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Reviews for "Drone Head"

this is really good!

well... there we are... another game completed with al' the thropy's, just found another game bro... ok...?

Drone Head is a fun, outstanding platformer that keeps me coming back for more of its slick movement, clever game design, and retro art style. The main idea of the game involves restricting your movement to simply jumping. However, this does not mean you cannot move; you may choose which direction to jump, charge your jumps to go further, and jump off walls. When combined with the many ways to manipulate your movement (Charging mid-air to gain horizontal movement on your next jump, switching direction mid-air to avoid attaching to walls, etc.) and the ability to bounce off of the enemies you fight, you’ll have a blast jumping from one side of the screen to the next as you collect the cubes scatter across each level to score points

I also want to talk about how great this game looks, because they did such a great job on the art of this game; especially for a game made in 48 hours! The general art style not only looks great but also fits the game’s aesthetic of a 2D arcade platformer. The enemy designs are smart and creative, letting you in on what each enemy is capable of while being appealing to look at. That’s not to mention how cool each level looks, each one covered with metal, with a few hints of nature telling a story about the world this is set in

I have a few complaints, though. First of all, I have a few issues with the audio; the music is bugged to change volume when completing levels, only having two tracks makes them grating after a while, and the jumping noises are annoying to me. Because of this, I usually end up muting the audio, which is a shame since the tracks this game has are well done. Second of all, I would have like it if there were more levels involved. The few there are were well designed, both visually and gameplay-wise, but more levels would have added some variety and kept things fresh

Third of all and finally, this game also has another feature, which I have avoided talking about for this reason: I hate the attack mode. I don’t like the way you move, the weapons, and the platforming being halted. But you have to use it in order to get a decent score, so it becomes a chore to use. To explain why I don’t like it, the attack mode is stiff and slow, which makes returning to the body a slog and can result in death. Not only that, but it's mostly used it to catch enemies above or beside you, so every weapon aside from saw and flower is hard to use and is almost irrelevant

That being said, Drone Head is still such a masterpiece for a game made in such a small amount of time There is so much detail in the way the gameplay is designed, the art and animation of everything you see, and the story that is being told without a single word being said. It's a shame not everything came out perfectly, but those issues are small compared to how everything else outshines them. Great job to everyone who worked on this :D

MadNukin responds:

If I could write a review for this game it would look very similar to what you wrote.
The reason why I didn't want to continue making this game is because I couldn't design the attack mode to be less of a chore and more of a preferred choice of movement.
I completely understand your points and I agree, thanks for the review.


ta piola