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Reviews for "Black vs. Red"


Needs to be longer. Strange music, you need hard rock on there :P but other than that, nice and smooth

slow down

that was way to fast. take your time on the next movie, its not a race

Needs more work

The graphics and movement in this were really good. The sounds seemed ok, and I really liked the song you had playing. The only criticism I can give is that it wasn't long enough. Y0u should have continued the fight- take your time and lengthen it next time. To really take it to the next level, you can also add a cool background- have them fight through several different scenes.

The groundwork was there, you just have to build off it.

A poor attempt

Someone just trying to copy Xiao Xiao

copying xiao xiao ...

someone trying to copy Xiao Xiao ... and failing miserably.

Make it longer and make the animation smoother.

D-6969 responds:

Not really, you could say any movie that involves fighting stick figures is just a copy of Xiao Xiao. While Xiao Xiao is probably the coolest stick series. The only one that was actually really cool was the 2nd one where he fights like 30 guys and the bodies just keep piling up. The animation on mine by the way is done frame by frame. And I even kicked up the frame rate to make it even more smooth. Chances are it looks choppy on your computer cause it can't handle it. If you turn the quality down the problem would probably be solved. Also zygoat if you haven't made a single movie in your life time you should stick to positive comments instead of saying what i'm trying to do. And thanks from the other 2 guys. The things I'm working on now are not sticks. This was more of a test to see if anyone liked the fighting style and the music choices. Now I know I have to put some rock in there too.