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Reviews for "The lost night"


Aaah! I didnt think this would be so advanced to have saves - gj!
tiny bugs:
- The ghosts flying from right to left sometimes take several seconds to appear on screen.
- The interact arrow is not over the spanish speaking (?) chicken, but left of it.
- The house with the guy saying "My twin went there saying "he" was calling" has two exits, both leading to the same entrance

medium bug:
- Game runs on at one frame per second when scrolled further down on the Newgrounds page (I hear a small sound every second). Should be completely paused in that case, I guess.
tiny hints:
- Dog person should change her text to "That's not my dog! Find mine!" if you have your own dog but didnt find hers yet.

I finished the game without dieing once.

- Use different attacks for each mob type. Rays, waves, ...
- make the speed boost available in the fights, too :)

- Exploitation of pumpkin fight is possible by just standing almost at the far left side, killed 4 pumpkins without having to move and took ~ 6 hits only.

afk-mario responds:

Hey! sorry to hear this we will look in to this and try to fix it, to get the dash unlock you have to grab the boots outside of that house, and to activate it it's with the key (Z) if you got the boots then the game saves automatically so if you reload the page you should spawn at the last vending machine you used with all the unlocks you had.

This reminds me so much of Undertale! : )

This game is adorable!

I really like the gameplay and the game had a lot too it, but I hated how every time I backtracked all of the enemies would respawn ):

Pretty neat game! I was a little lost in what the heck was going on and what my character was even doing: as far as I could tell, maybe I needed to go to the pumpkin house, but wasn't sure. However, while I think it would help to establish the objective a bit more, the game was charming enough with all sorts of funny interactions with the people around that I nevertheless was hooked and wanted to explore around nonetheless. Game felt like it had a lot of polish and neat touches to it's presentation that made it feel very smooth, such as the combat transitions. Speaking of, combat itself being an Undertale-esque bullet hell game was very cool and fun to play (though maybe a bit too easy at first and without enough variation in the way different enemies attack). Nice work on this fun little adventure!

Also, what the heck, it clearly says "My House" at the beginning, so why are they all shoving me out like I don't live there! Unless, did someone else literally write "My House"? This mystery might never be solved...