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Reviews for "Untamia's Fantasy"

This would be a very fun game but it still has bugs. Several times earlier when I died and selected "continue" the game restarted with a blank screen in the play area. I could still see the items at the top and hear the game sounds. Now I get a blank play area when I start a saved game. During my last playable session, I couldn't buy any bombs or hearts even though I had plenty of money. Pitchurn still tends to slide out of the play area and become unreachable.
Also, the game locked up several times when I talked to the statues. Lastly, if there were a way to skip the intro, that'd be great.

I'm having very fond early zelda memories, but the game is currently laboring under a lot of minor annoyances that add up into an unpleasant experience, even though in a lot of important areas it's excellent. I think it's really worth focusing in on these quality of life aspects, as the game will really shine once you've fixed them.

- The game should save automatically. It's big enough that you're unlikely to complete it in one sitting, but when you resume, you discover that 'Load Game' requires you to have actively saved.
- The continue after dying function creates the false impression that the game is saving your progress as it goes. Load Game should take you to your last continue point.
- please don't put a save and quit button within easy reach of other keys. I just miss-hit SHIFT in a dungeon and it saved and quit the game, forcing me to start from the beginning.

- The 250 tamyas maximum sits poorly with the amount of bonus money you find in hidden rooms. It's a bit annoying to open a secret chest and discover you've lost 100 tamyas because you were maxed out.
- This isn't to say that the maximum should be raised, just that you need to build the game's entire economy holistically so that everything from item prices, enemy drops, secret chest rewards and max limits fit together and compliment each other. At the moment, the prices of things feel a bit too high because the limit is so low.

- It's not self evident what the items you find in shops are. I'd either use text or shopkeeper dialogue to explain what they are.
- Don't let me buy something I already have (bowls? Though who knows if that's supposed to be an upgrade?)
- Don't let me buy something I can't equip any more of (bombs)

- Restarting on 3 hearts is a totally legitimate design decision but it creates an annoying loop where you have to farm enemies to regain hearts to embark on another dungeon run, running past enemies hoping to get to and clear a single room so that the next room unlocks, letting the cycle begin anew. This isn't a very fun experience and creates bad incentives for players.

- If an enemy kills you near an entrance, sometimes you get stuck between rooms and vanish.
- The bone throwing enemies can sometimes throw bones into adjacent rooms from offscreen
- Sometimes walking over an item in a shop doesn't do anything. It's not clear if this is because I'm not allowed to buy something, though it seems to just be a bug.
- Sometimes talking to a statue causes the game to freeze with an empty dialogue box.
- Sometimes enemies respawn on top of you when you exit a hidden staircase
- Hearts and Tamyas dropped by enemies sometimes land on walls, and can't be collected

LeviRamirez responds:

Thank you for such the in-depth feedback! And finally, someone who notices that the 3 heart thing isn’t a bug!

I’ll definitely take into consideration your advice and try and make some tweaks along with fixing some of the fore mentioned bugs. I mean I thought I fixed the black textbox bug but I guess it still lingers...

Anyways, thanks for liking it so much and for the feedback :)

This is amazing! So well done and polished. The controls were perfectly responsive and well mapped, the little story fit very well into the smaller scope of the game as a whole, and the graphics were beautifully nostalgic.

I just beat it and got an ending where it seemed like "the hero was too late for his people", so I assumed I may have missed stuff and when I looked at the Compendium I realized I was correct.

The compendium was the cherry on top of the solidly crafted experience. You could certainly tell this was a labor of love. You have some real talent and I hope you continue on with your creative craft.

Thank you for making it!

top class

This game is fun as hell but there's a few glitches that make make the game unplayable, especially when I die. Rn I'm at the dungeon that's past the ghost, zombies and fuzzy looking creatures and when I die in that dungeon the game just goes blank and then I have to reload the page every time and that gets very annoying. Also when I mute the music in settings, the music comes back on when I start playing. And when I die and restart I only have 3 hearts refilled instead of all of my hearts My one problem with this game that ain't a glitch is the amount of enemies in one place attacking you at once but that's probably cuz of the health glitch making it so difficult. Other than that this game is amazing it's just the glitches that's the problem.

LeviRamirez responds:

Thank you for the feedback, I’m glad you like it!

Bug fixes are kinda becoming a daily thing so I’ll take into account your problems and see if I can’t patch them within the day! Thanks for playing :)