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Reviews for "Voiceless (Legacy version)"

Es un buen juego, hasta ahora he jugado el tutorial y he de decir que es bastante interesante la mecánica del ritmo con las plataformas, algo innovador a mi parecer y que puede sacársele provecho.
He probado también el primer nivel y no sé si es porque el "tempo" va muy rápido pero es algo difícil acostumbrarse a la llegada de los círculos para poder accionarlos en el momento correcto, apenas y he podido subir a la plataforma donde se encuentran diversas cantidades de picos que te impiden pasar. El juego es bueno, le falla quizá el ritmo de los círculos en el primer nivel para que la experiencia sea un poco mejor y no se vuelva tan complicada.

Sigue así, el juego tiene potencial y si lees las reseñas que dejan los demás puedes mejorarlo para que sea algo fenomenal.

Sometimes when I die, I can't see Karu's sprite when she respawns. Other than that, this game is incredible! Difficult though.

Interesting game concept Hard to control but very fun to play besides the frustration

i finnally did it 12/4/2023

As nice as the artwork and concept is, I don't think it is executed very well.
- Aside from the thing on the bottom, there's nothing that indicates when to press the action buttons so you are constantly looking at the bottom of the screen instead of focusing on the actual platforming.
- For rhythm games, I figured the music would help keep you on pace, but the music doesn't match up or isn't prominent enough to keep you on track. It would also help if other things in the environment match up with the music to further help keep players on beat.
- I think the appearing and disappearing boxes should have some type of indicator on when they appear and disappear.
- I came across a few glitches. The player will sometimes respawn as invisible. Also, sometimes the beat will stop coming, allowing me to just jump and dash as much as I want (keep in mind, this happened when I came down to type this and then went back up to play for a little bit).

Even if you fix all these things, I don't know how well this formula will work out. You're asking players to play in time to a beat, in a world that doesn't encourage this (the world in the game is just like a standard game world; there's nothing wrong with this, it just doesn't match the mechanic). It's more of a hinderance than a quirky mechanic of the game. While challenge is great, you never want to cross the line to where it becomes a burden you can't manage.

I still think the concept is interesting and perhaps with some experimenting, it can work. I wish you luck in your future creations.