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Reviews for "Babies Hate Ugly People"


i'd tap dat


Your plenty good looking in my opinion :Q.....

Insightful & Charming, but Images are Overused

You only got that because the kid was in a fuckin' shopping center, okay?

No, I'm quite serious. What happens when you drag your kid into a shopping center? I don't know... but they aren't doing a whole lot; you're shopping around, getting stuff, moving around, but they're stuck in the cart. And on top of that, they have fluorescent lights and other people to look at, or weird things they're unaccustomed to seeing regularly. Who's going to get crankier first? The added attention from a second person who wanted to be looked at constantly... well, that was the boiling point. Pair that with the fact that a shopping center has its own brand of commotion that drains the kid's reserves, and you can bet that those squeals are a protest to feeling hungry and ignored by mama. It's not a knock on you.

I encounter a similar problem while tip-toeing past one neighbor's apartment door because there is a loud little dog on the other side. Part of the reason it doesn't like me (or anyone else walking past there) is because the thing never gets to go outside or is forbidden from going outside. Eventually, the dog will start to think that everybody "out there" or foreign in general is some kind of threat. It's not that either one of us are ugly... we're just "foreign", and that's enough to make a baby or a dog wary.

Good layout, by the way. It sets out what it wants to show, although there could have been a witticism near the end for added effect. Like most digital comics, however, this bears the ugly stain of looking like frames were copied and pasted onto other frames. If given some time, you can spot the similarities, and that can really detract from a piece.

With a little more dives into the comic format, you should be able to clean house with the other artists around here. Just remember that there is a charm to hand-drawn frames that are not merely copies of previous images, akin to the debate between CDs and vinyl records. One has clarity and polish, but the other has warmth and richness of sound that afforded the format a reawakening in music stores. Play around with both hand-drawn images and digital media--bridge the gaps between with a reliable scanner--and you can further yourself beyond the range of other artists here.


That sort of thing never happens to me. Babies are always fascinated by me for some reason. I think it has to do with wearing glasses and having red hair.


Well I don't know about babies looking at pretty people but I prefer making faces at babies rather then the other way around... Wait, Focus... art review damnit. Sooo The characterization in the faces is very good and the panales are just funny by themselves, Good work.