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Reviews for "Gladio's Adventure"

It's not a bad game. It's fun but the only problem is:
1.Some of the enemies are moving crazy. Which you please them in poorly spots.
2.The combat is bland, repetitive and too long.

nulledwine responds:

Thanks for letting me know, I'll try to spice up the combat system.

This is a decent prototype, but you've still got a LOT to work on until it becomes playable. There's a lot of fine-tuning that would make this much better, so I'll try to go through everything I noticed:

CAMERA: The camera is too small and the movement is a bit too sporadic. There were multiple points where I was taking leaps of faith and landed face-first into a spike because I had no idea what was coming next. In platformers like Super Meat Boy, the character is usually made very small and visible so you can have full control over your movement, and the screen. Even in side-scrollers, it's not a good idea to restrict your player's FOV so they can barely see a second ahead. If you want to keep the close camera for combat sequences, then you could have the camera zoom out when you get to platforming zones--just something to make this more enjoyable and fair!

PLATFORMING: There were multiple points where I got softlocked because, when the player is on slanted ground, it just stops completely and jumping becomes impossible. Please refine your ground detection or jumping!
Additionally, those moving platforms were INCREDIBLY slow. Waiting for them was torturous, and the fact that there were places where I would be punished for jumping on them early and ended up spiked... it made me hate those buggers more than I can reasonably express.

DAMAGE: This was by far the most frustrating part of this game. There is one thing this game is lacking that I can wholeheartedly say it needs: INVINCIBILITY FRAMES! There were too many times to count that I was punished for moving a single frame too far by having all of my hearts depleted before I could even react. You want to punish your players for not being precise, but don't deprive them of the chance to fix their mistakes! Invincibility frames would get rid of the rapid drainage and make this game a LOT more fun.
But on the note of damage...

BOSSES: There is a lot that could be improved here. For one, I could never tell which parts of the bosses would do damage and when. Kronos' damage animation seemed to start whenever, so you barely got the chance to hit him when he was open. Necator King was awful, in that the distance between the sword and my hitbox was only a few pixels, so I couldn't get close enough to him to land a hit without taking damage. Gnat Monarch was REALLY annoying because she kept moving around pretty quickly when she was lodged in the ground, and since I couldn't jump over her, I always took damage. This could be fixed if she got stuck in the ground once she plunged. I ended up having to cheese this fight to win. Null was probably the best designed boss, but the instakill issue REALLY shined here--I'd get caught on his little scythes, pulled in, and immediately depleted of my health constantly. Additionally, his windup animation was way too ambiguous. I never knew when he was going to start his attack, and the animation would frequently lag so I'd get hit unexpectedly.

I know that's a lot of specific criticism, but overall, I think this is a solid foundation--there's just a lot of tweaking to do before it becomes a good game! I would love to see this refined, playtested, and turned into something substantial!

The weapon is so low-ranged, that you can get easily damaged by the enemy, if you want to get in range.
The physics is glitchy, you can get easily stuck on a wall when jumping, and you slide down hills.
Boss can change jump direction in midair, which feels really cheap.

Overall this feels like "my first Unity platformer, that I created following the tutorials".

nulledwine responds:

I've followed a few tutorials for past platformers, this is the first one I tried making on my own.

I'll work on the range and physics, thanks.

Edit: Increased range, getting stuck on walls, and boss jumps