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Reviews for "::CYBER UF2::"


Ok this is the best game i have EVER played on NG!

give this a 10/10 on everything because it totally rocked!

Graphics: Best Graphics i have ever seen in a Flash Video 10/10

Sound: The Sound Matched the intensity of the game percectly wouldnt change a thing! 10/10

Interactivity: you control just about everything! 10/10

Style: It was Kinda like Perfect Dark's Training Course but damn i loved that game to and its not like ALL of NG is origenal (have yet to see something origenal myself) 10/10

Violence: most prolly didnt notice this but if u shoot the plains in the back round they go BOOM and kill all the people inside =P now if that isnt Violence what is?? 10/10

and finally Humor: there went any 'Jokes' in it but i loved the rest of the game and those plains blowing up was funny as all hell! 10/10

Overal: This was a remarkable game and probably took many months to make it...

plus the artwork the details and the general thought put into it made it wonderful =)

also the difficulty of it was very nice was a perfect difficulty made u think but not get too frustrated =)

Help: Ok i was reading through alot of teh Reviews after i had beat the game (3.5 Hr most said it took em 3 days but i see no reason)

and 1)when ur suppost to press 'W' plz note that the crosshairs of ur gun need to be pointing at the button or else it wont work (also u may need to hold down W for like a second)

2) alot of people said that this game was WAY to hard i dont think so at all...

ok that kid that said he could bear every 007 game with his eyes closed prolly could the reason he totally sucked at this game was prolly the fact that --7 is a dodge then shoot and u dont have to air because of auto aim....where as this game u dont dodge u aim and shoot witch is the exact oposite game play as 007....

the rest of u that said the lvl's were to hard i suggest u take ur time and notice witch dargets go away first and shoot those....

3) i noticed ALOT of people that couldnt get past the girls lvl 2 second gun (cant remember name) anyways i found it out on accident lol but if u hold down the fire button untill the gage on ur gun flashes red-yellow then let go it will fire a super blast (like that Metroid chicks gun) and it destros all the targets....

OK my final thing...

i suggest that u make a sequil to this same basics just make it harder! this was a great game and i will prolly never get tierd of it untill i can get 100% on EVERY lvl inclding the exam but anyways keep the gameplay the same its great the way it is in a few years u will have it soo that it is soo good u can submit it to some video game company and i am sure they will load u up atm it is ALOT better than anything I have ever seen by ANY video game company that follows the same general consept (target shooting/First person fighter)

maby add a few target u cant hit or u lose points....add a point system and maby hook it up to ur Website so that everyone on the net can test themselves against all the other people that play this game!


I need help

How do you pass the level where you shoot the 4 targets when they go together to form a big square? Its the second level to the right. The second part in the level. I passed all the other ones though. Some please Instant message me at SSgotenks417 on aim.

best game on newgrounds period!

i love this. i've been playing it for 3 days or so. i like how you made it interact with the clock for day and night. i just have one question....how do you beat Alama's matador second part???? i can't get it at all!!

Pretty awsome!

Great game..I completed it all =)..took me 4 days but...yer as i said..Great Game!


This must be one of the coolest shooting game on newgrounds!
Very cool!!!