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Reviews for "My Unusual Feline Friend 1.0"

I must say, I really enjoyed the game. One bug (I think it's a bug) I did find; is that, during the end of the day scene, along with a few other scenes, it displays the catgirl's name for the dialogue box when it is the human's thoughts/words that are being conveyed. I.e. it displays the catgirl's name when the text box says "And what an anazing creature just walked into my life..." Also there is a typo in that sentence: "anazing" should be "amazing".
Another typo is during the line "*And just as you think that very though...*" "though" should be "thought"
Another typo is during the line "One for literature, one for history, one of hairstyles." "one of hairstyles" should be "one for hairstyles
Another typo is during the line "I am from a different dimension where sex does does exist." "does does" should be "doesn't" or "does not"
Another typo is during the line "There must be some kind of sex where your from. Surely..." "your" should be "you're" or "you are"
Another typo is during the line "But we always use them in private, such as in bed or the shower." "in bed or the shower" should probably be "in the bed or shower" or "in bed or in the shower"
Another typo is during the line "*she chews down on a plump lower lip.*" "a plump lower lip*" should probably be "her plump lower lip*"
In the line "*Her eyes are rolled upwards as she finishes off gulping down the last of your seed.*" I think that the word "off" is out of place, and that the sentence works better without it
Another typo is during the line "What we did today...It was really...exihllerating..." "exihllerating" should be "exhilarating"
Another typo is during the line "Yeah, that porn .. um.. I mean research material belongs to my ...er consins...dog..." "consins" should be "cousin's"
Another typo is during the line "Yesturday was so interesting, I can't wait to see what other sex things there are." "Yesturday" should be "Yesterday"
Another typo is during the line "Your eyes are so beautiful. They'll give whoever you're blowing go crazy." "give" should be "make"
Another typo is during the line "*She cock her head to the side.*" "cock" should be "cocks"
In the line "Because you'd look cute as hell, and it'd feel real good." "it'd feel real good" is awkward. A better phrasing would be "it'd feel really good" or "it would feel really good". it works the way it is, but it is awkward grammar.
Another typo is during the line "*You keep massaging her pussy, her body starting to jerk in rhythm to your motions.*" "her body staring to jerk" should be "her body starts to jerk" or "with her body starting to jerk"
There is a grammar issue during the line "With you in my bed, trust me it's taking all my self-discipline not to take you right now." "bed, trust me it's taking all my" should be "bed, trust me, it's taking all of my"

Please note that I use American English, and consequently, there may be some differences with spelling and grammar when compared to British English.

Also, I can't help but see a resemblance to Pink Tea. Were you inspired by their games, perhaps?

All and all, great game, it is early in development, but it has a lot of potential. I can't wait to see where you go with this.
-Edit: I feel bad for commenting on so many typos, but I hope calling attention to specific ones help

pinkypads responds:

Thanks - I appreciate the help!

Asto why the game's similar Pinktea's is that I AM Pinktea. I'm collaborating with the artist ikemura hiroichi to make some new projects.

This is really good so far, keep up the good work!

Not enough tea

Overall this was a very, very promising visual novel/game. Remember, these are my opinions and I am entitled to how I feel. If you feel differently, that is more than okay.

Let's just start with this - this game has an absolute boatload of potential. It's got a good baseline for a story, it has very approachable/humorous dialogue, a decent mix between text and interaction. Minus a few spelling and grammar issues here and there along with a few oddly placed things in dialogues, it's something that I absolutely enjoyed for both just reading purposes and other purposes. (Of course this is early in productions so smoothing out of dialogue and grammar is sure to come.) The scenes in themselves, as it's not 100% cinematic or dynamic... the subtly of some of the scenes along with minor animation give it one of the best vibes I've felt in a long time. Sometimes too much animation is a thing. This? This hits it just right.

I didn't go ahead and play through all three potential routes, potential as in the game is still in the works and unfinished for those of you just reading this before playing, I only went ahead and did a full love route up to day 2. It was wholesome, I enjoyed it thoroughly. The only reason I didn't test the other potentials is because there's really only two days to test them for right now. I'd much rather come back and do the other two paths when the game reaches full completion - I am most definitely following this through production. However, I'm sure they're as much enjoyable as the love route was. I honestly can't wait for the full finished project to find out for myself.

Only real reason I'm giving this 4.5 of 5 is due to the fact that there are some issues here and there. Some glitches and bugs. That's to be expected though with a game this early in production so there's not too much issue there. But a perfect rating can't go to something that has those things, you catch my drift? Dang close though. It'll just come in time with weeding these things out, more than likely with the help of those master bug hunters out there. Yeah, those guys don't get enough credit. They help out find things deep in some games and tell the devs so normies like me don't have to worry about them in the full release. Take a moment to appreciate any bug hunters you know personally.

That's it for this review though! Again, wonderful game. I'm definitely going to follow this to see how it updates in time. Hopefully when the game is fully completed with a 5 star from me!

pinkypads responds:

Hey there. Thanks for the review .

Yeah, actually the routes have not been implemented yet. So far there are just 4 scenes - we plan to add 2 more next month.

bruh I got the love one