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Reviews for "Joe Notahomosexual"

Like Diarrhea, But Worse

This flash movie presents a trifecta of horrible, outdated and outmoded shite that no rational mind should be subjected to. Whatever sick, degenerate Nazi scumbag enjoys this should be locked in a room full of pitbulls on crank.

Let's see. There's the sound: some adenoidal adolescent that hasn't quite figured out where to hold the microphone when speaking into it (Hint: You're dictating, not dick-tasting), with a few screechy falsettos thrown in for eardrum-shattering horror.

Then, there was the animation and 'graphics' of a calibre as of yet unmatched outside of Disney knockoffs produced in Mexican sweatshops during a tainted water binge-swill.

Rounding it all off, there's the bad gay humor. Ass-ramming can be a motherlode of good laughs and cheap chuckles, but this tripe could make Liberace vomit. And he's dead, the lucky bastard.