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Reviews for "Taishi 2: Ju-Jitsu Master"

It didn't suck

The visuals were good, but other than the Homer Simpson sound, it was a little lacking. But, the visuals made up for the lack of everything else.

Interesting short...

Cool anim. If it was supposed to just be a short thing to show what it showed then, cool. It was good.

I do not honestly see why you spend the time doing different qualities and speeds and etc etc. If someone in this day and time is runnin a slow ass computer then theyre just shit outta luck, let it lag for em so what lol. Ya did good dont stress over slow machines, youre here to display something you took the time to create not please the masses...

The masses in which every one here seems to think they are expert critics or something. I mean really it still bugs me when people give a bad or mediocre review to something when they themselves have nothing to show. Who are you to say what is good and what is bad? Look at art, just because it doesnt look indentical to a real life object dont mean it wont sell does it? ...
everyone has their own style, and others do what they can with what they know...

Im just goin on... ugh .. these kids on here make me mad lol.. good job, keep up the good work.

good for what it was...

the animation was done fairly well, but not very original.

Pretty good, but it's been done...

This is a pretty good movie, but like I said in the title, it's been done. I think if you had a unique approach to this movie, it could have been really, really cool. But I can only give it so-so remarks, because there are hundreds of other movies on Newgrouds like it. Good job in animating though, it looks like you put a lot of work into that. Good job, and keep up the good work!


Uhh Yeah, It WAs Really Good As Far As Graphics And Animation... And If It Only Took 5 Days, Than That's Even More Amazing... Or Maybe I Just Suck? Yeah That's It... Anyway The Only Thing It Missed Was a Story Line And Originallity But Good Work There Seems To Be Much Potential Here