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Reviews for "Phantom Behind"

I enjoyed it very much! I hope you add more!
Though FYI, whilst cloaked I COULD pass through walls. I saw you respond to somoene else about that, so if its u inteitonal, likely a bug to fix.

bluemath responds:

> Though FYI, whilst cloaked I COULD pass through walls
LOL. You are right. That's a bug. I'm gonna fix it in next build. Thanks for pointing it out.

This is actually pretty good! Some things like the cost of each item on the upgrade screen, and a bit of text to say what they do and if they are single use or not could be added. Is the cloak supposed to let you phase through all objects, including walls? Are you supposed to kill everything? You seem to get more xp that way. Also, does the main character smell strongly of something? Dogs tracking you by odor makes sense, but not guards so much.

I did have some fun though. I like that the dog noise is clearly just you panting into a microphone.

bluemath responds:

Thanks Blank616. That's very useful feedback.

> Is the cloak supposed to let you phase through all objects, including walls?
You cannot pass through walls when under cloak. Cloak only makes you invisible, not insubstantial. Warp however can take you through the walls.

> Are you supposed to kill everything?
It's up to you. You earn XP if you kill enemy, but if the resulting blood splatter is detected by other enemies you will loose XP for every detection. So you have to choose your strategy.

> does the main character smell strongly of something?
Yes, the hero exudes odor which enemy can smell. With the Deodorant ability you can make this odor dissipate quicker. All enemies can smell the odor, not just dogs. Dogs are more persistent in following odor though. If they catch your odor, it's difficult to get rid of them. But dogs cannot kill you, they will only attract other enemies by barking at you.