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Reviews for "Catatattack!"


I like the animations the art, and the music, but the game doesn't feel all that good. The super narrow platforms, and the lack of an areal attack makes it too easy to accidentally fly off the cars or go off screen.

JalenBrah responds:

Thanks for the critique! When I was initially planning an aerial attack but I didn’t have that time on my side. When I update the game in the future, I’ll try to make it so you can’t go past the border and a different input activates the pouch dash.

nice game ! normal is hard and medals for kill is cumulate or not ?

Midair jump is way too sensitive. If you try to attack and aren't perfectly still you will be launched from the car and take damage. If you could cancel the dash by doing the double jump that would be a big improvement.

Augh, this is a rough one for me!

I really want to like it as I love the concept: fighting against enemies on top of these moving cars is such a cool action setpiece! Reminds me of that highway fight from the Matrix, or Contra/Metal Slug with all its epic craziness. Definitely has a solid first impression, and I had plenty of fun combo-ing the crap out of these black cats while trying to maintain my footing: satisfying hit feedback and managing the chaotic situation were very cool.

Unfortunately from there, my impression just got worse and worse.

For one, the players moveset and physics were really annoying and frustrating to handle. The grounded attack combo is satisfying to pull off, but I really hated the air attack: all I wanted was just some of neutral jump kick or something, but instead you get this ineffectual dive that flings you off the damn screen. So annoying when you get hit and you want to attack back, but since you got pushed into the air slightly you end up doing that stupid air dive and kill yourself. Physics were annoying too in that air control was really annoying: something about it and how you end up gliding forward too much and can't stop the momentum.

I can appreciate that the game tries to amp up the excitement by introducing more obstacles into the mix as you move forward in phases, you know, to make the situation even more chaotic, but I just found all of them incredibly annoying and unfair. Despite having a telegraph for the dropping animal meteors, I never felt like I had enough time to dodge due to the unintuitive diagonal movement, wack hitboxes, and that they can layer on top of each other without being able to tell. The cop crosshair was super annoying as well since it was difficult to tell when he is actually going to fire: would prefer if maybe you did a lock-on system that you can dodge instead of it just pinballing everywhere and firing randomly.

As said, I definitely think hearts in the right place: the concept of an epic chaotic fight on top of moving cars is really cool, the air move probably has an intended use that I'm just not understanding, and the numerous obstacles are intended to increase the chaos and fun. Unfortunately it just didn't work out for me and I dropped it rather quickly out of frustration, especially since I couldn't figure out how I was supposed to attack the boss anyway. Good attempt for a game jam game!