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Reviews for "Broken Game"

Good effort for an 8-bit song! ;)

The beginning sounds a bit harsh. The drum part sounds generic and also really distorts the other instruments. Through a process called equalization, you can make each instrument sound much clearer. The drop at 1:10 is very minimalistic and that instrument sounds very thin and generic. After that, the piece features a short series of variations on the same progression you had earlier in the piece, but instead of building off the original riff the piece sounds like a demo reel for a series of remixes. It’s very disjointed and minimalistic throughout. The piece badly needs more melodic content. The piece ends very suddenly, and the structure simply doesn’t help keep the listener engaged. Sorry this is such a negative review. Let me offer some suggestions: going forward, I’d try to focus on writing a good melody, and then thinking about how that melody interacts with the elements of the piece that you have here (a bassline, drums, etc.). There are a lot of ways to go about writing a good melody, but usually you want it to be something that gets stuck in your head easily. Most melodies have some sort of stepwise component (like E, F#, G or C, D, E), but you also want to avoid writing arpeggios in place of melodic content. When you think you’ve written a piece that has a strong melody, please PM me. I’ll check it out. Good luck, man! ;)


This is a really interesting track! The mixing is a bit chaotic though. at 0:15 the bass suddenly gets heavily compressed. I don't know if you did it on purpose or if the kick just ocmpletely kills everything else. The kick btw is way to bassy. It completely dominates everything in the song, making it really difficult to hear the other elements. When you bost the low-end too much, it just ends up compressing the high-frequencies in the track. Really adivce you to take a complete different approach for the kick, boosting the low-end doesn't make a kick more powerful, it's the high-end of a kick that gives it that pumped up sound. Really difficult to comment on the other aspects of the mix when I barely can hear them, but the hats and especially the claps doesn't really blend that well into the mix.
The tracks get very repetetive after a while as you basically play the same melody over and over with very little variation. There's nothing wrong with repetition in music, but to make it work you either have to have a very intriguing melody, or make tiny variations at times. I also think this track could use som extra elements, as right now you pretty much just have a single bass with percussion over it. Also, as this is a video game track you should also try to have some dynamics in your track. You could have som calm and some energetic parts for example. This contrast is very important in all types of music, but especially in music that's made for games.

You do certainly have an interesting idea going on here, but the mixing isn't of a high standard and I felt like it could really use some more work. Remember to carefully mix your low-end to make sure that your mix doesn't become muddy. I know that this review and score might seem harsh, but rather than feeling angry or discouraged about it I hope you consider my adivce as I did have the exact same problems in terms of mixing and arrangement when I started out, and it took some very harsh reviews from some very skilled musicians to make me improve, and remember, I wouldn't take the time to write a review like this if I didn't want to help. Keep it up :).

FGK2015 responds:

About the mixing, I never focused on the mixing one bit. :P

Variation here was a problem and so was the melody as there either was none or too much (whichever sounds best).

Kind of empty. A strong kick (or any kick as a matter of fact) would really make this track much better. The percussion is not very dynamic; just hats and claps for most of it. You want the track to change up once and a while in terms of what elements are present. The mix can use some work too.

The structure of the track needs improvement and the sound design isn't great. DJ-DG said it doesn't seem 8 bit enough. In a sense he is kind of right. The track doesn't really maintain a style, so it sounds like a bunch of sounds basically.

Keep it up, you will get better.

Good stuff, sounds somewhat retro... but the leads don't sound 8-bit enough... more bitcrusher perhaps? Also the drums aren't very clear in the mix and it would be good if they stood out a bit more. Moreover the song seems a bit repetitive and kinda lacks depth in places (like at the 2-minute mark or so, maybe a bit of reverb will clear the emptiness?). Still good to hear!