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Reviews for "_-={Sunset Requiem}=-_"

Blackhawke: Stunning, indeed.

Oracle: Hullo again Maestro, this is my new residence of NG, among the Dreamshire critic team. Good to hear your work again, I know its been a while since the unanounced cancellation of the epic piece we had in store, well you had in store. I wish I could say I had more to do with it than the story.

Mara-Mara:Yes indeed, very peaceful, but sounds more like a reunion than a finale. Makes me think of an older story, one that didnt make it, but now it reminds me of the Oracle's work, Kingdom Epic. Very beautiful.

MOG: Well it feels like the tension builds before the final boss, and only the main character has the weapon or skill to defeat him. Makes me relate to Chrono Cross amazingly enough, despite the difference in tone.

Virtus: And as I sharpen my blade, the new threat rises and storms the land, only to be stared down by the one whom it could never beat, the great light prepares its sword to stamp down the evil that dares threaten his land. Wonderful piece, the birds sound troubled...

MaestroRage responds:

Ah, I just finished responding to LadyHalta's review. Oracle, our collab is not canceled, it will be up, and soon. I've always been a little too weak to deny people who want my help, and as a direct result piece after piece was created with our collab suffering.

There was plenty of story, plenty of description, so there was no fault on your end.

In any case, to respond to the team *I appreciate the time and effort you all put in btw*

A reunion you say eh? It is strange, not once did I think of a getting together, or at the least not in the sense of meeting long lost friends. There were segments of image with people huddled around the tombstone, but I assure you, there was no happiness in the image! In consideration to your words though, I do feel that this story is quite possible, and in fact I see your image...

Thank you for your words

Your image was one I didn't quite grasp right away. However I am feeling the confidence, and defiance that emanates from the song, which I believe is what led you to create your image. If I were to dwell deeper in your image, I would claim that the hero would bear this burden with a solemn heart. Perhaps the final boss is an old friend, a rival, even family. Whatever it is, it does not seem like a happy task.

Thank you for your words

The birds sound troubled... now this line caught my attention. I did not quite grasp what you mean by this, by itself the birds do not sound troubled, but I can see that with the energy from the song itself, the birds can be given all sorts of attributes. I totally didn't see that O_O!

The core of your image seems to stem from a defiant nature. Holding the ground against what may very well be a bloody and loss filled fight.

Thank you for your words.

Thank you all again, I am glad you all enjoyed it.


So we see the last of days. Hi Maestro!!! I one of the Oracle's friends. This is a really nice piece, very pretty, tell u the truth Ive never heard a song with birds in it, but everytime I listen to this I picture the sunset at the forests edge near the endless sea. It's such a beautiful piece. Thanks for making it, Im going to use this.

MaestroRage responds:

it is strange, that many people have never heard birds or other ambient sounds in songs. I know many artists feel that this takes away from the song, but I feel they are in the wrong here.

I mean, consider the warm campfire. It is true, you can write a song for it, but there is no way to paint "fire!". You can paint, warm, you can dictate, hyper, but you cannot paint fire. And this mere image can be the core of so many stories...

But I digress. I am glad you have listened to the piece, and enjoyed it, that is after all, why they are there.

The image you got from the piece is nailed on the head. I hope whatever inspiration you can draw from this serves you well! Thank you for the review, once again, I am glad you liked it!

*PS, can you tell Oracle, I didn't give up on our collab! I'm pretty sure he thinks I gave up on it, it's been too long since we last talked about it.*

What's with all these games? :O

It seems like half of your music on this page is for some production or another. Nook, Escalation, Tribal War... But then again, you're often just that good. :P This song's giving me that impression already.

Having composed my first orchestral (thanks again for reviewing it :D) now I see how it can be difficult to incorporate more instruments than simply strings in certain situations when the song is fine as it is. So I'm not criticising you for it... and I have to say it definitely IS pretty good as is. :D Epic.

Little or no repetition, but one song, marching forward. The tribe members now wander on their own, each with their own unique slopes and turns in their way. Remember Passionate Freedoms? Imagine that, except our character's walking into the sunset. Instead of a "walking along a path" feeling, wandering is the word to describe travel. But that's not what my feature story is this time... ;)

This song being as it is, I have nearly no criticism for it. Great variation, it's always new and yet the notes don't sound random. Something I think I should bring up, though - I don't quite know what to call them, but those foreboding-sounding, reeverbed drums in the background... instead of having them play something like every measure, why don't you try sometime holding them off at parts as the song quiets down... and then bringing them back in as the song shifts into motion again for extra effect? Just a thought.

Hmm. As you thought my song's file size was a bit big, I'm curious as to why this one's is so small. I'm guessing it's, what, two? Three minutes long? You must have exported it at one small bitrate to have that size.

A view of sunset is my first image. The sky at the ground is bright red and as one, standing on the ground, looks up, the colors shift through the rainbow spectrum until, on the other side of the horizon, they attain an eerie violet. The ground on the horizon near the sun shimmers and waves, due to heat, and through the ripples, distant figures phase in and out of visibility.

The image extends down here, and a tree comes into view. Despite its crooked stature and knobbly texture, it is healthy. It leans over, like an aged man bent from the trials of life. The camera continues to pan down. Slash marks are seen on the tree.

What really happened here is anyone's guess. As the sun continues to set, the figures disappear over the horizon for the last time. The sky fades, and the birds stop chirping. Life slows to a stop until the morning.

Quite some imagery inspired by another great song. :) Voted 5, and downloaded... great job on this one. And... expect a review for one of your less recent songs in the near future, as well. I gave it a listen and I decided I would HAVE to review it sooner or later. :) Keep up the good work.

MaestroRage responds:

First point i'd like to make. This was exported in 80kb/s I've been trying to find the perfect spot to have songs. All this time i've exported them at exactly 128kb/s regardless of how much action is going on, and this isn't right. I mean why put a plant by itself in a greenhouse? It makes it more sense to put it in a corner. So I try to reduce the quality as much as possible without jeopardizing the overall quality.

Secondly, it's true. All my recent works are always for somebody else. I appreciate the work, and it gives me loads of experience working for the needs of others, which was really what I was doing at the very beginning. Making tracks for friends *and they politely telling me they were pure crap XD*

The drums are indeed supposed to symbolize their unending legacy. The story to be told from mouth to mouth for as long as time would allow it. I realize that pleasing the ear wise, it's not a good idea, but I go stupid with the metaphors from time to time, and though I don't expect anybody to get it, I put them in there anyways.

I really liked your story Karco. The image I had was that of a tombstone beneath the tree, the setting sunlight filtering through the leaves and casting long shadows onto the earth...

I greatly appreciate the review, thank you Karco. I'm glad you liked it!


When ever i find out you've released a new song i littarly drop what ever im going and come running. And today you haven't dissapointed. A wonderful sweeping score. Amazing stuff. Sensative
yet powerful. Although i have to question why there is bird song through out this piece? It doesn't by any means detract from the piece i am simply curious. A fantasticly emotive piece. Pls check my new song if you have the time.

MaestroRage responds:

Whenever I release a song, I generally drop things as well! First I knock over my speakers for doing nothing for me (all work done through headphones), and then I punch out my keyboard, because I mean, what the hell is wrong with it!?

Then I run away from the PC abuse cops. Run by Microsoft... go figure!

To answer your question, the birds are there for not only to please the ears, but to also tell the story.

The image I had for this piece is as follows.

It is during noon, the time where the sunset is most brilliant. The earth, the sky, all painted with a the hues of red, orange, dark yellow making it all truly serene. Underneath a large tree, with the light filtering through the leaves, there are rays of light dancing on a tombstone.

The birds are there to enforce the whole setting.

I will check out your new work right away! Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!


Im not really a big fan of classical music, but this is awesome! Nice strings, and bells. Great melodies. How long does it take you to get these down?

Keep it easy ;)


MaestroRage responds:

Well this one took me roughly 7-9 hours to get down. Most of that time was getting the melodies to go together. I made like 4 short melodic segments, each segment portraying a part of the story I wanted to tell in my head. After that, it was finding a way to weave each segment into each other so they don't sound all strange and too abrupt. I don't normally work like that, but this time it was like that.

I'm glad you liked it Element! Thank you for the review ^^.