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Reviews for "Panda Eyes - Take My Hand"

I love everything about it except your vocals, i "like" them, i enjoy them but it's not something i'd imagine on a radio one day, i'm sure that you're super serious about your music and if you want a challenge then i'd reccomend running around of youtube to find some vocal exercises. It's not that difficult and the difference will shock you. I mean, you can already hear it in this track, one vocal sounds just as trained and unsure as the other sounds professional and relaxed. It will really make you sound like one dang sexy panda,but for i can hear that you sing very well, hit all the notes and everything but the voice just doesn't sound "strong" enough, vocalists on youtube will explain a lot better, i really think that you neeeeeed to get that last bit of training before you can just go out and conquer the planet with your singing.
I hope that wasn't too mean. I just really want you to improve even more even if it seems like you're already godly and amazing and Panda. And Eyes.

oooh baby if you could just take my eeeyes
my panda eyeees
and stuff them baaaack ...
them to see the
to show the world
that i can be the best


Awesome track, but can you upload your "Burnout" track? I'm love it.

Awesome voice and drop! You improved a lot.

DUDE that’s an AMAZING voice! Also your accent makes it 10x better. ;3

really awesome thanks for uploading some song