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Reviews for "-=Midtown Mayhem=-"


I loved your silent one so i had a look at this one and its pretty cool, make more, and more, and more.


the ONLY thing that would make this game more pleasant is to add a try again button when you die,i hated having to wait a bout 30 sec to try again!


The game was good but the problem is maybe if u could just go throught the levels and it saves them for u in the computer and u don't need a password so u don't start from the begining level every time and it gets annoying + maybe ur car shouldn't move once its been wrecked and there should be a selectoin of cars u can use through out the came like for the first 2 levels have a punch bug and in another have a viper and there should be missions where u can get out of the car and be able to kill other ppl and take there cars like GTA if ur delivering drugs or sumthin like that plus maybe there should be some ppl walkin around like cops and stuff like that and those little speed reading thing on the dash so u can know how fast ur going but those are just my thoughts


P.S. i will tell everyone i now to play this game

Ty Pink

That was pretty neat.

I like the game, its kinda fun, i guess.
Uhm, there are alot of shortcuts around some of the tracks, i dont know if thats bad 'collision detection' or whatever, but, sometimes you can go right through things.

*bug* Sometimes if you smash into things, you wont die, and the level wont be 'over' and you can really only get anywhere by driving backwards, mostly happens when you hit a wall where it doesnt look like there is one (like a side street you cant go on)

*suggestion* I think if its possible, id have the 'try again' restart the level, and then you can take out the passwords (i REALLY got tired of clicking 'go' 500 times)

I'd also add some more sounds, like for the car, for crashes, fire, all of it. Although that song that was playing is pretty kewl.

That reminds me, when you crash, you can drive around as a burnt up speck. If you're going to remove that later, i wouldnt - its kinda funny when you first find out you can do it. (especially since you can keep blowing up)

All in all, good job - but DEFINATELY take those passwords out, itd be soo much better if you could just whiz right through the levels.



Please, finish this game! GOOD WORK!