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Reviews for "F-777 - Dubstepah"

I don't really like the flow :/

Very generic wubs/growls. This sounds like another track that I'd see and forget about that got uploaded on DubstepGutter's YouTube channel. I get that it's really difficult to pull it off.

I can't believe I'm going to be "that guy," but I'm sorry, this is easily the worst track that I've heard from you...

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE dubstep but there are two big reasons that make me hate this song. Firstly, it's way to friendly on the high-end of the spectrum. Dubstep always has that bass in it that combined with equally bassy wubs and growls make it a joy to listen to. While this track has the wubs and growls that define dubstep it's still way to high-end friendly. In fact, this is a theme that I've noticed in your more recent work; everything just seems to be shoved on the high-end of the spectrum with little to no compensation on the low-end, this is really off-putting to some of your more veteran fans and I know that I'm not the only person who has complained/addressed this. I mean It's not to the point where the high-end of the track becomes grating but it's still not too far off from it.

Secondly, this track is way, way, way TOO repetitive. There was zero progression in it which made it feel generic and, well, boring. The brake at 1:50 is nice but the track needs more variation. Variation is one of things that make Dubstep so great to listen to; all the different layers working together to make something complex and cool sounding is an amazing thing to marvel about while listening to the genre. It's what makes people want to come back for more dubstep. But here, it's just disappointing, just the same "wubbidy-wub-wub" melody over and over.

Alright, now please don't get the wrong idea here. I'm not trying to bash you or your work, quite frankly I'm a huge fan of your work. But when I hear something this bad coming from the same person who's made stuff like "Space Battle" and more recently "Medusa" I just have to say something about it. I'm glad other people enjoyed this track but I feel extremely sad to say that I didn't.


Nice but still not dubstep without the bassline except the Melody is just kinda awful and not too good. Still good. But not dubstep good when I don't even hear dubstep growls, barely any nice build-up but still good anyways.
