals were also rather subpar--the sceenshots from the various video games would have looked a lot cleaner as gifs rather than jpegs. Some of the animation transitions also looked rather poor, and the vector shapes did not blend well in the pixilated video game backgrounds at all. Overall, it was a brave effort, but failed to entertain.

DuckyofAlarcon responds:

Well everyone has an opinion its just a shame that yours does not matter. Im glad you have the solution to why my flash was uninteresting! You try to sound all smart by using words that arent common like "dwarfed" - wow good ones there.And "subpar"- if in a conversation someone said subpar I would kick their ass, then piss on them.
Overall I give your review a 0 out of 10. It lost my interest and i found myself being distracted. It just failed to entertain. It was a good idea. Bashing my video cause your still working on your GED. But you just didnt follow through. Your badly written text just became a blur halway through. Overall a shitty effort. Dont every come back to newgrounds. I banish you from this land. A good note you should learn from this is to not every again write a review until you decide not to sound like you are actually intelligent unless you can finish high school like a person who is worthy to use words like subpar and dwarfed.

PS. You liked Wizard Power? ass