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Reviews for "A Pico in Time (demo?)"

I would recommend compressing the assets if you can to improve loading times but otherwise solid game! The art style is super charming and so is the music. I also like the diversity in content. nice!

GabeMalk responds:

Oh we compressed what we could with the time, maybe now that the game is released I'll go back and try to compress things a bit more, specially the music, because there are a lot of songs in the game haha. Thank you.

i just spent a bunch of time on this, really fun point and click but the singing is a little busted and it's pretty hard in general

Pretty alright little point and click game, enjoyable for sure. A bit of a pain to figure out what to do, but this is just a demo to be fair, tutorials can be added and certain aspects of the game can and will be changed with time. Very good, though!

Pretty neat game that I feel has a decent core to build on for the future. It seems to be going for that classic dating-sim stat-grinding gameplay and I felt like it achieves that well with a lot of variety in activities and an interesting story/quest line. I definitely feel the art is great in particular with a lot of goofy, stylish locations with funny easter-eggs and references.

It's got ups-and-downs: for example, while the art and interactivity for the locations in the world is pretty cool, each having their own unique background art with elements you can mouse-over to see what they do, I can't say the same for the overall world map (which takes place in a white void) and the rumble battles/singing minigames (which are quite drab and lackluster with no special effects). Game also has a bad habit of relying too much on text when it could use visuals instead: the shop/equip menus and tutorial screens could benefit from a lot more icons and illustrations instead of bland text. Basically, I'm looking forward to seeing this more fleshed-out with a bit more polish in the future.

GabeMalk responds:

Thanks! See you in Pico Day 2022 :P

toffeescoffees responds:

yeah no doubt! we plan on working on this more in the future and all that youre saying is totally right! the only reason why some parts seem very undetailed and lack-luster is that i was the one making most of the art for the game and i only worked on it from april 10th to may 1st so i had to cut some corners. the full game will hopefully fill in those gaps and such ^_^ thank you for the detailed comment and everything!! it really helps me out, especially in the art department :)

cool game"""""