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Reviews for "Third Party"

uh sooo if you die the game just freezes?

I've only played a little bit. And from what I've played, This game has a lot of potential. The problem is playing it on a laptop trackpad is hard. Maybe an option to assign Holding to a key?

I think it's a pretty cool concept, but the execution felt a bit too wonky for me at the moment. Obviously, it's to be expected for a game jam game, but after all that's more the reason for me to give feedback so the game can become better in a final version.

Again, I do really like the concept: reminds me of games like Hitman, or Hotline Miami where you throw on disguises and such to work your way through these puzzles, utilizing your limited resources and making fight or flight choices. However, in my case, it felt very confusing to play at times. There were so many awkward moments when it seemed like people would see through my disguise despite me pointing it at them: I guess maybe they got a slight peek at the edge of the cone, but there's no suspicion meter or exclamation to let me know they noticed until it's too late. Bumping into someone with a disguise and losing it makes sense, but it happens so instantly with no animation that it just looks bad and made me confused on why I lost my disguise. Controls were annoying at times, especially with the whole swinging your mouse to throw a corpse which never worked consistently for me and would usually end with me swinging my mouse out of the screen and losing focus. Also, in general the graphics were strange with illogically overlapping elements like signs, characters clipping into weird areas, and so on. Many of the puzzles were strange and I couldn't find the ideal solution to them: most of the time I'd just brute force them in weird ways and get a win I didn't feel was intended. I dunno what the point of the elevator waiting sections were: felt like they weren't necessary and the game could've just went straight from level to level to keep the pace up.

Bit of a tangent, and I'm not sure if I'm articulating this properly, but I feel like the game was just so inconsistently designed that I didn't have confidence in playing it. For example, in a strange way, I felt like the way the graphics and music were so good, it almost created too strong a dissonance when you compared them to the illogical layering, programming wonkiness and lack of sound/feedback: if all elements were more equal maybe it wouldn't have felt as disjointed? I dunno, just a weird thought.

Hoping to see more of this game in an improved state as I feel it does have a lot of potential: the grim nature of using corpses as disguises and tools to solve these stealth puzzles is something worthy of exploring!

It wouldn't load for me on NG for some reason, but I loaded it up on itch.io and it's pretty fun

Some levels left me a bit confused though in their design, there seemed to be a lot of extra spaces that served no practical purpose; I don't mean the final level cause that feels like it's meant to be this wide-open space you have to navigate through. Also, at no point did I feel like I really had to be "careful" like I do in similar stealth games. Maybe I just didn't take it seriously enough, but I sort of wonder about the suspense.
I'd suggest having some other objective besides rushing the next elevator, perhaps gating the elevator in some way to make levels longer and feel more intense. This might also remedy the level designs by making the player explore those odd extra spaces.

The concept itself seems to lend itself to suspense very well, and I appreciated the enemy variety shown. I look forward to seeing how it's expanded in the future. (If it is expanded)

how do i change my control settings because im not playing with a mouse and i cant grab the body without the mouse. is there a way to change them?