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Reviews for "head hunting."

Nice touch that the ropes on the bridge are grabbable.

I accidentally landed on the house and got stuck.

Miroko responds:

You can no longer get stuck! Glad you enjoyed the lil details

Wow, I was really surprised by this one: took me on a topsy-turvy ride where I went from initially hating the game to absolutely loving it!

As said, when I first started I found it very difficult to get used to the controls, or even figure out what the heck were the controls in the first place since nothing was explained. Even when I got the general gist, so many aspects like how it was difficult to keep track of where the arm was since it didn't reset after you stop using it but you can't see where you left it, and the physics sometimes behaving very oddly, was quite painful and made me come close to quitting.

However, little by little I got used to swinging around, and what I found was a very short and sweet 'getting over it' experience where the game puts you through a series of increasingly challenging and creative obstacles, like going from a big grabbable canvas to separated ones and less flooring to catch yourself, and eventually going to real wacky ones like a thin rope. I ended up getting really addicted to testing and perfecting my skills with the swinging and all that, and it was so satisfying to get through it all (despite the downer ending, haha)!

I think the key to me sticking with the game was probably that fancy opening cutscene: when you have a strong first impression like thatt, it kinda puts a seed of hope in the back of your mind that makes you give the game a bit more patience, like a "if they put so much effort here, they must've put a lot in everything else as well" kinda deal. Anyway, well done, and we'll see if I go back for the lunch stuff (unfortunately, it's a bit annoying with no save/load and no skippable intro)!

The ending was funny and a little anticlimactic but it is still a very good game.

I CANT JUMP THE SECOND WALL!!!!!!!111 but i like it

Good but it looses momentum easily u so it is impossible for me to get to the flower part