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Reviews for "_-={Sunset Requiem}=-_"


Very good Maestro. I must admit that I was at a loss of words to right for this review, surprising as that may sound. I will however show no restriant in writing what I do best for you. Stories that are weaved within the confines of my mind. A young warrior steps before a large stone with a mystical and mighty sword laid within it. A inscription is placed upon the stone and it reads, "He who would be worthy to take the blade let ye be warned. For should you use the blade to be loyal, to serve justice, and to protect the weak let ye be granted the power of the Heavens. However, if ye should use to blade to corrupt, to do evil and kill and destroy, then let ye burn in the firey and damned pits of Hell for all eternity!" The warrior, realizing the great responsiblity of brandishing such a weapon spends the rest of the day sitting in front of the weapon and thinking of how to to best use the sword. He had gone through the most rigourous of training, through the most body-breaking test of strength, speed, agility, and endurence ever known to the races of men. And now it seems utterly worthless for the blade would not respond to such physical characteristics but that of the heart and mind. In the end the warrior walks forward to the sword in the setting sun and grasps the hilt. He is then known as the Knight of Heaven for his loyalty is to justice, his duty to protect the weak. Keep up the good work...

MaestroRage responds:

To wield such power is a daunting idea. Absolute power corrupts absolutely is a saying I firmly believe in, so to have a heart pure enough to wield such a weapon is rather dangerous in on itself. The fact the warrior had to spend all day to contemplate how to use the weapon is proof that he is still human. Though he could do great good, he could also do great bad.

I enjoyed the story Zen, as always, it was warmly appreciated. Thank you for that, and for the review. I am glad you liked the piece.

You Own

First of all: WHAT?! ROBAC DISBANDED?!
Well, I guess that's world 1.
I'm in 2 and 5 only, check me out:Pjthug.

Anyway on your music.
It's flipping awesome. Not just this one but all of them. You music is one of the few ones that has a plot in it. You know what I mean when I say plot right? There are only a select few that I can think of with plot: The theme song from Morrowind and maybe the LoTR song.

Anyway this song is nearly perfect. Except it goes on tangents sometimes. Gets me confused :P.

MaestroRage responds:

heh, I should have considered gentler transitions into segments, but I liked how it sounded as is, so kept it.

As for RoBAC. Nobody suspected it! I mean, one morning I woke up and Susie said, and I quote

"As RoBAC sets off into the sunset" which is where the title of this piece came from. I don't think she ever heard this piece as she never read my letter, but for what it's worth, I hope the best for her, whatever she may be doing now.

I only play world 1, and soon, I don't think I will be playing that, as time restraints are having a blow on ability to perform my tasks.

Every song I make has an image, or storyline behind it. Some are not immediately visible due to my own inability to tell it properly, but that is what I practice.

Thank you for the review, I am glad you liked the piece ^^.


I haven't been on NG for quite a while, and even when I was on regularly, it took something spectacularfor me to write a review. That's the case wth this. All of your work is amazing. Even though I know nothing about Tribal Wars, this, and your other pieces give me pictures in my head, and thinking more gives me amazing detail. People say they would like to remove the birds, I think it adds more depth, and helps me imagine the landscape. Please, keep creating this beautiful music!

MaestroRage responds:

I will do my best Bukkarooo, for however long I can. I personally like the birds myself, so i'm afraid they're not going anywhere :D!

This is one of my favorite pieces too. It took a lot of time to think of these melodies, and give the tribe a fitting end.

Tribal Wars... good times... good times.

In any case, thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it! I apologize for the mad delayed response!

Clearly the Best

It is clear you are the best musician I've encountered on the web. I've toiled for many hours piecing together film's musical scores, and your songs will be an amazing addition to that collection, but probably my favorite.

Your music makes me want to sit down and write a screenplay about a world I fear I cannot see, because this is purely your imagination. And yet the expansion of tone and base seems to let me see thoughts hidden, such inspirational music with such simple and complex feeling, and such power and force.

If you do not make money for your musical talent you easily could, and should. Simply put, you are very talented. Keep it up.


MaestroRage responds:

Thank you TigerEyes. Coming from you that is a real compliment.

I used to give my characters names, stories, and personal backgrounds, for each one of my pieces. Sadly after the song finishes, I feel remorse and regret at having to eventually forget them. It sounds silly, but this is true. Now I try to keep detached while I write their stories, though the result is something slightly less powerful.

I didn't start off with the intent to make money, and for however long I can manage it, I will continue to do the same. Thank you for the review, I am glad you liked it. I hope it serves TMO well, along with everything else.

I apologize for the delayed response!


tigereyes is right. you are the most talented musician i've ever heard. your creations are just beautiful. my eyes water when i listen to your works. thank you for submitting your music to newgrounds.

MaestroRage responds:

I am glad you are able to feel the emotion behind this piece patrick. You are of course, quite welcome. I will continue to submit whatever stems from this head of mine, for all to hear.

Thank you, I am glad you liked it! I apologize for the delayed response :(