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Reviews for "FROGUE"

A frogge biþ a smale beaste wiþ foure leggeys, whiche liueþ boþe in þe water and on londe. Hit biþ ofte tyme broune or grene or yelowe; or be hit tropyckal, hit may haue dyuers coloures lyk reed, blewe, and blak. Tropyckal frogges liueþ in trees. Hit haþ longys and guilles boþe.

Really cool concept, i liked it a lot, is like a different way to play chess (if you had an OP pawn piece)

Pretty neat game! It's like a cool fusion of SuperHot and Dandara and I had a blast playing it.

It definitely didn't make the best first impression on me: there were some odd snags such as the introduction movie getting off-sync when I attempted to proceed by hitting space, and it was a little confusing to grasp the movement and mechanics at first, since the slow button was unresponsive in the tutorial zone for some reason, leading to me thinking it wasn't unlocked yet, and I didn't realize you could dash into enemies at first since I thought you could only throw at them to kill.

But it didn't take me too long to start dancing around the levels in a stylish and satisfying kill frenzy! Loved the satisfying hit effects, both in terms of visuals, feedback, and sound, I loved the strategy provided by the unique movement mechanics and diverse enemies, and I liked the nice touches like enemies announcing their incoming attack with an exclamation point above them.

There is still some minor jank I have with the game, such as how I don't like how it loses my mouse cursor if I put outside the level borders, and how it doesn't just snap the targeting to the closest square which your mouse path leads to (for example, if I put the cursor into a box, it shouldn't red out and not allow me to click to move, it should just target the closest space outside the box and allow me to click to go move there, despite not being precisely on it). But for the most part, it's some cool stuff!

bro i needed balls to play this game. you need BITCHES to be a pro at this game. great game non the less.

Challenging and awesome.