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Reviews for "Goku SSJ for 1st time"

Almost there

Well, I'm reviewing this as a Flash movie, so when we come about the graphics, they're not that nice - probably because I immediatly recognize (obviously) and pictured that DBZ episode in mind, so the comparison is inevitable. Some characters were out of proportion, for example. It's a pratice matter, anyway. The lighting and explosion sounds were cool, a pity that they along with the music were the only sounds I could hear, I wished for more. About style, it's exactly the DBZ episode, so it´s enough. It got a little humorous when seeing some of the pictures, I must admit it. A good first work with a good room for improvement, it's like an average work. Nice job and effort!

Barry-the-SuperScot responds:

Thankyou for your well wrote and well justified review.

I'm glad that you reviewed as a reviewer should and I agree with your points about some parts being out of proportion and there being room for improvement. The matter of voice which is what I guess you were implying, well this was my first ever work and as I have explained before I didn't have the sound clip from the episode and it would've been hard to synch.

I can assure you that the overall quality of Vegeta SSJ is well above this in every way, there are many more frames of animation and from what I've done, I think it's pretty damn good, and I can't wait to show it!
So keep a look out for it!

Well Barry...

Im not saying that the movie was bad, I just didn't like it.
I think the way you "tear" other peoples review to "shreads" is just as retarded as you made Shimdut sound. Try to think before you start typing random shit while you pissed, just because some kid didn't like your movie. When he says there is no difference, that doesn't mean that your movie is as good as the tv drawn series, nice wish though Barry.

No originality? Nope. Theres plenty of other DBZ flashes out there. This was not an original. Besides if we wanted to see this, we would watch the higher quality, longer, actuall streaming, with voice and all (gasp i know its that scary) on tv. Or your choice you could just go buy the dvd set.

He did compare this movie with the original, he compared Good, to crap. But I'll be the one to tell you whats god and whats not.

While Goku just kind of sat there and poorly bounced up and down while turning into SS.
How people just kind of held their mouths open and words just fell out.
Theres plenty other that you can point out, you obveously didn't put much time into this video.

The graphics, sound, interactivity, style, and overall could deserve a zero. Its not based on if there is graphics, its based on the quality of the graphics. Those votes are purely out of opinion, so he had his right to give it a zero.

And you can go ahead and put
"And one more thing:
Flash by Shimdut:
- none -
Say it all really." Because mainly, I just won't care. As of now im a critic not an artist. Seriously get a life, your really going to sit here and try to "tear" a kids review to "shreads"?

Barry-the-SuperScot responds:

"Try to think before you start typing random shit while you pissed"? Well guess what! I do! Which is why I can point out major flaws in the bad reviews so easily.

While you do try your best to sound intelligent in your review you still fell victim to making silly mistakes in your reviewing "style".

You claim you'll be the one to tell me what's good? No, no you won't. Your opinion doesn't matter. You're probably not even a DBZ fan (The people this was made for, they seem to love it) anyway... so why review?

You can't tell me what's good and what's crap as if you thought for example, Idiot Ninjas 3 is crap, I'll know you're wrong, as a lot of work and effort went into it, which is what you should be basing your reviews on, the amount of work and effort that went into it and it's quality.

"No originality? Nope. Theres plenty of other DBZ flashes out there. This was not an original."
Now, when did I ever say this was original? Never. What the fuck are you talking about? It's a TRIBUTE to a scene in DBZ. Also in your statement you contradicted yourself twice, fool.

"you obveously didn't put much time into this video."
And you OBVIOUSLY don't know what you're talking about, think before you type.
I worked on this for 5 months for a college flash assessment, it got a merit, not just a pass, but a MERIT. It was a recreation of a scene, but that's beside the point as I put EFFORT into it. (I do beleive I said this in my Author's comments, something people should read before they try to claim things they don't know about).

"The graphics, sound, interactivity, style, and overall could deserve a zero."
Now as you should be basing your reviews on the QUALITY (you said it yourself) and EFFORT put into the work then no, the graphics did NOT deserve a zero, the timing of the sound effects and music did NOT deserve a zero. A review based purely on OPINION is bullshit. Like a DBZ hater (The opinion that DBZ is crap) giving a DBZ flash all zeros, it's retarded.
If someone was to not like DBZ but decide to review the flash based on it's QUALITY then it would get a much fairer score.

And you may say you reviewed as a "critic" but you seemed to review as if you were actually a flash artist and proved that you have absolutely no fucking idea on what you were talking about. To review as a critic is to base your scores on the quality of the flash while backing up your scores with reason, you seemed to moan about my reply to another review (all you said about my flash really was it's "crap" not a valid reason).

There comes a time every few months where a couple of you try and make a point and get all high and mighty like you're some flash expert and therefore your opinion counts more than others, but you fail. If you knew how to construct a flash, even one that's a remake of something else then you'd know how long it takes and how much work is needed and you'll have a much better understanding then maybe you'd know what you're talking about.

Tom Fulp, the creator of NG LIKED it and that's why he added it to the DBZ collection, he knows quality!

Now begone, fool.


Fails for using English dub dialogue and mixing Japanese music with English audio.

Japanese version of Kuririn's death is much better. Especially since Freeza threatens to go after Gohan next, rather than saying "Pop goes the weasel."

Newgrounds seriously lacks Dragon Ball Z content regarding the original and not the FUNimation dub.

Barry-the-SuperScot responds:

And how many people on NG do you think seen thhe original? Not a lot, that's how many.
I WOULD use the Japanese version if I seen it...

what's the point in that?

no creativity, you've just replicated the scene of an actual dragonball z episode, what's the point in that? If i wanted to see him go super saiyan i'd just watch the actualy episode which i've seen 4 times on cartoon network anyway.
Maybe you should give it your own story next time, or do a spoof of it, check out other animations such as lizard sphere x 2, vegeta vs sonic and are you okay, they are actually funny and are original written scripts, you should try it someday.

Barry-the-SuperScot responds:

Did you read the title of this page? Did you read the author's comments? I think the answer to both of these questions is quite obviously no.
Did you engage your brain when you clicked on "watch this movie"?

Telling me to give it my own story then go on about flashes I've already seen (way before you even joined Newgrounds) like your some Newgrounds veteran, then try to use that as a reason to vote low is stupid. Vote on the effort that quite clearly went into this flash.

Maybe you should try reading the author's comments/page titles before getting disappointed and giving a bad review because you didn't bother to read them. Why watch something you know you won't like? It's completely pointless...

i kinda liked it

number one goku's eyes didnt turn green number t no one talked which realy got annoying because i hate reading so over all i give u a 4

Barry-the-SuperScot responds:

4 does not equal a like for something.
As I said to the other guy Goku's eyes DID turn the colour I put. Watch the episode to see.
And it was really annoying reading your review because you had terrible grammar and lack of useful punctuation making it a pain to read. Unlike the easy to read subtitles of my movie. They are only hard to read if you don't know how to read...