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Reviews for "A.M.N.T"


This is a real piece of work, I love the Ninja Turtles, I always have, I don't usually like to review movies, but you did a hell of a job on this one, great work, kick-ass movie, I loved it, and enjoyed every second of it.

Bobby Quinn,
Director of Superbob and Tony's Sick Day

Excellent, laugh-out-loud NONSENSE!!!! LOL!!!

Before I begin this review, let me just say DudeX, what in the blue hell is WRONG with you?!
News flash, sonny boy....this is a -joke-, you know, he tells it, you listen, you go 'Ha, ha.'
So WHAT if they don't act like that in the show? It's all in fun.
I think this guy has really made a cool flash, and really made me laugh. Stop being such a God-damned stick-in-the-mud. Heck, go and buy a sense of HUMOUR while you're at it. Yeesh. >_<

Anyhoo, this movie is nothing short of cool.
I really like how this parody of T.M.N.T goes...I really busted a gut at how this guy messes up just about every WORD in the lyrics.
The graphics aren't gonna win any beauty contests, but then again, they just add to the homour value of the flash-from the senile Leo getting squished repeatedly by that fish van [why not a Pizza van, dude?] to Splinter looking like a freaking gutter rat. BTW, big ups to you ValorXII, for making Raph the coolest, even in his old age. Raph rules thy bases, and scores with chicks, 'nuff said.

The sounds just sent me through the roof laughing. All of the turtles sound like Chipmunks, and if I was drinking milk when Leo yelled 'GET AWAY FROM ME!!', Lord help me, I might need a new computer after soaking it in moo juice and spit. The japanese lute in the background really adds to the 'Lame' theme of the AMNT.

Like I said, this is one of the best flashes, in terms of humour, I have ever seen. Sure, I still think 8-bit theatre is king-of-the-hill in terms of comedy, but 'Donatello likes the weed'? PRICELESS.
It takes genius to come up with that material, and execute it so humourously. And, unless you are like my stick-in-the-mud buddy DudeX here, you'll find it funny, too. You will. As a matter of fact, I'm telling you. Like the movie. YOU WILL LIKE IT OR BE DESTROYED BY THE FURY OF A THOUSAND ANGRY GERBILS!!! Err...ahem.

To ValorXII, I say hats off to you. You did a top-notch job.
To the fans, I say watch this, it's worth every second of your time.
To DudeX, I say SALT on you. I find this movie extremely funny, and so does a LOT of people, but you don't think so, claiming that ValorXII ain't a fan, despite his Masterpiece 'Mutant Ninja turtles', and that it's not accurate.
FOUR WORDS: AS IF WE CARE. It's funny, and that's all there is to it.


That was absolutely hilarious. Hell yeah :)


Dat Waz funny


he he hee